Guest Pink Lace Posted July 30, 2006 Report Posted July 30, 2006 I'd like to heards your thoughts on Final Fantasy pairings that you like/dislike. Please be polite. Everything we say about these are opinions anyway. Sephiroth x anyone - he is sexy but we know next to nothing about his sexuality. He has no canon pairing so we don't even know if he is gay, het or bi. The whole Jenova/insanity thing makes writing fics even more difficult. Aerith x Cloud x Tifa - I'm sick of the whole love triangle thing but it *is* canon so I don't disapprove exactly. I'm just a bit bored of it. Reno x everyone - erm how come Reno is almost always portrayed as a slut of some sort who is getting in bed with everyone? Does he even have any pairing in canon? Yuna x Tidus - I used to not find Yuna sexy but FX-2 is out and she looks sexier so now I like this pairing better. Tidus is so unsexy though, I personally don't like him. Yuna x Seymour - *giggles* It has BDSM possibilities and whatnot. I like it. My final fantasy fics are all Sephiroth x Aeris/ Aerith so far: Quote
ZombieDuke Posted July 31, 2006 Report Posted July 31, 2006 Sephiroth x Cloud - I've been in love with these two since I first played the game waaaay back when it first came out. That and I watched the english version of Advent Children and the way Seph said: "Good to see you, Cloud" followed by a smirk, was just pure yaoi! Cloud x every male character in the game - Because Square was crule and created too many guys. Shadow x Sabin - Who else wouldn't mind seeing Sabin tied up, eh? Setzer x Gau - Gau as a pet. 'nuff said. Seifer x Squall - There's just something about them. Kuja x Zidane - Tails! They both have tails! Also, Kuja is hot Quote
Guest Evil_Labs Posted July 31, 2006 Report Posted July 31, 2006 I've always liked the Cloud and Aerith dynamic. A lot of the canon couples really aren't that bad at all. I can say for sure that Reno has no official canon pairing. Elena liked Tseng, who had a thing for Aerith, while Rude liked Tifa (this is all spelled out in the game, though they never act on it, really). Cid had Shera, while Yuffie, Red, Barret, Rufus, Scarlet, Palmer, and Cait Sith/Reeve never had official pair ups. Of course, Tifa and Aerith both liked Cloud, and Aerith had the former boyfriend thing in Zack. Her death left Cloud with only her to choose, if he ever did go into a romantic relationship, but that's never resolved in any of the supplements or games (I think they never have an official resolution to reinforce the fact that the game gave you a choice between the girls). Vincent was stuck on Lucrecia, who apparently had something with Hojo. Anyhow, that's the canon for FF VII. VIII had Squall and Rinoa, but there were always hints of Squall with Quistis at the beginning, though that dried up unfortunately. Irvine and Selphie are canonical as well, as is Cid and Edea. Zell had the pig-tailed girl (who he was eating hot dogs with at the end), while Seifer was hanging out with Raijin and Fuujin (hot) in the end, just like he had at the beginning. Seifer had Rinoa as a girlfriend first, but she and Squall developed a deeper love, so he was sort of supplanted. Going batshit insane didn't help, either. Laguna liked Julia, who married the President of Galbadia after Laguna disappeared, and Laguna eventually married Raine, and they had Squall (Ellone has no official relationship with anyone, also). The Moombas and Odin did not have any official snogging opportunities, either. IX was Garnet and Jitan the whole way, basically. Steiner fell in love with Beatrix (also hot) and Freya (strangely hot) was searching for her erstwhile boyfriend, Fratly (Michael Flately >.>). Amarant hung around with Lien, and Quina Quan was an asexual blob. Vivi is bloody confusing, because apparently there's a dozen of him at the end of the game, so one wonders just whats beneath those robes. Eiko was too young to have a real relationship, though she definitely had a crush of epic proportions on Jitan. Queen Brahne I don't want to consider. Kuja had girl-hips, but he was a cool character. He has no canon pairing aside from his pursuit (unsuccessful) of Garnet. X was Tidus and Yuna. Except for Wakka and Lulu, everyone else gets shafted, sorry. No sex for you! XI is an MMO. However, it should be pointed out that Zeid is cool, and Lion is basically Rikku. Plus, it has cat girls. XII and XIII we'll wait and see, I guess. I-VI would be Big Samurai's bag, since I haven't been able to play through most of them yet. As for pairings I personally like or have issues with: Cloud and Aerith, obviously. Vincent and Yuffie is a popular fan pairing, or used to be, and can be fun to read, though the dynamics of it are mind-boggling to me. After game or in game Sephiroth with anyone... You're really snogging a several thousand year old calamity from the skies. Plus, he seems a bit too hung up on psychotic revenge to really have relationships. Pre-Nibelheim, I think he'd be very interesting to pair up with OCs (most of the characters are elsewhere accounted for before hand, or too young). I can honestly say I have never seen a Barret-centric fic. Reeve and Scarlet I could see in a genuine love-hate relationship, which is very rare and hard to do, but they have the conditions for it, I think. Besides, that locker room at the Shin-Ra HQ was deserted, someone needs to make use of it, non? Red apparently had kids. God only knows how (being the last of his species and all). Zack and Aerith annoys me only in the capacity that people assume they're snogging in the afterlife. I find it very unlikely. However, it is more doable than a lot of other stuff I've seen. Tseng and Aerith is very interesting, but very hard to coordinate and pull off, when you have a corporate super-evil hanging over your shoulder. However, she does say a few nice words for him and he is stated to like her, and does give her a little help here and there, which does perhaps leave the door open for a bit more. I'm not a fan of Cloud and Tifa personally, but their relationship would work quite well, I think. Squall and Rinoa is canon, and I can tolerate it to a certain extent, but it comes across as very bland, generally. Irvine and Selphie would be a much more interesting couple to think about. Zell could have about any relationship with the pig-tailed girl; she's basically a blank slate waiting for ink. She could be cute and waify, demure, aggressive once she gets past her shyness, or a closet psychotic dominatrix. Jitan and Garnet are canon, Steiner and Beatrix are canon, and Brahne and her dinner are canon. Freya and Fratly fall under that heading, too. They laid out most of the relationships in IX pretty clearly, but Amarant, Lien, Vivi, people like those still have a lot of freedom. I prefer Jitan and Garnet, and Steiner and Beatrix definitely has potential, but I haven't seen many stories for them. Freya has always been interesting to me, but a lot of stuff about her is plain weird. o.O Again, anything involved Quina... is wrong. Kuja, well, he can have just about any girl he wants, but he mainly seems interested in Garnet. I just can't see her willingly returning any feelings. Mikoto was cute, though. Maybe they'd be a good hook up. I've always personally kind of liked Auron and Rikku, though this seems mismatched at first. Still, he seems like he would pick on her until she started teasing -him- about it and things developed further. Problem: He's 28ish, she's 16ish. Come back from the Farplane in a couple years, chief (though in Japan, 16 is a-ok). Wakka annoys the fuck out of me because of his accent in English. Lulu, go snog Auron for some real man. Their relationship definitely would have an interesting current. I can't say anything about X-2, because I haven't played it. So yeah, personal favorites include Cloud and Aerith, Irvine and Selphie, Steiner and Beatrix, Auron and Rikku, and Reno... in my own head, I have a crossover pairing of Reno and Fuujin. I must explore it further (she's very authoritarian and he's a total slob.. almost cliche, but... I think it can be done wonderfully). Not being a fan of yaoi, I can't say much about those, but the Turks work really well for it, and Sephiroth was in the army, along with several other bishounen. I should point out I haven't mentioned Seymour, either. That's because he is a freakish thing, and he deserves Quina. But really, I just don't care for him. Offically he just had a thing for Yuna, who I think was creeped out by the glowing forehead veins thing. For cross overs, you have lots of options with VII because the Lifestream could probably hurl souls all over the place. VIII had space travel for reaching other worlds, and IX had portals between Terra and Gaia as well. X had some weird dimensional warping, too, though it may have been more mental than physical (Tidus going between the past and present, but that's all very complex, since it was all dreams and memories of the dead.. o.O). Well, that's a lot more than I intended to write, but those are my favorites and a quick rundown on the canon relationships I can think of off the top of my head. Quote
Guest Big Samurai Posted July 31, 2006 Report Posted July 31, 2006 As Evil Labs has suggested, I can provide a quick look at the NES and SNES divisions of the series, but I can also give the PS1 and PS2 divisions a nod. I. The fact that the four Light Warriors are all characters who have no story means carte blanche for any 'ficcer. The pairings can range from Fighter / Princess Sara to Black Mage / White Mage. (This does not include 'fic for the 8-Bit Theatre web comic!) To be honest, I have given very little thought to how this might be adapted, but I like the idea of the White Mage being the heart and soul of the party, beloved by all three of her companions. II. This one offers a number of choices. Firion / Hilda? Check. Firion / Maria? Check. Gordon / Hilda? Check. There are many possibilities, and those are only three. The story leaves enough spaces that pairings can be customized to the liking of the 'ficcer, but I do not think that I have a favorite. III. Again, the four main characters are all drones, but this game has a good selection of NPCs. Since the DS version will be hitting the U.S., by the end of '06, I cannot offer any opinions until I see what all has been changed. IV. My favorite game in the series includes several built-in pairings, and I have nothing against the canon in that regard. The Cecil / Kain / Rosa triangle has many fans, in fact, as does the Adult Rydia / Edge pairing, but I have seen Adult Rydia / Kain done very well, and I am led to wonder about Adult Rydia / Cecil. Ideally, I wish to see a Adult Rydia / Cecil / Kain / Rosa square, but that might take quite a bit of work to pull off. V. Options in FF5 are ... rather few. Aside from the Butetsu / Faris / Leina triangle, there is very little that can be done. (Yes, I like to call him Butetsu, primarily because neither Butz nor Bartz is flattering in any way.) VI. What can one do for FF6 that has not already been done? From Celes / Locke to Edgar / Terra to Locke / Rachel, the main options have been mined, almost to the point at which one can expect to see obscure canon pairings like Madonna / Maduin – no, not that Madonna – and fun possibilities like Celes / Setzer and Locke / Rachel. I personally prefer anything involving Cyan. There has to be at least one character in the mix who might want to help him move onwards with his life. (Cyan / Terra? You never know!) VII. I am one of the few Cloud / Jessie fans to be found on the Internet, and I agree that poor Barret needs a little love. (There are very small hints of Barret / Elmyra.) I also have a soft spot for Cloud / Yuffie. This is not to demean Aerith and Tifa in any way, mind you. I like them both. VIII. Anybody / Quistis! She is my favorite female character in the series, and she has nobody. I can tolerate Quistis / Squall, but, unfortunately, the game did not take that thread to any conclusions. 'Tis a pity. IX. Beatrix / Steiner is canon, and I am all for it. Amarant / Freya might also be a possibility, but there are good things to be said for Amarant / Lani. X. I cannot stand Tidus, but I find that I prefer the idea of Rikku / Tidus to Tidus / Yuna. Auron / Rikku is slightly difficult for me to grasp, but I can almost see how it works. Auron / Lulu, on the other hand, is rather hot, as several AFF posters will attest. (Has anybody attempted Auron / Yuna?) I also support obscure pairings like Elma / Lucil and Barthello / Dona, and I wil be happy to read anything involving the Blitzballers. Miyu, in particular, is a favorite of mine, though I think that I am her only fan. X-2. This game is a one-way ticket to Yuri Land, but I will admit to harboring Brother / Yuna sympathy ... because that poor sap tries so hard. XI. MMOs can all be customized for a large number of pairings. Use your imagination. Give a Dark Knight the night of his life! XII. I will be able to name pairings for FF12 as soon as I can reliably determine the correct genders for all of the characters. XIII. Ditto. All three versions of this game, from what I have seen, are about as unisex as any RPG can possibly be. I do know that Lightning, the main character of the primary FF13, is female, but the developers had to go out of their way to make a note of that. (Harhar, Cloud, Squall, Lightning.) MQ. Say what you will about this game, I support the Benjamin / Kaeli / Phoebe triangle. True, nothing has been posted for it, but, hey, I can dream. Tactics. You know you love the Tactics! I certainly do, and the 'fic has all kinds of possibilities. Agrias / Ramza? Check. Meliadoul / Ramza? Check. Delita / Ovelia? Very check. I have also seen peculiarities like Rafa / Ramza and Alma / Izlude, and I do not think that anybody has gone to great lengths to explore many of the secondary characters. (It is also possible to ride the Aerith / Cloud bus, if you like.) Fun fact: One of the only male-male stories that I read and liked was from FFT, and that was a surprisingly poignant Mustadio / Ramza piece. Like I said, there are possibilities. TA. I have no ideas for a game in which almost all of the characters are children. Then again, that has not stopped a number of 'ficcers. CC. See FF11. This game follows the same 'four races' principle, as well as the idea of having protagonists that are nameless and faceless. Quote
AngelMeiru Posted August 5, 2006 Report Posted August 5, 2006 My favorite pairings are Hojo/Jenova, Cefca (Kefka)/Megami (Goddess), Rydia/Rosa (wait til the boys hear about that!) and Vincent/Lucrecia. I like all those parings, because they are obscure and not done to death (mabye except Vincent/Lucrecia, but then again, I think Lucrecia is more interesting than Tifa). Quote
Guest Double Posted August 9, 2006 Report Posted August 9, 2006 In FF7 my favorite pairing is Sephiroth x Cloud- these are the characters that got me into yaoi to begin with. I also like Zack x Cloud and Cloud x Aeris. In FF8 I like both Squall x Irvine and Squall x Rinoa. In FF9 Kuja x Zidane. Kuja is beautifully evil in the game. In FF10, I actually like Tidus, and I could see him paired with any of the girls whether it's Yuna, Rikku, or Lulu. Of course Seymour x Tidus is also hot. Quote
Guest MetalGoddess Posted August 12, 2006 Report Posted August 12, 2006 FFVI - Celes/Terra, they're in such similar predicaments I think they could find something to spark. FFVII - Tifa/Yuffie! Now! No questions! Just do it! Tifa/Vincent is pretty good too and of course Tifa/Yuffie/Aeris just for fun. FFVIII - Quistis/Squall for a little fun Quistis/Rinoa for a lot of fun Laguna's daughter whose name I can't remember/anyone sounds fun too FFIX - Meh, I didn't see any prospects in this one, though Zidane/Dagger is cannon FFX - Tidus/Yuna cannon Auron/Rikku fun FFX-2 - YRP in position! Quote
Guest Vangel Posted August 31, 2006 Report Posted August 31, 2006 Seifer and Zell, OTP. Cracked, but it works so well. Selphie and Irvine. Irvine and anyone. Tifa and Cloud Vincent and Cid (or reeve?) Reno and Rude Elena and Reeve Edgar and Sabin Edgar and Terra Celes and Locke Zell and Sabin (why not?) I like pairings of complmentary oppsites. Quote
Guest Big Samurai Posted August 31, 2006 Report Posted August 31, 2006 I wish to add one to my list: Golbez / Sandy Magus. (Sandy is one of the three Magus Sisters.) To the best of my knowledge, nobody has attempted that yet. There might also be Barbariccia / Golbez out there, and I know I have seen Barbariccia / Rosa. Quote
Guest Pavana Lachrimae Posted September 2, 2006 Report Posted September 2, 2006 Big Samurai said: (awesome post) You, sir, are made of awesome and win. Do you actually have the NES versions? If so, where did you get them? As for my own opinion, the only game whose pairings I'm really bothered about are X and X-2. x: I'm not a fan of Tidus/Yuna, because Yuna always seemed so vapid. Wakka/Lulu was sweet, though. My pairings of choice are Auron/Tidus and Jecht/Auron, and I'm also a fan of the less-appreciated pairings such as Elma/Lucil, Luzzu/Gatta and Isaaru/anybody. X-2: I like Paine, but not with Rikku or Yuna, and sadly Paine/Other female character fics are few and far between. Quote
Guest Big Samurai Posted September 3, 2006 Report Posted September 3, 2006 I bought the NES version of FF1 with birthday money back in 1990, and my cartridge still works. I have played the NES versions of FF2 and FF3 through emulation, but I have also played the Origins (GBA) and Dawn Of Souls (GBA) versions of FF1 and FF2, while the DS version FF3 is eagerly anticipated. Quote
TerraBreaker Posted September 4, 2006 Report Posted September 4, 2006 Quote I bought the NES version of FF1 with birthday money back in 1990, and my cartridge still works. I have played the NES versions of FF2 and FF3 through emulation, but I have also played the Origins (GBA) and Dawn Of Souls (GBA) to FF1 and FF2, while the DS version FF3 is eagerly anticipated. *notes that the consoles of yesteryear were actually built to last - scowls at large pile of broken ps2's* Pairings - Celes x Terra - pwp only Cloud x Tifa if its done well - it rarely is Squall x Rinoa if its done well - it rarely is Cecil x Rosa ffx2 - anything yuri based hell, looking at it this way there really aren't that many couples i like in comparison to some of the other less mainstream titles. Quote
WotanAnubis Posted September 4, 2006 Report Posted September 4, 2006 TerraBreaker said: Pairings - Celes x Terra - pwp only Cloud x Tifa if its done well - it rarely is Why would you want your Celes/Terra only in PWP format? For that matter, how hard would it be to write decent Cloud/Tifa? And now that I've posted in this thread, I suppose I should list my favourites as well... Faris/Lenna (Yes, I know, incest. I so don't care.) Celes/Terra Ritz/Shara And that's about it. OK, fine, I also really like Paine's character design, but since I haven't played FF X-2 I can't really say anything about possible pairings. Quote
Squallfan Posted September 7, 2006 Report Posted September 7, 2006 FF7 (RenoXalmost everybody else in the game. CloudXTifa CloudXSephiroth) FF8 (SquallXQuistis. SquallXRinoa. SquallXSeifer.) Quote
Guest Evil_Labs Posted September 8, 2006 Report Posted September 8, 2006 Squall should have taken advantage of the chance to be with Quistis. Screw Rinoa (not literally). Ugh. Such a beautiful lass and he shunned her. Quote
redsliver Posted September 8, 2006 Report Posted September 8, 2006 Kaeli Reuben Benjamin Phoebe Quote
Squallfan Posted September 8, 2006 Report Posted September 8, 2006 Evil_Labs said: Squall should have taken advantage of the chance to be with Quistis. Screw Rinoa (not literally). Ugh. Such a beautiful lass and he shunned her. Yeah, I know there are a lot of Rinoa haters out there. I like her though, but you are right. I don't know why Squall shoved Quistis away. If I had made the game, he would of done them both. hehe. Quote
Guest Evil_Labs Posted September 8, 2006 Report Posted September 8, 2006 Oh, I don't hate Rinoa, I just like Quistis a considerably greater amount. Quote
Guest Behemothe Posted September 15, 2006 Report Posted September 15, 2006 I guess I'll jump on the bandwagon randomly, just for kicks. FF7 - VincentXCloud and RenoXRufus. FF8 - SquallXZell or SeiferXZell and KirosXLaguna. Total hate for Rinoa. FF9 - ZidaneXBlank and ZornXThorn. FF10/10-2 - WakkaXTidus (Tidus REALLY needs to help Wakka out of the Yevon worshipping/ass kissing) and TidusXYuna (usually hate het with such a passion, but I hafta love a woman who has an entire game built upon the premise of getting her man back) FF12 - BalflearXVaan (*laughs* haven't even played the whole game yet [still working with the demo] and I love this pairing. So much to be done with it.) Misc. - IfritXShiva. Another het pairing, but I love fire and smexy. )_^ Quote
Guest SorceressFujin Posted September 28, 2006 Report Posted September 28, 2006 For FF7, I love: Yuffie/Vincent, Yuffie/Cid, Cid/Vincent, Cid/Yuffie/Vincent, Yuffie/Yazoo, Vincent/Yazoo, Reno/Vincent, Tseng/Yuffie, Sephiroth/Vincent, Hojo/Yuffie, Hojo/Vincent, Tseng/Reno, Tseng/Rufus. FF8: Squall/Seifer, Fujin/Seifer, Fujin/Quistis, Quistis/Seifer, Selphie/Squall, Ultamecia/Seifer, Irvine/Squall, Irvine/Selphie. FF9: Kuja/Garnet FFX: Seymour/Yuna, Seymour/Rikku -Sorceress Fujin- Quote
Guest moue Posted September 30, 2006 Report Posted September 30, 2006 FFVII - I don't like the Sephiroth/Cloud pairing. It doesn't matter to me how much subtext Nomura and his team decide to stick in there, it just irks me. Aerith/Cloud... well, that's another matter entirely. Reno/Rufus all the way. FFIX - Kuja/Zidane and Zidane/Garnet. Both are too cute for words. Oh, and Steiner/Beatrix. They're so into each other. FFX - Yuna/Tidus. I just can't resist the lurve. Tidus/Wakka too, though. When Wakka slapped Tidus' butt after they met, a million fanfictions were born. FFX-2 - Like a previous poster said, any femslash pairing works! Especially Yuna/Leblanc. Quote
Iggy_lovechild Posted October 11, 2006 Report Posted October 11, 2006 I'm replying to this thread mostly because a friend of mine recently got me into FF7 fanfiction (even though a lot of her stories blend nuances of AC and I haven't gotten my lazy ass into gear when it comes to seeing it). Forgive the predominace of yaoi pairings. -CloudxReno -CloudxRufus (blame Holo) -CloudxVincent -RufusxReno (ooohh...lordy, that's all Holo's fault ) -TifaxAeris -TifaxScarlett (don't ask) Of yeah, and I guess I should acknowledge pure canon with CloudxTifa and CloudxAeris, butI'm also not adverse to CloudxTifaxAeris.... Quote
Squallfan Posted October 11, 2006 Report Posted October 11, 2006 Iggy Lovechild said: Of yeah, and I guess I should acknowledge pure canon with CloudxTifa and CloudxAeris, butI'm also not adverse to CloudxTifaxAeris.... I actually wrote a threesome with them. Here's the link if you want to check it out. (unless you already read it.) Quote
Iggy_lovechild Posted October 12, 2006 Report Posted October 12, 2006 I'll definately check it out later, your story. Thanks As soon as I'm done drooling over Reno. damn. I need to see Advent Children. Quote
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