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Oh God Why?!

Guest Jackie_Boi

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Guest Jackie_Boi

Ok. This is basically me venting out right now. I just went through one of the most bizarre experinces online. I was happily chatting with my friends on AIM, when all of a sudden I get this message from someone. I accept it and they say that they obtained my aim sn from AFF. Ok, fair enough. So we chat. I'm thinking to myself, "Wow, this is cool, this person must like one of my fics!" Strangely, she hadn't read any of my stories, so that left me wondering why would she send me a IM. I'm soon answered with a question which was, "Do you RP?"

Now, I know what RPing is, but I never had done it prior to this. So, I decided to join her, mostly cos I was curious, but also because she fricken begged me. What could a few moments of RPing hurt? Alot apparently... This chick...wanted to RP with me as Charles Lee Ray...yes, fricken Chucky and she was to be some OFC named Kyria that would fall in love with him or something, however, Charles is still human at this point. This should of been the red flag for me to step back and say, "No, no, sorry, this ain't for me", but NOO, I had to do it (mind you, I'm thinkin this chick is like an all-star fanfiction writer *she said to view us RPing as writing a fanfiction, but with another person*, so I was a tad intimidated for some reason).

So we begin...well she begins with the line:

::kyria is curled up, in rags, in a box, in a alley. the night is cold and shes shivering like crazy::

So I'm like "O_O..ok..." I continue, adding some detail to WHY he was in the alley and whatnot and explain that he is walking down the alley and sees the box and w/e. She replies to that with a:

::Kyria is in the box. She is shivering::

So at this point (only the THRID line) I'm like, "Ok, this chick is either underage or just plain stupid" I continue it and she replies with the same one liners that don't explain anything at all. I finally breakdown and ask her nicely to explain more of Kyria's feelings so that I had more to work with. The one liners basically consisted of Kyria is shivering, or Kyria is scared or that shes shy.

This fricken chick then drops a bombshell. Telling me she has a mental illness that limits her "thinking" or something. Then she reveals a myriad of different mental illnesses. So, I sorta laugh it off and reply: I'm not sure if I believe if you have a mental illness, but, you're going to make Kyria less 2 dimensional. I can't work with a character I don't know anything about, espically if she has a backstory in which you expect me to follow, although I know nothing about.

I recall explaining how Charles' teeth were yell with the line "Charles smiled brightly...well, as bright as his yellow teeth would allow" She corrects me by saying that his teeth wouldn't be yellow because he's too sexy for that. She continues further on saying that his coat wasn't leather that it was some other fabric (I explained that his coat was leather earlier in the "RP")

This was when I basically cut it off, and that was basically when she went off. She was acting pretty strange, saying how much she hates herself and how she wants to kill herself. Looking at what she said about her mental problems, I was a tad worried, thinking "Oh shit, this chick might actually kill herself. I'm trying my best to be nice and explain that this "RP" was no longer a joint project, it was just basically me bringing her ideas to life, ideas I wasn't interested in exploring. She then goes on to say someone called her a stalker once, so I just leave and stopped talking to her.

That was really strange...I may decide to share the whole conversation *screen names would prolly be altered* to anyone who wants to see it (cos I sorta fast forward alot so that this already lengthly post would be sparred more of my rantings)

I don't know if that was strange to you, but, it sure was a weird experince for me sad.gif

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Guest Melody Fate

This is one of the reasons why I'm rarely on AIM. Too many freaks have contacted me and wanted to play weird games.

She might have been mentally ill. She might have just been crazy. But, I smell bullshit. She was able to explain how she wanted to role play, able to argue with you about things, but suddenly she's helpless when it comes to description? Clearly she wanted something to happen, didn't want to tell you what it was, but wanted you to figure it out by osmosis. When you weren't able to figure it out, she gave this "I've got problems!" game, in order to bluff her way out of it.

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That does sound a bit freaky, but I'm with Melody on this. I think it's bull. Things weren't going the way she wanted and she pulled out some drastic (and if untrue) somewhat tasteless story about being mentally ill and suicidal. Seems like nothing's changed. AOL was like that 10 or 12 yrs ago. Couldn't cancel my account fast enough.

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Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

Ugh... That's one of the reasons I stopped going to chatrooms and stopped RPing (along with the fact that I'm no longer in contact with a lot of the people I RP'd with.) Just o many crazy people on the internet. They like to spill these oh so pitiful stories of woe at you and mmore the a few will tell you they're in love with you, that their schitzo, their mothers beat them, father's rape the, their sent to earht by god to save us all, control demons, are evil, and all that jazz.

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Guest Jackie_Boi
She prolly thot you were a boi, too.

hehe. I AM a boy tongue.gif.

Anyway, I agree with everything you guys said. I think that's why I didn't believe her at first, so I kinda like, brushed it off, but then she started talking crazy which got me worried. I remember she got really mad when I said that Charles Lee Ray wasn't sexy to me, that he was infact, pretty creepy. She was like saying that I hurt her feelings or whatever. dry.gif She also said that she had been RPing for at least 6 years, altho, her skills didn't reflect that so called experince. It was sorta humorous tho how she was trying to like put a guilt trip on me, saying that it took her ages to find a person to RP with and such. But, I can guess why no one wants to RP with her...teh chick is outta her mind!

Thanks guys for listening tho biggrin.gif. I'm glad SOMEONE understands what I went thru.

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its people like that which give the rest of us nutters a bad name.

it's the reason i get on AIM as often as i'd like and now have an MSN account.

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Guest lightgoddess

This freak may have been the same one that sent me an email asking if I RP'd. blink.gif Of course, it could have been someone else, too, but I sent a reply and haven't heard anything else from them. lol Oh, well. It's a shame that psycho's like her have access to a computer. lol

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Guest Serenanna

See, this is why I only RP with safe things, like RPOL.net, and dice. DnD has a way of seperating the serious players from the crazies, probably because it involves numbers.

Ironically, I got asked over IM by some girl wanting to do Inu Yasha RP, twice , and whom I turned down, twice. Reading your tale made me wonder if it's the same girl or not. But since I never thought twice about saying hell no, I never found out.


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Just for the record, she came after me too. MiniImuChan or some such? possible vampire avy? Yeah, got the same offer to RP. Told her I only do the Sword and sorcery bits, and even then only with my friends. Which can get somewhat interesting.

Did you know the best way to throw a succubus of her stride is for some one approach her who actually wants to fuck her? And just gets turned on when she talks dirty. biggrin.gif

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the closest I ever got to chat, let alone RPing was watching my husband play backgammon online. It's too bad that you can't really see the person you're chatting with. It would save all this conjecture.

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Guest Jackie_Boi
This is exactly why I don't give out my MSN messnger handle here on AFF. They have my e-mail, so they can just send me one. And I can delete it if they sound like a fruit cake.

Yeah, that's why I took my aim handle off my profile now. Altho, I think for the most part I'm safe.

Just for the record, she came after me too. MiniImuChan or some such? possible vampire avy? Yeah, got the same offer to RP. Told her I only do the Sword and sorcery bits, and even then only with my friends. Which can get somewhat interesting.

O_O YEAH! That's her. Did she ever meantion the mental problems? Or did she basically not speak anymore after you turned her down? WHY couldn't I just turn her down? ESPICALLY when she said she wanted to do a Chucky RP...minus the killing doll.

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Guest Serenanna


Fucking shit, that was the same girl that offered to RP with me too! I remember that AIM name cause I blocked her!! She was that psycho?!

. . .

. . .

Damn, am I ever glad I turned her down. She must be hitting up anyone that puts their screename in their profile . . .

. . .

. . . Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe we have a stalker. Duh, duh, duh!


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Guest Jackie_Boi
Fucking shit, that was the same girl that offered to RP with me too! I remember that AIM name cause I blocked her!! She was that psycho?!

LMAO!! Ok! Now this this topic has SOME point biggrin.gif. Her sn is Mini Inu Chan for those who see that name pop up on aim. DON'T anwser it! hehe.

dry.gif It's a shame that we have to be cautious about putting our handles on our profiles, in fear of getting some freak stalking us.

EDIT: Also, I recall her saying that she get's into contact with anyone who takes interest in anime. I remember trying to tell her to get into contact with people who are interested in Chucky, because just searching for people who like anime limits her choices =/. So, if you have anything anime related on ur profile and you have anyway for readers to contact you...watch out. She isn't exactly picky about that either. I have NO anime fanfics, but i did have a InuYasha icon and I'm guessing that's why she contacted me.

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*chuckles* Makes me glad I didn't get into RP-ing with this girl who contacted me thru yahoo messenger. Mind you, I'm seldom on messenger, so it was weird when she IM-ed me out of the blue. I think she remembers me back when I was an InuYasha writer. I haven't really been seriously active in the fandom for quite awhile now, nearly a year. So it was odd.

Glad I don't use AIM.

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Guest DarkAvenger

o_0 psychos on the loose... oh how fun! *cough* NOT

I gave up RPing when I had my own RP and everyone who joined was completely NOT serious about it and me and one other person were the only ones writing anything. Kinda hard to have a whole InuYasha RP with only 2 cast members giving a shit, lol.

Blee, I took all my messenger handles off of my profiles after people kept begging me to write in fandoms I either know nothing about or hate or about pairings that 100% squick me. *shudder*

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Guest Jackie_Boi
Blee, I took all my messenger handles off of my profiles after people kept begging me to write in fandoms I either know nothing about or hate or about pairings that 100% squick me. *shudder*

>_< But it SHOULDN'T be that way! Sometimes I like to chat with my readers...I've actually made a few good online buds from sharing that handle. But, now I don't want any freak sending me messages, so now I have to be careful...

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I use a Yahoo! account for fanfiction purposes, and fanfiction only. My personal friends and family don't have that address, except for my sister and a few of my friends who actually read my fics because they love my storytelling abilities. Even then, they respect my rule and don't contact me through Yahoo!.

Nearly all of my friends and family members have a Hotmail account. This is why I use a Hotmail account to keep in touch with them. I used to have AIM at one point, but I rarely used it and ended up deleting it. Never did stick around long enough to discover the psychos.

As for Messenger, I rarely appear online. When I chat, it's only with people I'm sure I can trust, even if I don't know them in person. For example, if someone from this forum decided to add me and chat, I'd be OK with it, because I'm relatively familiar with you guys now, and I'm sure you're sane and won't try to stalk or harass me.

I've never been into RPing. I write stories, I act in plays often, but I never developed a taste for role-playing online. Odd, but true. Even then, I couldn't be roped into RPing or collaborating on a fic with someone unless I've seen their work before on a public site. Beta-ing is different - I'd do that for nearly anyone in my smaller fandoms, because there's such a small number of people available and I like to help others.

Really, the only time I've encountered a problem was when I started receiving hate mail for one of my fics. Something about Jesus hating me and burning in hell because I'm a sick freak who needs to see a shrink. Oh, well. I deleted the account because blocking didn't work with this person. I'm opening the new account soon and Yahoo! has been alerted of the problem and will try to trace the sender next time.

I adhere to Internet safety rules pretty strongly. I end up doing a good job remembering them because I have a 12-year-old sister and it's my job to make sure she's safe online. The best way to do that is to set an example and hope she follows it.

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>_< But it SHOULDN'T be that way! Sometimes I like to chat with my readers...I've actually made a few good online buds from sharing that handle. But, now I don't want any freak sending me messages, so now I have to be careful...

Have you considered joining livejournal? They have a lot of communities for fanfiction out there and it's actually quite a nice set-up with the comments and all. You can actually reply to your reviews and readers. Believe me, I write for a very small fandom right now and have generated a small fanbase because of posting on an lj community. It's been making it a lot less frustrating to write for such a small fandom and otherwise not get many reviews.

I know, so off-topic. Sorry....

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Guest Melody Fate
>_< But it SHOULDN'T be that way! Sometimes I like to chat with my readers...I've actually made a few good online buds from sharing that handle. But, now I don't want any freak sending me messages, so now I have to be careful...

Isn't it pretty easy to block someone from being able to message you? That being the case, couldn't you still "advertise" your SN, but be prepared to hit the "I can't see you" button?

My little trick used to be going, "Oh, I'm sorry, I have to go!" and then making myself "invisible" to them. Of course, they might have multiple screen names, but I've only once had someone track me down with a different name.

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Ugh this keeps happening to Me also. I think people should have at least enough courtesy to ask Me before adding Me onto the contact list. Otherwise they just seem like a pain in the ass.

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Guest Serenanna

>.> Melody's method is exactly how I got rid of the psycho stalkerette. It's painless, harmless, and unless they do stalk you with another SN, they're non-the-wiser.

Sere, who's gotten rid of a few people that way (don't ask . . .)

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Guest DarkAvenger
>.> Melody's method is exactly how I got rid of the psycho stalkerette. It's painless, harmless, and unless they do stalk you with another SN, they're non-the-wiser.

Sere, who's gotten rid of a few people that way (don't ask . . .)

Haha, me too. In fact, blocking has become something I do frequently these days. *shakes head* People are still getting my address from somewhere or other and they all tend to be people who just want to scream at me for some reason or other. o_0

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Ugh, I did RPing for almost three years. Had some good experiences, some were absolutely the shittiest things I've ever seen. I got into a number of relationships, had some buddies online. You wouldn't believe how many boys/girls will kill themselves if you break up with them dry.gif One night I had three guys threaten to kill themselves if I didn't stay online for another hour longer, and because you can't see them, you're not absolutely certain if they will do it.

That's why I don't do the whole messenger thingy, along with the fact that someone sent me a virus in a PM and my computer died mad.gif

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Guest Jackie_Boi
Have you considered joining livejournal? They have a lot of communities for fanfiction out there and it's actually quite a nice set-up with the comments and all. You can actually reply to your reviews and readers. Believe me, I write for a very small fandom right now and have generated a small fanbase because of posting on an lj community. It's been making it a lot less frustrating to write for such a small fandom and otherwise not get many reviews.

I have a LiveJournal, but I haven't used it for fanfiction writing. I've been planning to, but never got around to it. Oh, and it wasn't off topic either biggrin.gif! Thanks!

As for the other comments, I know about the blocking and all that stuff, I was just saying that you shouldn't even have to take those actions.

You wouldn't believe how many boys/girls will kill themselves if you break up with them dry.gif

I had an online relationship...long story about how that one ended. Basically I could sum it up by saying...they weren't who they said they were. That's why I stay away from that sort of thing now. I mostly just chat to meet new people.

My little trick used to be going, "Oh, I'm sorry, I have to go!" and then making myself "invisible" to them

Yeah, I used to do the same thing with Yahoo messager. However, now, I only use AIM and sometimes msn. With aim, you can't go invisible and there's something wrong with mine cos for some odd reason I can't block. Perhaps it's cos I have an older verison of aim... meh, I dunno, but, I haven't had too many problems. It was just that one chick.

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