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Harley Quinn hyenaholic

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Everything posted by Harley Quinn hyenaholic

  1. Just a suggestion - that when people donate, you list their accounts in a separate page for a month, so that they get a bit of attention. Just a "Hey, this person was generous, you've got them to thank for the site being up, and look, they got some acknowledgement for it!" It might encourage more people to donate.
  2. Another of the words I really like is "wretched". Oh yeah, don't that just make you want to cry?
  3. If it's not a plot-based story (which I can put up with provided there's good suggestion)... I'd say about 10% of the fic should be build-up. Like, if there's 30 chapters, there should be about 3 before the first sexual encounter. Of course there doesn't need to be sex in every chapter after that.
  4. I have Aspergers. Just for the record...
  5. Beauty Within? Oh, yeah. I read it, 1: Because it was yours and I like your work. 2: Because the summary involved the words 'rape', 'torture' and 'left for dead'. My memory sucks, btw. But I'm persisting with my innocence because I can't see myself even READING... whatever your story was called, far enough that I would get to the hardcore stuff. Go ahead and watch. The next chapter of You Lost will be up on Tuesday. Or would that be Wednesday? Yes, Wednesday. And who DOESN'T use Energon whips now?
  6. I know there are no vocab turn ONs, but some words I'd rather see than the Turn OFFs include 'stroked', 'murmured' and ''embraced'. Of course if the prose is awful anyway it won't do a thing, but they are definitely good words for me.
  7. StSE, I've never seen that story before in my life. Never. The first chapter of "You Lost" has been up in one form or another for over a year now. I hope you can trust me when I say neither I nor my original co-writer read that fic you linked to. In short, I’m not taking this fic down again. In long, I’m not sure how we got such similar chapters but it sure weren’t from me reading your story. Your summary doesn’t interest me. There’s no sex in the first chapter. And It’s G1. I certainly never read G1. I will leave your review up, because I’m confident I haven’t done anything wrong. And since I came clean last time I mucked up, I hope you can trust me, StSE, when I say I have no idea what's going on here. I don't have the original post date for my own, unaltered fic so I can't really accuse you of anything.
  8. Mary Sue tests are more about "Is this character you?" or "Is this wish fulfilment?"
  9. The word 'impale' with regards to 'cock'. Put that word away! It's not a bloody weapon! Even when used in conjunction with rapefics it makes me wish I was somewhere else.
  10. Assumptions: Like, when people assume that a character is going to be a Mary Sue just because it's original. Or that all Mary Sues are bad. Or that Litmus Tests work. I think there is no such thing as a bad Mary Sue. There is, however, such a thing as a bad writer.
  11. While I believe in PayPal being safe, it's never a bad idea to make it easy for people to give you money.
  12. Oh, okay... what was the order?
  13. Maybe you could save yourself some space by deleting subsections with zero stories in them? And only put up new sections when people have an actual story to put in it that will be ready to start uploading in say, a week? You have quite the number of subsections that are void of any stories whatsoever.
  14. Thanks for considering my idea. I mean, people are donating. It's only fair to give them something for it, and as I said, a little incentive for future donors. "Look at these generous people! Listed in order of how generous they are! You can be generous too! Work your way to the top of the list of generosity!"
  15. Um... well, I just Donated and all... Because there's no cause greater than sexual relief and such... But anyway, the suggestion I was going to make I figured might get you more donations. Say if you showed a list of the members who've donated and linked to their Profiles in your News box, and without showing actual donations, list the in order of highest to lowest? Maybe change it monthly like, "Here are the awesome people who donated this month!" It would be both a "Hey, donate and you will get acknowledgement" and a small bonus for Donators who would get extra publicity for their donation. And since it would be internal linking, I don't think it would cost any extra. Just a little thing, but donators do like to be noticed.
  16. Yeah, well it's kinda hard to thank somebody for improvement work that you CAN'T SEE, Melrick. No offence, DG. I mean, I'm pretty grateful for the site's existance - where else am I going to get my daily fix of smut? - and if I was capable of programming I'd offer my own help (except I'm not capable) so occasionally I've donated... Nothing personal to whoever made it, but the new logo for the site is... well... just a little pointless. By which I mean, sure, AFF is six years old. And next year it'll be seven years old, and you'll need a new logo. That's all. I just get hung up on dumb things like that. If there's ever anything I can do that somebody without anything more than the most basic of programming skills CAN do (apart from donate; I do that anyway) try asking me and I'll tell you if I can do it.
  17. Yeah, but why's such a little thing (that yet feels so big) take so long to do? It was this way several months ago when I was noticing the problems with having to visit three different subsections for Transformers and it's still going on with that AND things like TMNT.
  18. Well, it's not so much that there are too many subsections. But there are a lot of fandoms - specifically the ones that take place over multiple media genres - that have more than one subsection, in totally different places. It would make it so much easier for browsers, if these subsections were merged, perhaps into the section where the largest collection of them already resides, or perhaps into the section where they are on Fanfiction.Net. Because really, we only need one Transformers subsection - not three.
  19. When I picked "Project: Mirage" it was because she was Shadow's sister. Obviously in the Sonic fandom it had to be a verb anyway, and being a counter to Shadow's abilities... well, Project 'Light' didn't sound right, so I thought a bit more. So I came up with that OTHER illusion of light - the Mirage. Sometimes when I cheese names for fandoms that use verbs, I go to a thesaurus.
  20. How do you think up good names for OCs? Things that roll off the tongue and don't sound Sueish? Well, I have several methods of choice. They kinda seem to resemble how Marvel and DC villains are named. First example: Nickname Breech Loader, Real Name Bridget Loranski. Breech Loader is a type of gun. I was looking up gun types because my character was a mercenary. Then I realised I needed a real name for her. So I looked up baby names in an online dictionary. I picked deliberately one beginning with B that would sound boring; as boring as you can think of, like a granny knitting. For her last name I wanted something beginning with L. Loran came up, and then I added the suffix, 'ski', knowing that it isn't all that uncommon, and sounds a little... edgy. I have other examples, but how do YOU pick a name for an Original Character?
  21. I'm so glad to hear that review bombs have been stopped. I shall be glad to test that theory by permitting Anonymous Reviews again, thusly inviting more people to take advantage of my kind and generous nature. *nose grows five feet*
  22. One option when people are doing this is to go to the END button and for forwards - at least in the smaller fandoms. Hey, you might even see some older fics you might like. The other option, of course, is to file a report.
  23. True, but it is possible to keep creeps like this out now. The owners' current explanation for it is that the site code is old. But they aren't DOING anything. For fuck's sake, I've DONATED to this site. More than once. I didn't do it in order to get pissed on by some creep who gets a laugh out of annoying thousands of people. My personal vote? Track this creep down. Destroy his facebook. Send him files with viruses. Smash his face into a brick wall repeatedly.
  24. You do realise that even after he's blocked, he'll create another name and do it again? Because there's nothing on this site to stop him.
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