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Posts posted by Solaris

  1. So, I've put them in an order I think might work, in groups of five -- the first five are for the newest folks, next five are middle-ground post-counters, and the last five are for the people that blow the top off the joint. As far as the post counts that'd hypothetically go with these, I'm not married to any parcitular number, so I've left that part unspecified.

    Feel free to go nuts and fix tweak this list if you feel this idea's worth building upon, everyone -- and thanks again for all the help and inspiration! :hug:

    • Rookie Writer
      Neophyte Novelist
      Bashful Bard
      Reticent Rhymer
      Blossoming Balladeer
      Liberated Librettist
      Aspiring Artisan
      Willing Wordsmith
      Spirited Scrivener
      Lively Lyricist
      Devoted Drabbler
      Potent Poet
      Avid Artiste
      Rabid Rhapsodist
      Fanatical Fonteer

    Oh, I like these. :D These are great! Perfect for the forum, after all most of us are writers, yes? :)

    I vote for these.


  2. I have no idea why these two just seem to be so gay with the fans, but I love seeing any story that has them together.

    It seems that both men have been hurt before and I can tell that they favor each other's presense more then any of the others, except when it comes to Harry. They are there for him like two Godfathers wanting to aid their Godson who never had the real love of a father raising him from a baby.

    So what do you think about this pairing?


  3. I agree with you two on Yachiru and Kenpachi. Maybe when she's older but even then I doubt it. He treats her like a daughter and probably would still treat her such as an adult.

    I do not like Renji/Ichigo or Ichigo/Ishida. I think they are more friends then lovers.

    And Renji/Byakuya they would probably rather fight then go into bed with each other.


  4. For me, when I was growing up, people mistook my own tongue as a French accent, and I have never been to France nor born there!

    But during the 1993, I spent time with some British fellas, hung out with members of the British band Def Leppard. Knew them on a very personal level to the point where Joe called my home. I could understand their tongue easily and they understood my own tongue.

    When I got home and went to the mall the next day after visiting with them, I was asked if I was visiting from Britain because my accent turned British on me without me even noticing.

    So I guess you could say my favorite accent would be British and Irish.


  5. There are people out there who finds editing their work is a chore and won't do it and leave their story as is.

    But there are people who love editing their work.

    I usually find that people who love their work, will edit their work after a break of a few days.

    On one of my stories that I wrote, it took me four years before I edited it to add new content and do a correction of sorts on a character, I liked the story when I first wrote it, but now, I love it! I even edited last year to add a new scene to the story and I love it even still.

    So some people may find their editing of their work to be a chore, but some will love it.


  6. I've added more to the article.

    You always see people role-playing online either on an archive site or a forum meant for role-playing. Role-playing is a fun and easy way to escape your real life for a while to a world of your own. But if you do not know what role playing is, this article will help you with that. Role-playing is where you create a character and create a life for the character and go into a story-like setting with one or more people on a forum or an archive site.

    So, if you are interested in role-playing, just follow these simple rules and you should get along smashingly with your fellow role-players.

    1. Please do not God mod; that means controlling other people's characters without permission, and powering your way through the role play. If you need to use another character from someone else’s ask first, don’t assume it would be okay for you to use their character for that reason alone you should PM or IM that person for permission to use so and so character for a bit.

    2. Please do not make the female character a Mary Sue or if it is a male don’t make him into a Marty Stu. A Mary Sue are characters that is created by the player who is perfect, beautiful and is the main love interest of the main canon character in the show/cartoon or whatever fandom you are in and if the character has any faults of any kind they’ll use it when it makes a good plot twist which means she’ll be saved by her love interest. It is the same with Marty Stu, he’s handsome, perfect and the love interest of the main female canon character in the show/cartoon or whatever fandom you are in and if he has any faults of any kind they’ll use it when it makes a good plot twist which means he’ll be saved by her love interest. That will surely turn people away in the middle of the role-play and they will not want to continue with the role-play with you.

    3. Never post one-liners! This is usually just one sentence of what your character is doing. Posting dialogue is not an excuse for a one-liner. If you are stuck on what to do next, IM or PM the originator of the role-play and ask them for help. They will help you.

    4. To avoid one-liners, consider including these elements in your post :

    - Your character's speech, if speech there be.

    - Your character's actions. This can include complicated actions, as in a fight, or simple actions, as in a gesture or facial expression.

    - Your character's thoughts. Be reserved with this one, though. Don't over-do it. Remember, the other characters probably don't know what yours is thinking.

    - General observations, such as the movement of leaves or other things in the setting. Again, don't over-do it, and leave other people's characters out of it unless you know them and they trust you.

    5. Please double check your spelling and grammar before posting--you don't want your fellow Role-Players to spend an hour trying to figure out what you wrote.

    6. This doesn't hurt to repeat it. Please do not God mod.

    7. Listen to other people's opinions, especially the ones running the role play.

    8. Give your character a reason for being there (wherever "there" is). People who turn up randomly and bother the other players for attention are really annoying.

    9. Don't over-punctuate. Never use an exclamation mark where a period will do. Avoid multiple punctuation marks, and, if you simply must have more than one of something, never ever use more than three. More is redundant and annoying.

    10. On a similar note, avoid typing in ALL CAPS (unless your character is the Death of the Discworld or a related entity). "I forgot" is not an excuse. You ought to be re-reading what you type before you post it anyway.

    11. If you will have your character just sit in a corner and brood/mope/plot/whatever, don't expect people to go out of their way to include you in the RP, and don't whine about it. If you want to be involved, get involved.

    12. When introducing your character, be brief. The other players do not need to know every stitch of clothing or every detail about your character's past. After all, part of the fun of role-play is finding these things out.

    13. A tip about spelling: If you have Firefox browser, you can get an add-on that spell-checks what you type into text fields. It's great. You can even add words to the dictionary.

    14. One thing, do not throw the role-play off kilter by keeping your character interacting with her or his main interest and not with the rest of the characters in the role-play. Be sure to incorporate the character into the role-play by bringing her or him into the role-play and not hog his or her main interest from interacting with the rest of the characters in the role-play. That will turn people off of continuing the role-play with you or avoid asking you to be a part of another role-play, because you yank your character’s main interest away from the rest of the players if no one has attached them to that character yet.

    Does anyone else have anything else to add?



  7. I was stupid not to save what I had typed in to my friend who was not role-playing in the way that most people would. So I am working on an article for my webpage and maybe for here too, since we may one day have a role-play forum for us all to us. I know everyone here knows the rules of role-playing but there are newbies out there that don't really know it very well and they need a how to article about how to role-play properly.

    So can anyone give me a helping hand as in what rules I should put down.

    Here is what I got so far.

    Role-playing is where you create a character and create a life for the character.

    Please, one thing is for sure, do not make your female character a Mary Sue or if it is a male don’t make him into a Marty Stu. That will surely turn people away in the middle of the role-play and they will not want to continue with the role-play with you.

    Don't use one-liners, that will kill the flow of the role-play.

    Any more rules I should put down?



  8. Thank you for your advice, Melrick, I am also hosting her website on my servers so in a way I have a business relationship with her and I am pretty good with that. But when it comes to the rp, she just doesn't really get the picture of how to do a roleplay and that she does one sentence on all of the roleplays, except when she starts them off, she'll do a huge paragraph, but after that I'll be doing two or three paragraphs worth of work. It is like I am doing the majority of the work itself on the story and all she does is have her character in a way fuck around with the main character and she doesn't seem to get into the other characters that I now have to bring into the story because she wants her character to be snuggling with the main character and her character is a bigtime Mary Sue, while my character isn't one and actually has a rock the size of the planet on her shoulder. I may talk with her tonight and just tell her that the storylines on all three roleplays have gone stagnant as I don't know if I can finish the stories we've started. I have lost the vibe on all three roleplays and that I will not be doing anymore on the stories.

    I will bet that she'll start up a new one in hopes that will draw me back in. And she'll hop on her AIM and say Hi posted without even going into pleasentries with me first. When she does that, I promptly X out her IM and ignore her IMs when she messages me, unless I am free at the moment to handle the roleplays.

    I may go do a websearch for roleplay information and send her the link to it and let her know that I have lost the vibe for the roleplays we're doing.


  9. I had started to do a roleplay with another person dealing with one of her characters and one of mine with the Autobots of the Transformers.

    The rp started out really fun but even when we were really going hard on it, but it seems that I try to keep the story going she doesn't seem to care about keeping the story flowing, she would actaully have it to where her character is with the main bot of the Autobots and to hell with the story itself.

    I even told her stick with the story, when the story gets to that point it is okay to have them snuggling but not in the middle of a battle! of all places.

    I even gave her the heads up of how to rp and she still does the same thing over again.

    But she is still demanding of my attention with the roleplay which has gone stagnant and she doesn't really do a good rp at all. She wouldn't keep in line with the rp at all she kept on dealing with her character snoozing up with the main character and the story is dealing with something else at the moment. I got to the point where I don't want to rp with her anymore.

    So how can I go about telling her that the stories have gone stagnant to the point where I do not think that it could be revived?


  10. Jerkweeds!

    After a little more than 24 hours at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center - Britney Spears was released from the hospital, despite previous reports that she was to be held under a minimum three-day lockdown!

    Any normal citizen who is not a music popstar or a star could not be released that quickly!


    Britney really needed to remain there for 72 hours!, not just 24 hours. She is in need of some major mental help! She is going to be a threat to her two little boys or more like to her life!

    I should know because we put my younger brother into Mid-Mo, it's a mental hospital in Missouri and guess what?, he remained in there for 72 hours, actually tried to get himself released after 24 hours but the doctors refused to let him go. After 72 hours there, he realized that what he had seen was not real and that he was going to go off crack cocaine. But David didn't go off crack, he lied to the doctors so he could get out of there and continued to smoke it till the day of his death about a month later.

    Britney is going down the same spiral staircase that David went down. Kevin Federline did an intervention on her with his people, he must still love Britney a great deal to go there to confront her about her wild behavior and try to get her the help she so needs, but she refused and barricaded herself in the bathroom with her two boys with her, which resulted in the scene that happened Friday night.

    Her mother nor her father are not interested in her mental health or they would have demanded her to remain there and that Cedars should have refused to let her go as well. Let Britney whine about how she's fine in there, but the thing is that she would be able to talk to doctors and they would be able to help her recover her mental health to where she can have her two boys back.

    I hope the judge does not allow her to have visitations back, not till Britney deals with her mental health problems as she does have them - for her own good, the judge should not let her have them back at all.

    Those kids have now been traumatized by their mother's wacko behavior. They'll be needing the therapy now!

    I am afraid that we will be seeing Britney's obit sometime this year and sadly, there is a dead pool going on with Britney being one of the stars who will die this year. I fear they may be correct about it too.

    So what do you guys think?


  11. Great question, Beth! I really enjoy reading the various responses -- awesome to "see" how each author approaches naming a little differently.

    Amusingly enough, my main source of character names has always been baby name books, because I like knowing the origins and meanings of the names.

    Thanks, hisbabybird, I too, am enjoying seeing the responses too! I also have a baby book around but my most used book is The Writer's Digest Character Naming Sourcebook authored by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I'm not sure if it is still published by Writer's Digest but it is the most used book for some of my other writing projects when I can't come up with a name and I have to come up with one in a few seconds, I flip through the book and if the character that I have in mind is female or male I go to the proper section of where I think this person would most likely be located at if the person was human, like say Japan or Ireland, I go to their sections in the book and flip through the section till I find the name that I think would be most favorable towards that character.


  12. I would say Yes they're stupid!

    Who the fuck would put a loaded gun on their arm trying to trace it?

    They probably were drunk too and probably didn't know that the gun would accidentally fire injuring them both.

    Bet the 911 call was hilarious, though!

    It probably went something like this.

    911 Operator: 911, what's your emergency?

    Stupid shit #1: Yeah, I need de ambulance. Me friend and I got shot.

    911 Operator: Is the person who shot you still there?

    Stupid shit #1: yes, he's me. I shot meself and me friend.

    911 Operator (barely containing her laughter): I'll get the ambulance out to you as quickly as possible, sir.

    Stupid shit #1: Thank you, *hangs up*

    911 Operator bursts out into laughter!


  13. I have found that most of the names for my characters come from various places, one of them came from a book - Kaladan spelled really Caladan in the book Dune, another a variant of a name from a DC comic book Koranad, I'm not even sure where this symbol ' would be located at in her name but the girl is a golden skinned Alien from another planet from the Teen Titans. I am planning on using her name in a story to be written in the month of November. Solaris from a dream that I had.

    So where did you find your character names from?

    What is the names you used?

    Do you change the name a little to fit your character?


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