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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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Guilty...and that's no lie.

G/NG: has accepted a white lie because pointing out that you knew would be worse.

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G/NG: Has told someone that instead of spending time with them you are going onto the internet.

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G/NG: Has toured a prison

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Guilty, if the Brig counts.

G/NG: has a nametag not of their own choosing.

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My shirt says 'Science Fiction Museum.....' Does that count?

G/NG: has used the term 'bible' for something other than that thing with Genesis and Revelation in it.

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not guilty. can think of many bibles but a couple are religious

G/NG: has read more non-religious bibles then religious bibles.

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Not Guilty: i don't sing anywhere exept my car

G/NG: has gotten weird looks for their dance moves

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Guilty. My favorite one to watch is myself tongue.gif

G/NG: Has went somewhere because you knew there would be people dancing horribly

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