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Everything posted by Kimmy_Nagasaki

  1. I'm going to possibly keep this plot bunny for later, but it seems waste to keep it to myself since I'll forget it.... Most stories I've read about Fire Emblem 9 and 10(?) have zelgius and the black knight as two seperate entities, but I was thinking, because their personalities seem kinda different in a way, maybe he has a jekyll and Hyde thing goin on? it makes me want to write a romance about zelgius and ranulf, and how his other personality, the Black Knight, is trying to inhibit this match from occuring, because obviously, he's racist toward the laguz. then possibly a turning point where zelgius has to make a decision between himself and ranulf... Idk.... Plot bunny go! Be freeeeeeeeeee (for now)
  2. I will always reply a story whether I like it or not, and give my input to help them out. I wish people did the same for me All I get it is: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG plz MOAR. and stuff like that that, in my book, doesnt help me improve.
  3. hahahaha this is true. As much as I am a fan of the series Twilight is in it's own world, and is completely unrealistic.
  4. YES<3 This is so trueeeeeeeeeee. I love description. If there is too little, I feel like I was cheated. ahhahaha
  5. I second what you said as well. Writing and reading gives me the opportunity to experience it in my mind without hurting anyone, my significant other, or myself....
  6. I definitely will. I got another idea that I know I wouldn't be able to do now, but would love to see someone do it. I was one Fanfiction.net when I saw a Naruto fanfic called Curse Of Amaterasu written by Tonni88. When I read it though, I thought it said Curse of Akamaru, which as many know, is Kiba's dog in the series. But the Curse thing gave me an idea about possibly having Akamaru possibly be human.... like he was human, pissed some old hag in the middle of the forest somewhere and she cursed him to live the rest of his life out as a dog.... until he finds true love or understands real loyalty bla bla. I thinking along the lines of Beauty and the Beast if you get what I mean by this... yeah....
  7. In the gutter, next to a bottle of Lube XD Oh the shammmmmmmmmmme! Lol XD
  8. This is intriguing... I might attempt this........whennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I finish my other two fix D:
  9. Here's a plot bunny for harvest moon fans I don't know if this bothered anyone else, but depending on which game (such as tree of tranquility), You chose someone to marry in the game early, and once you got a new tree started or whatever, a bachelor/ette that you wanted earlier but couldn't find/ gave up on ever coming finally comes. Soooooooo what about a romance based on that? OC/MC of Harvest Moon marries __________ and another character comes to the island that they fall in love with......and stuff happens
  10. I went through my old posts, and I thought this might help, though im not sure it's it. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/inde...mp;#entry191368
  11. I second that/third it, or whatever IT is XD but everything you said is true. When ever I Read or rp, I can never fully grasp the plot because of Mary sues, and it takes away from the story itself as well
  12. Once again with the slacking >_< I'm sorry on my part for not responding for so long, But it will probably be awhile before I attempt to Co write with someone now. I've been swamped with schoolwork and my job, and I haven't had a chance to even do writing! I'll definitely keep you guys in the future, and thanks for responding
  13. It depends on the scenario really. I think during drug instances, a romantic dance of some sort, or karaoke can Songs be put into a fiction. Mistakes like the ones I'm about to show you probably should not be made into songficcies of the sort. Btw, I did this pretty much when I was a noob. It' horrible, but It's good to see how far I've come from crap XD XD XD The work of a n00b XD
  14. First of all, everything I've read about Vocab-wise I totally agree with! Woot! As long as their mixing it up I'm super happy. Another thing that irks me in stories is when they don't leave space between each paragraph and it's looks like on giant run on. It's not so much vocab as it is grammar, but If the paragraph looks like it's going on forever I can't read it. I need some space between them! another thing. Anal is amazing and almost as great as regular sex. Don't hate
  15. Sounds good. I've never done one on here, so I'm not really sure how thats gonna go about... and I've been kinda slacking lately which sucks... but I'm still up to it.
  16. I definately agree with the hates all humans statement. It's a bit harsh for the character, considering she's handicapped, but if let's say there was a legitimate reason behind it, I might consider changin my mind.... But mary sueish she is not. Mary sueish to me is perfect in every way shape and form and can do no wrong
  17. I finally finished Strawberry panic. I've seen it awhile online and I never watch it until now.... such a cute yuri element to it
  18. lmfao As long as your share
  19. absolutely not dear. That's the only way to go for me. :D
  20. First of all let me tell you this thread was amusing as fuck to read. XD Ok, now to establish my opinion. Yes I am a Yaoi fan, i'll put that out there, but It IS a shame that there isn't more Het on here, probably just as you said, everyone is somewhat more favorable of the Yaoi genre. I also feel like it also depends on the characters in the story that make whatever popular orientation it is. For example, I was a big Yugioh/Naruto fan ahwile back(stories on ff.net)and most of my stories were indeed yaoi because the female characters in my opinion were just retards and I couldn't pair them with anyone. They didn't seem to have depth to their personality in my opinion, and depending on the topic I think that others might agree with me on that. Nobody likes a head over heels bimbo whose crush doesn't even notice they exist. For the most part however I don't see that in fire emblem fics becuase these characters all have depth to them. They each have a background which is important to how the story unfolds, and For that reason I do see a lot more het fic there than yaoi. I also have been writing more het because of it as well. Soo I'm open to discussion, and I'm sorry if I don't reply back right away either
  21. Hey fire emblem authors I don't know why, but recently I've been craving a Shinon and Rolf fic. Why? I dunno, but seeing them get close and personal in that tent when Shinion was teaching Rolf, It gave me a who bunch of lovely dirty thoughts <3 Anyway, I'd love to see just a short scene about that or a relationship thats not wanted for their brother by Boyd and Oscar just because I'm busy writing another Fiction... Actually the SorenxMia Challenge.... and I know that if I go off on a tangent writing about that I'll never finish the Sorenxmia one. So please? I'll love you forever and review it...Plus I always return the favor... non sexually speaking anyway. lol Sincerely, Kimmy_Nagasaki
  22. Hello My fellow Writers! I was wondering if they would be anyone interested in co-writing a story with me in the near future. I've only placed sacred stones and radiant dawn(10?), but I'm assuming that Path of Radiance(9?) would be similar to 10. Anyway I'm open to all ideas, whether it's Yaoi, Yuri, or straight up hentai writing... or even just a normal story, I figured I'd experiment and see what it would be like co writing! Sincerely, Kimmy_Nagasaki
  23. Of all the ones posted, I agree the most with DextrousLeftie's response
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