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Everything posted by Saitochan

  1. Wow, I never thought those things actually happened. I figured it was just some sort of 'bad publicity' for Texans, but I guess sometimes stereotypes are real. Too bad they are giving such a bad image of your country. But relax, whenever I hear of those cases of Homofobia, I remember what Sigmund Freud said; That kind of aggressive denial and fear is just a cover-up for their own subconscious (or even conscious) homosexual desires. As for your lost stories... Damn them to hell!
  2. I'm kind of in the same boat as you guys. I used to hang out with my friends quite a lot a while back, but I grew tired of going out with them because all they ever do is drink till someone (usually me) passes out. I've had some nasty experiences with booze, so I don't find hanging out with my friends so appealling anymore. Now they just don't invite me anymore to whatever they do. Is that a good or a bad thing? You should ask him to do a threesome with another girl. Then he'd see just how 'gross' your sexual preferences really are. I bed he'd accept it in a heartbeat.
  3. New chapters added! WAFF, a little angst, lemons, a love triangle, and the plot keeps thickening! Man, this reminds me of a soap opera... Come on, take a look! You know you want it!
  4. It was a tough choice between gray and potato... Err, I mean... Gray! And Dark Blue! And Black! Maybe a little green as well...
  5. Hey there! If it's NarutoxTenten you want, I recommend you read a fic called 'Beneficial Friends'. It's not a PWP, and it has a solid storyline (though I dunno if it's over yet). I really liked it, and it also hints a relationship between Ino and Naruto. Here's the link to the story. Enjoy it! http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600000122
  6. If my parents found out just how much more I like anime and hentai girls than actual girls, they'd probably worry like crazy as to whether or not they'll be having grandchildren.
  7. Wow! I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I find that REALLY hot. As for weird... well, maybe a little. Another secret... I also masturbated a couple of times in school, while my classroom was empty, fearing someone would see me through the window or simply enter the room. The thought of being caught did give me a thrill, but its nothing compared to what you did. Is there a way for men to masturbate without using their hands? B) I doubt it, but still... someone out there might know of a way.
  8. Well, I tried that already (with a whole chapter. And I even published it! What was I thinking...) Yup, I got to say that works. Not as much as to write a whole chapter, but I've managed to finish a few paragraphs. It's better than nothing, right? Besides reading fanfiction, I'm into Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, and though I can't really say they inpire me (I get so imbebbed into her story I totally forget my own), every page I turn shows me new ways of describing scenarios, writing dialogues and getting into a character's mind. That can be really useful. Thank you Anne Rice!
  9. Saitochan


    Oops, my bad.
  10. Saitochan


    Well, you can still read them, if you know where to look. The Avatar fics are in the 'Misc Anime' section, in the 'Stories moved to other subdomains' sub-section. But as for the story you're talking about... I don't have a clue. You'll have to look for it yourself. OK, good luck!
  11. Wow. What a dissertation. I want an orange!
  12. Well, I'm giving it a try... but I guess it'll be a while before I can see actual results. Thanks for the advice though. Maybe I'll write down what I come up with... but then I'd have yet another unfinished story when (not if) the writer's block strikes back. Oh well. P.D.: Oh, I almost forgot. I agree with Psychostorm. If I'm not getting paid for this, there's not really a reason to rush it (except maybe for the readers and reviewers sake)
  13. Saitochan

    Favourite Pairings

    Oh yeah! I can't get enough of her. I wish there were more team Gai fics out there.
  14. Saitochan

    Beta Nazi

    Thanks! I'll send you the first few chapters tomorrow.
  15. Saitochan

    Beta Nazi

    Hey there! I was wondering... do you beta for the Naruto Fandom too? Because I have two (unfinished) stories posted on that fandom, and didn't think of having a Beta when I posted them. It'd be great if you could take a look at them and point out my mistakes. If you're interested, please let me know. The link to my AFF author's page is http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296825185 Thanks in advance! And by the way, That's a little hard to believe, considering the threads title is "Beta Nazi", but oh well. I guess I'll take my chances.
  16. You're Night! by Elie Wiesel You've had some truly horrific experiences, especially recently, and you can barely stand to discuss them. While many people are afraid of getting close to you because of this, it has also built a fascination and admiration of you that is hard to rival. You know that things are about to get better soon, but that the trauma will be impossible to forget. You are short, but powerful. Well, I wouldn't say those 'horrific' experiences have happened recently, but I guess the rest is about right. Nice quiz!
  17. "Lois, look at this facts about sex. Sex turns straight people gay and gay people into Mexicans. Everyone goes down a notch" Peter Griffin, Family Guy Hey, I'd love to watch invader Zim again! Anyone knows where I can watch it?
  18. Hey there! I never really thought about having a Beta (I might be blowing my own horn here, but I think I've got a pretty good english), but I guess a little proofreading never hurt anyone. Just a question though... Do you Beta for the Naruto fandom as well? It does have an original universe after all... Anyway, I've been writing a romantic story for a while now (but I've only got 8 chapters so far... blame the writer's block), and I'd love if you could check them out and maybe tell me if there's anything wrong with them. The fic is called "Of Broken Bones and Shattered Dreams", and you can find it on my AFF member profile. Here's the link: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296825185 Thanks in advance!
  19. Hey people! I was wondering these past few days... How long can a writer's block be? I've been trying my best to write lately, but the last time I managed to produce was a little over two months ago. What if I just lost interest in my stories? You ever had something similar happen to you? What can I do about it? Any suggestions or ideas?
  20. So am I! Though I'm still not used to it... I'm glad I'm back to classes (I know, even I find it hard to believe)
  21. Well, at least you feel SOMETHING. It's been over a year since the embers in my heart burned out, and now I feel... empty. Though sometimes I still feel hatred and disgust towards certain someone, but those felings are not as intense as they used to be, and other than that... But nevermind. This thread isn't about me. Good luck with this girl! And remember, it all comes down to attitude. Having a great attitude is often better than just having good looks (believe me, I know)
  22. Damn, I've been there before. I'm still there. And I'll probalby stay there for a while... Oh well, at least I have fanfiction! Horray for fanfiction!
  23. Well yeah, that whole calorie thing is complete bullshit, but if you thought that was bad, check this out. I quote: "Up until the moment in your wedding when he says "I do," a boy's privates sport a treacherous spine of jagged scales, which may or may not secrete acid and weapons-grade anthrax – for which, apparently, only Ann Coulter has developed the antibodies." Can anyone possibly believe that? I mean, how absurd can a person get?
  24. Hey! I was banished to the City of Dis! Cool. Can't really say I didn't see it coming. But I'm surprised that there are so few violent people.
  25. Saitochan


    Well, I'm a huge fan of everything with Tenten on it. What are you looking for? Something long and well written? Or maybe just some PWP? I personally like when there's romance, but that may not be your case. Anyway, one fic I really liked is called 'Show and Tell', an'Show and Tell 2: Neji's return', both written by Akiradawn. Real nice, good writing and fantastic lemons. If you want to read something shorter, I recommend 'Unexpected predicaments' or 'Hot n Heavy training session'. If you like a little angst in your reading, you could try your luck with 'Letting the bedbugs bite' and 'In the silence of laughter', both written by evilevergreen. Good luck, I hope you enjoy a nice read!
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