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Guest Adara

So not guilty! I often encourage people to eat what tastes best!

G/NG: Are envious of those who can eat what they want and not gain weight!


Guilty - the only thing crueler are the cures. I mean really - ever smelled milk soaked and warm cabbage? sick.gif

G/NG - Knew about placing cabbage leaves over the engorgement to help relieve the pressure.


Not guilty actually... I just used ice packs and let it run it's course... not that the ice packs were that pleasant, but at least they didn't smell.

G/NG - Thinks there are things about having kids that no one tells new mothers/pregnant women about that really should be told ahead of time.


Very Guilty - like the whole natural child birth thing. I was talked into it because it was such a beautiful thing - they neglected to mention the fact that I would become the devil himself. (and yes I knew it would hurt - just not like that)

G/NG Would do anything not to feel pain if they knew it was coming.


Very Guilty on that one. They made me (pregnant with twins and as big as a house) bend over and grab my legs... I couldn't reach them. That in itself was torture - the prick of the needle was child's play after that one.

G/NG - Has seen a birth live


Ummm... no, not guilty. My husband has though wink.gif. I'm kind of one of those people that can cope better if I don't have to see the gory messy bits. It's the same with needles, I'm fine as long as I don't have to see it ahead of time.

G/NG - Saw a live birth before giving birth.


Guilty - I was there for the birth of my brother and sister... I swore right then and there NEVER to have kids... I broke that one.

G/NG - Is squeamish about blood


Not guilty - after raising babies and working in a hospital you kinda lose that squeamishness.

G/NG - Has enough patience to put up with almost anything


Guilty since I have to deal with mothers and their little kids every day. If I had a nickel for every time I've had to say "Your kid is the cutest in the world!" I'd be rich beyond the dreams of averice.

G/NG: Can stomach only so much of being cute around little kids before becoming nauseated.


Guilty - my kids stopped that after the first time I had them stand up at the table and state in a matter of fact voice "I will not be a pain in the backside" 10 times - you'd be surprised at how many people actually applauded when they were done.

G/NG - has a few wicked ideas on how to get your kids back for being kids

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