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Windrider Shiva

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Everything posted by Windrider Shiva

  1. Super Cop Repairs Unbelievable Television Inside New York F A B R I C
  2. I, Deception... in my pants (Dark Tranqulity song) Well that's huh... deceiving. D:
  3. I grew up in a household where there were always books and mags all around the house. My mom loves reading thrillers, while my dad was more into Tintin, Asterix and humor mags. We bought countless issues of local science mags, French mags, world history, dinosaur/paleontology mags... We were subscribed to libraries, mail book clubs, Reader's Digest, and so on. My father was also a gamer and the more I grew, the more I compared games to interactive books. The problem was that I come from a small backwater area (an island, literally) and we had a very small pool of French games, so I had to learn English to keep playing. To this day I can't get into games localized in French (but I highly support localization, hell, that's my work XD). On top of that, my best friend and I could spend hours roleplaying, either IRL or on phone. Long story short: we went to separate elementary schools and she'd come over on the weekends. In school, I was good at French and English - I loved writing essays, and it was something my teachers encouraged me to do. I was 11 or so when I started writing for myself, but I think my mom found my M/M manuscript and I got dead scared she'd find the content I'd been writing, so I stopped. I started writing again later on, what I would finally discover as fanfiction... and I guess I used it as an escape from the bullying, the falling apart thing with my best friend, etc. Today it's not an escape as much anymore. I have friends, I have online communities with people who have similar interests. But over the last year or so, I found it to be nearly vital for my mental health, to the point where I eventually need to take time off to write. The words just need to come out.
  4. From: Lisa Yep, Sammi was riding Kevin the Cowboy, no need for horses. Firemen, cowboys, same thing. lol It's nice that Kevin seemed like he actually cared about Sammi. He even stayed over. Even Shu-ei (forgot how it's spelled, sorry) seemed nice. Sammi needs someone nice to get over that Darren bastard. But I'm not sure Ryan is the right one. He's a world-renowned producer and his new boss, so to speak. I still think Sammi should be professional with him and not come across as the man-whore he is. lol Sammi isn't really a manwhore XD. He just has issues and he feels lonely, because he's the kinda guy who would normally commit to a relationship. "Normally" being the keyword, he's definitely not in the most stable environment right now. As what's coming up with Ryan, I can't say anything! ~ From: monnz To be honest, I wasn't expecting very much when I began reading (I'm a dick...sorry) but I was definitely surprised! I'm so excited to continue reading and seeing how Sammi develops as a character. I also would like to commend you on your grammar/punctuation! Very nice! That's usually the first thing that turns me off from a story, but you're doing a great job! The only thing I find odd about Sammi is that he's the frontman of a metal band, but he doesn't seem to have the right persona, ya know? I feel as though you're going for a "I put on a tough front but I'm so vulnerable underneath it all" personality for Sammi, but I feel like he's just coming off as kind of a pansy. The fact that he's tiny seems to add to that even more. That's probably just my own interpretation... Anyway, your sex scenes are pretty fucking hot. Good job! Well, thanks for being honest, I appreciate that XD. My beta catches my mistakes as well as my awkward French-to-English sentences and sayings, else chapters would look even more awkward XD. Sammi's a bit odd, I agree. As I was mentioning earlier, he has issues and he is vulnerable. I just haven't come around to the issues in depth yet. Sammi's impulsive, but in a constant stance of vigilance; if he gets the feeling to fight, he will fight back. Blindly. If he's scared, he'll just cower and hope for things to end quickly. Think of him as cornered wild animal, or rather, an animal that realizes he's bound to get cornered. He tends to see the world in black and white; he tries to see all the shades, but somewhere, something keeps bringing him back to the whole "black or white, it can't be both" thing. That's why he's so... "dualistic." One moment he's paranoid, the other he doesn't care anymore. He's a tiny little (somewhat) submissive thing in a stereotypical "brute" environment... but he doesn't feel at ease in the LGBT community because he loves metal music and everything around it. So he's stuck in the middle and he does not like it. (And then, he stops caring, because he hates being in that middle area.) That's one example. He's complex, and we'll get to see a lot more of him.
  5. Sorry for the insane delay in replies; real life kicked in and affected my productivity. But I'm back now! So here are more review replies! From: Lisa Awww, I liked the conversation Sammii had with his mom. They seem pretty close. Was surprised about the fuck buddy not boyfriend lady. lol Good to know Sammi can still 'get busy' with Kevin w/o feeling guilty. I wonder if Darren's ever going to show up. Isn't Sammi curious to find out why Darren broke up with him? Indeed, Sammi and his mom are close, and I'll definitely include more bits like this. He's a bit of a mama's boy, so he's bound to call her every now and then. No worries, won't turn into incest XD. I kept the girl - Xue, she has a name now XD - about for the same reason. Sammi needs a positive female influence by his side, and she just fits the role more than Ieva. I couldn't have that if she wound up to be romantically involved with Kevin, so they're roommates/friends with benifits. As for Darren... will have to give it some time, but eventually, we'll learn what happened between both. ~ From: MagicMau5 (and the following 3 replies!) Wow I love this story!!!!! I've only had time to read the first chapter, but it is FRAWESOME. I like the 1st person perspective, and the fact that he's European...does he have a hot accent? I also LOVE the colloquialisms and cursing, it makes it seem more realistic and edgy. Edgy is the best way to describe this - edgy and fresh. Keep on rockin' the pen! xoxoxo -magicmau5 Thanks for reviewing ^^. He has an accent, but it's not extremely pronounced. Personally, if I could, I would play a little with accents... but it's pretty hard to do so in writing within a serious context and keeping it understandable at the same time. Also, finding some sounds and pronunciations in modern English would be a little rough (ref. German 'ΓΌ' / French 'u' / Finnish 'y'). I'm happy the 1st person perspective is well-received. I've done it before, I usually prefer 3rd person because I can easily hop from one char's mind to another and add more depth this way. But I'm liking 1st person because I can actually be colloquial. This is what he's thinking, what he sees as he does things around, what he's going through, and it's fun to play with. ~ Ok loved ch 2 as well...and I managed to calculate his height been a long time since I used metric. I love Sammi because I felt exactly like he did when I first moved abroad. I was so EFFING LONELY and there were huge crowds of people full of stupid happy couples cuddling. I wanted to hit them with a club. Although, I was the one having the loud sex, not the other way around. But it was because I was lonely, and it never filled the emptiness inside. This is something I went through, though at a much lesser extent than what Sammi's experiencing (I felt lonely, I still sleep with the TV on, but I don't break down... and I'm not the fuck-buddy type). Sammi's not much of a loner and doesn't handle this sudden lack of presence very well. Sure he had his own apartment in Helsinki, but he was still close to his friends and family. ~ So will Sammi and Rick Stevens hook up? Can't answer that one, sorry! Would be giving away plot XD.
  6. My grandparents, as far as I remember, were pretty much against the whole same-sex bill that passed in Quebec in 2006... but that's the only time I've ever heard them say anything against the LGBT community. We have an extended family relative who's openly gay, and my grandparents have always treated him with the same amount of respect as anyone else. Which I thought was pretty awesome; I was bullied for years because my schoolmates thought I was a lesbian. We used to rent our basement during summers, and we had a gay couple once. I was 10 or so. I remember my dad stating, at the dinner table, that there was nothing wrong with gay people (my dad was awesome!). At 11, I was writing my first M/M story. We got a satellite dish when I was 13, and the lifestyle channel had a LGBT-oriented show, which I watched. That was a breakthrough for me; not because I was lesbian, because I'm not, but because I heard of other people being bullied for it. For the first time in my life, I finally found a community I could relate to. But still, aside my family, I felt alone. I didn't have anyone to talk about it except my best friend, and we were beginning to grow apart at that specific time... It took me to get our PC and to literally stumble upon yaoi fanfiction, to understand I wasn't alone in this whole "Yeah but I like to see two guys kissing..." deal. It was only then, that I realized why I felt so out of place. I had almost nothing in common in terms of hobby and general interests (culture, languages, video games) and basically, through this LGBT community, I found more communities to be a part of. My current best friend is a lesbian. Several of my coworkers and friends are gay or lesbian, including my current tabletop RPs' DMs (coworker/friend and her girlfriend). Just because I'm not lesbian and clearly state it doesn't mean I'm homophobic... which some people have not fully understood at times... I'm just not interested in the female body. And since I write about what I like, it ends up mostly being gay guys. Side note, about my workplace. At least 5 Spanish testers and higher-ups are gay; I think one's bi but I can't confirm. (yep, straight Spanish-speaking males are a minority at work!) We have at least 1 Brazilian Portuguese guy who says he has a boyfriend. 3 French testers are lesbians (haven't seen 2 of them in a long time, they were moved to the translation teams and totally lost touch, hell, I can't even confirm they work or not at our office, still O_o...) It's not that much of a recurring topic, everyone's used to it, but stats like this do come up once in a while... XD
  7. I grew up with parents nearly addicted to thriller and sci-fi movies/series, and they made it clear for me that what was happening on TV (and in games, books, etc.) was NOT reality. Except the obvious news broadcast and so on. So as long as it's fictional, a lot of things don't squick me at all. I draw my personal line at scat/watersports and furries/anthro, basically. Pedophilia, incest, full-on bestiality (yep, I can't stand anthro, but bestiality is fine... I stopped wondering why), vore, extreme violence, rape, torture, tentacles, bring it on. Make it real though, and I'll have long fled. I don't view stories about incest/pedophilia as glorifying each either. To me, it's a story, ie. fiction. It doesn't mean that whoever wrote it actually lives the lifestyle or even approves of it. Just because I write violence doesn't mean I'm violent myself (last time I've punched someone, I was in high-school and for the record, they deserved it). I don't view that stuff as sick, even what I personally don't like - who am I to judge about what other people write, anyway? I might go "eewww," but that's about it. So I'm really glad we have the tag system, and that people are very, very limited to what they can't post (which AFAIK, is celebrities/real people under 18, which makes complete sense, you're dealing with real people, even if the premise itself is fictional.)
  8. From: Lisa Ah, great third chapter! Sammi's a funny guy! Loved the two guys going at it in the soundproof room. That was too funny, and then their boss walks in. lol Can't wait for the next update! Oh, I noticed in chapter two, I think it was, that you spelled dictionary wrong. There's only one 'n', you spelled it dictionnary. Just in case you wanted to go back and change it... Oh, and I almost forgot: I was curious about the Finnish names. Why isn't leva's name spelled with a capital 'l'? Even when it's at the beginning of a sentence it's spelled with a lower case 'l'. Hi there! Thanks for reviewing! Glad you like Sammi, 'cause I like him too XD. I'll go back for the "dictionary" typo... but for Ieva's name... is actually an uppercase 'i' and not a lowercase L. Her name isn't "Leva", but "ieva" (with the uppercase 'i,' of course.) From: eimim This is very interesting so far, but there is one thing bothering me. Ieva is not a Finnish name, and I'm not sure if it's intesional or not. Her last name is so typically Finnish that it sounds odd with her first name, and it's difficult to pronounce Ieva 'in Finnish'. Eeva would be a normal, common Finnish name. Sorry for harping on this. It really is a great story, and I can't wait to read more. Hi hi! Ieva's name is... semi-intentional; I originally took the name from a Finnish song (Korpiklaani - Ievan Polka) and I took a liking to it. After reading your comment, I actually had to check. Figures out it's Latvian/Lithuanian rather than Finnish... but I still think it fits her more than Eeva XD;. It's actually given me some ideas for a deeper background, as I'm still working on all these characters. I appreciate the input though! Thank you! ^.^
  9. Children of Bodom's Hate Crew Deathroll
  10. And some more responses. Thanks for the comments, they're very appreciated . From: Kirjava01 You've got me hooked. Poor Sammi- why aren't the rest of his band/friends with him at the moment? Sounds like he needs a bit more support. I wonder how his interview went? I love the way you write and am definitely looking forward to more Glad you're hooked! Right now, Sammi's just gone ahead to plan some things before, but the rest of his band is eventually gonna be involved. He does need support, poor thing feels so alone. But things should look up . From: Wolfwitch Hot yaoi set in my hometown? Yes please! Bookmarking this! A Montrealer? Awesome! XD I'm not from Montreal, but I've been living here for 8 years (I'm actually from the Maritimes XD). Still happy to see a Quebecer around! From: Lisa What a terrific story so far! Pls excuse the typing. I'm on a bus headed for Vermont. Anyway great story! Can't wait for ch 3! Have a safe trip to Vermont! (Or hope you made it safe, if you're reading this and are already there XD). I usually update on Saturdays, chapter 4 may be a little delayed (3 will be posted next Saturday), so keep looking .
  11. Elegant Xylophone Travels: Riga, Athenes, Paris; Often Laments About The Exhaustion G I G A B Y T E
  12. Cherished Hardened Angel Sings Inside New Granary J E W E L R Y
  13. Not My Funeral... in my pants. (Children of Bodom song. Sense this does not make O_o;...)
  14. From: Corbathy I feel very conflicted about reading your story. On one hand, I'm dying to know what you have planned for this story since the plotline is so very, very interesting. But, on the other hand, writers in the past (and I mean the writers who are not Finnish) have butchered everything Finnish in their stories so now I'm kind of scared to read anything that somehow relates to Finland. Though I have a feeling that it won't be the case with this story. So I'll continue reading and enjoying it. Also, it doesn't hurt that I didn't find any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors in your writing. These days I tend to quit reading a story if it does not have impeccable language. Harsh, I know, but it is just so irritating to have all the mistakes distract me from the actual plot. So, keep up the excellent work! I'm looking forward to your next chapter. Well first off, thank you for reviewing! I understand the feeling of seeing things like that butchered - it's the reason I tend to avoid Japan-based stories... and I'm not even Japanese. So I'm trying hard not to make those mistakes. Same thing for the language/grammar; English isn't my first language, and I'm thankful I have a beta who is, since I also can't get into stories with an absurd amount of typos and grammar mistakes. I hope I'll get things right when it comes to Finland, I'm doing research on the sides - I've gone as far as learning basic conversational grammar and vocabulary... it's very interesting to me, but it's the sorta things I'm interested in XD. I don't plan on having an insane lot of references to it... but my Sammi's a proud Finn and it's inevitable. (And at least a chapter or two will take place in Helsinki, but I'm not gonna spoil why! XD)
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