LaylaStarCobain Posted July 13, 2010 Report Posted July 13, 2010 Hi all! I've decided to explore a diferent pairing from my usual Draco/Harry, and I thought I'd try Hermione/Draco. The problem is I am very fon d of my pairing and it's going to be difficult to read something else so I want a reaaalllyy good story, so, no OCC, no AU, I want a story with realistic Hermione and Draco. Please help me! What's the best Draco/hermione story you've ever read? Quote
TheBlackStrawberry Posted July 13, 2010 Report Posted July 13, 2010 The only good one I read, and the only one actually is Draco Malfoy, the Amazing Bouncing... Rat? by Maya (if you don't have the file, I could send it to you, just p.m your email) Quote
RogueMudblood Posted July 13, 2010 Report Posted July 13, 2010 If you are dead set on that "no AU" bit, then I don't know if I can help you much. Most D/Hr is AU by definition (they never would have been together). But, the best I ever read was The Crimson Jess. It's a darkfic, but I like Draco better that way. (Fluffy Draco is too AU for me.) I'm currently reading Get Too Close (WIP). I also liked The Beggar Thief And though it's not a Dramione: Spinster I know there's a ton of stuff to sift through if you go to the cat, but there are some other sites you may want to try also: Granger Enchanted: Malfoy Manor It's Always the Quiet Ones (D/Hr) FFNet D/Hr (Completed) search (AKA The Pit of Voles) One Tree Hill Dramione Not knowing what kind of Draco you like makes it hard for me to give you recs - are there any Draco types you abhor? And, since you like D/H, may I suggest The Problem with Purity (DM/HP, SS/HG) Quote
WesleyY7 Posted July 13, 2010 Report Posted July 13, 2010 A lot of the best Draco/Hermione stories are archived on D/Hr sites where you have to be a member or on Live Journal communities that you have to join. So, I would have to say the best Draco/Hermione nonAU/OC that I would recommend (and you'd have access) would be... A Kingdom By the Sea - This was written by Sage, who converted by to the ship. (Most of her stories are in those sites I mentioned.) This was written for the Draco Big Bang. Draco has been hexed and is slowly losing his memory and Hermione helps to find the cure to the spell. It's Canon through DH, but doesn't touch the epilogue. Draco is amazing in this and his memories of his childhood are both sweet and sad. The Redemption of Draco Malfoy - A back and forth about Draco during the events of Deathly Hallows and how he copes with the events after the book (minus the epilogue). Draco's journey is excellent and this totally fits in with canon. A few others I like venture into AU territory (dealing with the war/written before DH/etc.), so I'll just leave you with these two now. D/Hr have become my main ship (out of oh so many) so if you want any more recs, give me a theme! I hope you like these two! P.S. Draco the Amazing Bouncing..Rat is funny, but terribly AU as it was written before book 6 came out. Quote
WesleyY7 Posted July 13, 2010 Report Posted July 13, 2010 LaylaStarCobain said: Yeah, you're right. I guess what I meant with "no AU" was no complete alternative realities like a non magical world or something like that. A fluffy Draco would definately make me dislike the story. I want a Draco that resembles cannon as much as possible, snaky, inmature and prejudiced (obviously he can change through out the story, but in a realistic way). Even a bad boy or a dark or a sex god Draco would be great... just as long as he keeps his edge that's fine. Great! Then I can add a few more fantastic stories to my list. Claiming Hermione - AU in that it was written before DH. Seventh year, lots of really emotional and sexy stuff, Draco goes through a lot of changes in this, but he's still snarky as ever. A wip, but 31 chapters of very well written story. South of Stockholm - Here's the summary from the story: Draco Malfoy's loyalties have always been to himself, and his concern for his own safety is paramount, but when the war ends with Potter's death and Voldemort controls Hogwarts castle, Hermione Granger finds herself under Draco's protection. A Gryffindor needs to play a Slytherin's game in order to save herself and each other. Very dark, but really, really good!! In the Darkness All Cats Are Grey This author has written a lot of good stories, but his is my favorite. I don't want to say too much to spoil, but it's captivating and sexy and Draco is a selfish and snarky. Tear You Apart The summary says it all. Draco Malfoy is a bad boy. Draco Malfoy has a bad crush. Draco Malfoy is about to do some very bad things.. Head the warnings! Seven Times - This starts out with Hermione being tortured by Bellatrix in Malfoy Manor then veers away from canon. Set during the war, very gritty. The title refers to the seven times Draco has touched Hermione. Our duo is great in this as are Harry, Ron, Blaise, and Goyle. These are all pretty dark and serious. Didn't realize my tastes ran that way. Maybe I should search for some humorous ones. Quote
RogueMudblood Posted July 13, 2010 Report Posted July 13, 2010 Okay, here's an eternal WIP (sorry, but I really liked this one): The God of the Lost And a completed (but AU) fic (Draco's a Veela - I don't usually like them, but this one he's vicious): Moonlit Ritual For a tip: stay away from the Veela fics. Draco always turns into a sap by the third chapter (exception of the above and one or two others that are too poorly written for me to rec to anyone to read them - if it makes my eyes bleed, I'm not going to ask anyone else to endure it.) And, stay away from MLC (Marriage Law Challenge) fics - this was a WIKTT thing, then leaked into "Hermione becomes the HP Mary Sue". One exception for Draco: From the Ashes - I have not finished reading this, so it may get fluffy - but where I stopped he was still a berk. My personal fav by AkashaTheKitty was Master - dark, twisted Draco who does something...nice? (sorta) Darkfic, character death: Obsession Is Quote
RogueMudblood Posted July 13, 2010 Report Posted July 13, 2010 WesleyY7 said: These are all pretty dark and serious. Didn't realize my tastes ran that way. Maybe I should search for some humorous ones. Nah. You do and you'll end up with .... How to Woo a Witch, Cruel and Unusual Punishment (great title...fluff fic), Playing the Cad and the like. Great for some people, but if you like the darker side, you'll end up looking like Sylvester in the cartoons where he's had castor oil. Although, I did like Fat and Sweat and Squishy Noises - but there's no Draco in it. It's just funny. Quote
Rain7777 Posted July 16, 2010 Report Posted July 16, 2010 I know its not a done thing for one to push their own stories but it's not very often I really get to do so. (Or am brave enough to speak up.) My fic starts based around Hermione and Draco in their Seventh year where the Carrows teach class, Harry and Ron are on a horcrux hunt, (leaving Hermione behind for her own safety,) and Hermione and Draco are Head boy and girl. Part One is a lot lighter than part two and Draco is his usual immature, Malfoy self, tormenting Hermione. However as times get tough the two are thrown together a lot more and something rises between them, though not necessarily typical fluffy stuff. Part Two is a lot darker but I don't want to give away any surprises. I also don't wana seem jumped up my own ass by suggesting my fic, it's just not very often I get on the forum and find people requesting Dramione. Hope I haven't offended or annoyed anyone I'll go away and hide now lol Hope whatever you read you enjoy. Welcome to the world of Dramione... Hereth begins the addiction Quote
RogueMudblood Posted July 16, 2010 Report Posted July 16, 2010 (edited) unitedgravedigger said: i pretty much only read dramione and here is my author page where i have all the stories i have read and liked that were dramione at the bottom I took the liberty of scanning this to give you links, since there aren't any on the above page. Wildcatcdc no longer has any posted stories here. LJ is friend only. Feel free to proceed as desired there. Hogwarts Maelstrom by ReiRei 52 Ways to Please Your Partner by Eminite A Liscentious Proposition has changed author names. It is now willow faerie (users here can change screen names at will) The Two Way Mirror by Magzie Heart and Soul by Tassana Burfoot and its sequel In-Laws The Fool, the Emperor and the Hanged Man by ianthewaiting A Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy and Questions of Science by Countess of Abe (was Ansellaemm) Clubs, Conventions and Caresses by luvhp kerri240897 no longer has a post titled "Tainted Love" (but is the author of WeasleyY7's rec of "Seven Times" above) The portrait to my soul by DesireeB Repercussions by princesspeach Lady Lynn's fics Cassandra D's fics Breathe Out, So I Can Breathe You In by WritingInTheDarkness Contrast by TomFeltonIsKindaHot Circle of Love by juls Escape to Love by Saffron Restless by T Stevenson Evil Kingdom Rising by Guard Geek After Midnight by Gryffindorclutz Glowing Ember's fics You Raise Me Up by DragonFyre The Hunt by Lexy Malfoy A Summer Holiday by TwistOfLime Their Greatest Mistake by suzan_bones donovanwitch's fics bubblegumdego no longer has any fics posted - no homepage to try to find them SkanG is no longer a user name on the site Lessons and Obsessions by LennaNightrunner Unleash the Beast by JayDee temptressineden's fics Thanks for the list, ace. I have to read some of these now... For those who would like to know how to put links in your profile (so you can just click instead of having to go through the three steps of search every time you want to read a favorite story), you may go here and read DemonGodess061's FAQ. (The benefit of linking is that if the author changes their user name and you don't come back to the site for ... say ... three weeks? You've got the link - their ID number isn't going to change just because their screen name does.) --That's no longer useful under the new profile code Rain7777 said: I know its not a done thing for one to push their own stories but it's not very often I really get to do so. (Or am brave enough to speak up.) Love, there's a whole forum for this! Nobody minds. Edited February 4, 2012 by RogueMudblood Quote
Rain7777 Posted July 18, 2010 Report Posted July 18, 2010 Quote Love, there's a whole forum for this! Nobody minds. Phew! I'm glad you said that. I don't want anyone thinking I'm big headed or anything like that. I genuinely get really nervous on forums because I've read so many negative comments on them before about people pushing their work. But thanks for being so supportive of it Also I agree with Unitedgravedigger maelstrom by Rei Rei is great Quote
angelkitty7888 Posted August 8, 2010 Report Posted August 8, 2010 i hate suggesting an eternal WIP as well (love the phrase by the way) but the first chapter of this could stand alone (if you don't want to torture yourself by the fact that you're never going to get the ending) i found it very in character not to mention amazingly hot... and well thought out... only thing the author wrote though... Breakdown by Cambria "I hate you Granger." That was it? That was it, but it didn't sound like he hated her. If the phrase he just said would have been 'I love you' it would have sounded just as natural. -edited- Lemon for a really funny OOC but not AU i would suggest King of the Pick Up Artists Nominated at Quill to Parchment. Draco and his friends make a bet: They have to get a girl to have sex with them using only cheesy pick up lines. Will Hermione shoot Draco down...or give him a taste of his own medicine? one-shot Quote
cskr2879 Posted August 9, 2010 Report Posted August 9, 2010 I don't know if anyone has heard of it or maybe my over-active imagination is thinking things up but I believe I read a dramione story somewhere where draco was possibly a veela or vampire or some sort of creature. I know hermione was his mate and he was going to fight for the light side or something like that, you know to be a spy. The one thing that sticks out is the death eater initiation where they had to send away his father, I dont remember why. During it, they tortured him and raped him, at least I think. It was supposed to be part of the ceremony. He may have been a tad ooc where hermione was concerned. Does anyone remember reading that? It wasnt one of those glaringly obvious veela fics either where they tell u in the summary that he's a veela. Quote
Guest Karen Posted December 4, 2010 Report Posted December 4, 2010 well i have a few in mind There are a couple of lists as well... To start with i would like to list the ones that are newly updated ,still going on (*the ones i highly recommend)= *A Blank Page is Too Much To Ask For » by PorcelainSmile14 Elusive Awakenings » by Wild Hope *Stolen » by Elsie girl ( And here are the ones that are completed = *Eight and Eighth » by Marmalade Fever ( Destined to Love » by xxxxcrazychickxxxx ( * Promise Me Love » by JodieLove ( Bitter Sweet Love » by xxxxcrazychickxxxx( Magnetic Attraction » by ellamalfoy8 ( Quote
Guest adriana Posted August 26, 2011 Report Posted August 26, 2011 Catalyst - Chrystal Slara - "I seem to remember telling you that I "liked blokes" yet I don't seem to remember me telling you that I stopped liking women as well." HPHGDM...SMUTSEX, Threesome, DH Compatable, not Epilouge this is a sory with HG/DM/HP I THINK IT WILL BE A GOOD IN BETWEEN Quote
MuggleAngel Posted August 27, 2011 Report Posted August 27, 2011 (edited) By far my fave Dramione is Bigger Than us, by TXWitchywoman and is posted on The author use to post on AFF, but doesn't any longer... It begins at Hogwarts during the author's version of the final battle. Showing Draco fighting on the good side and realizing his father was wrong about a lot of things. I personally think it shows him growing in a realistic way for his character, but you may think otherwise... It is 50 chapters long and shows the progress of Draco and Hermione's relationship over 50-years. I won't go too far into it it, but trust me it's worth reading at least once all the way through! The link is below and should get you there no problem. http://www.fanfictio.../Bigger_Than_Us Edited August 27, 2011 by MuggleAngel Quote
Guest iamsher Posted October 31, 2011 Report Posted October 31, 2011 http://hp.adultfanfi...hp?no=544171043 Pansy's Volcano. This is an epic that has been going on for several years. I just thought of it last week, which is how I came here to see if there was an update (there isn't). I wish I still had the author's email address because I would definitely send her a message asking for an update. By far, it is one of my favourite DM/HG pairing fanfics. Quote
Guest calillium Posted November 5, 2011 Report Posted November 5, 2011 Some pretty good ones: We Learned the Sea http://www.fanfictio...ed_b_the_bSea_b Covered in Crimson http://www.fanfictio...b_in_bCrimson_b The Boy in the Hammock http://www.fanfictio..._the_bHammock_b (this one's a bit fluffy at the end but oh well) Harry Potter and the Fight for the Malfoy Empire (WIP, but so good!) The Dragon's Bride Quote
RogueMudblood Posted February 4, 2012 Report Posted February 4, 2012 On 2/4/2012 at 12:55 AM, unitedgravedigger said: RogueMudblood ty ty for posting all of those links from my profile now with the new update i seem to have lost hte only place i had any of the author's names listed and was worried i had lost most of the names until i remembered that they were posted here You are more than welcome hun! Quote
RogueMudblood Posted February 4, 2012 Report Posted February 4, 2012 Oh And FYI - TemptressinEden was a duplicate user, so the profiles were merged - the new User ID is Quote
Guest PaleGrace Posted May 8, 2013 Report Posted May 8, 2013 Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse by Rizzle ( )[wip but it is so well right and in character that I don't care it's unfinished]Summary: After Voldemort, there was this. The clock is ticking to create a cure to the unimaginable horror that currently grips the world. Hermione finds herself unwillingly allied with the most hated man in Wizarding Britain. Quote
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