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Posts posted by TheBlackadder

  1. I'm bummed,

    I had to opt out of the Pro Battle for a while because I think I got up to like . . . level 80? And the potions and tonics it took to keep me from dying, to regain my strength and health, and all that other good stuff was just to expensive! I didn't have enough dough to keep me in the game! I would have been broke in a day!

    Now i'm playing games everyday trying to scrape up enough naughty points to be able to play again! At least enough so I can play off the daily interest and not worry about using up every naughty point I have. ~Sigh~ Who knows how long it's going to take though.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian the Blackadder~

  2. . . . .does that mean that my subcatagory requests are totally out of the question :).

    I understand if there isn't space for them, but I could fill the Norrington one with at least Five stories right off. But being a webmistress myself, I know that space can be tight and archiving can be a real pain in the butt sometimes. So it's cool if it can't be done.

    Oceans of love, ~Marian The Blackadder~

  3. on the brighter side though? When your doing Movie Fanfictions, sometimes it helps to rewatch the movie or even the series if your stuck. Maybe a new idea will spark, or it'll refresh the whole genre in your mind.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian the Blackadder~

  4. What urks me the worst sometimes, is when it takes me months or even YEARS to get back to a story. I mean jeez! You want to finish it NOW! but the dumb writers block sets in and your just stuck. Like quicksand.

    Which reminds me . . . anyone see the Quicksand Giraffe from Robot Chicken. Kind of what you feel like when Writers block comes around isn't it?

    Quicksand Giraffe Video

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian The Blackadder~

  5. Well,

    I still have alot of ideas. But motivation seems to be a problem. I got a review on one of my stories the other day, and BAM! Knocked out five chapters right after. Just because someone was reading it and it made me feel like I had a duty to that reader to add some more so they stayed interested.

    Which of course goes back to the “FEEDBACK!! Always give feedback guys!!!” thing.

    I love writing, I really do. I mean it’s fun! You get to create your own characters and your own world where anything can happen and your only limit is that of your own imagination. I don’t care how cheesy that sounds, it’s true. It’s like . . . world domination on your own personal level LOL.

    Still, you get writers block and then your just sitting there, starring at the screen, with your finger up your nose wondering what to do now.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian the Blackadder~

  6. The morale of the story is this: you have to make a choice, your well being versus what you love to do. Yes, being bi polar might suck and is not a good thing, but neither is a med that messes around with your though patterns and hobbies.

    That's my vote. However my attempt to back off my meds or at least lower the dosages backfired severely. Now the list goes something like Welbutron, Cymbalta, Lamictal, Topamax and Lorazepam. Nice eh? When I complain about it, I always get the "Well your meds are just out of balance, we have to get you stabalized" thing.

    Talk about wanting to say "BITE ME! I want to write and act again!" on a daily bases.

    Life isn't the only important thing, there is a quality of life issue here too.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian the Blackadder~

  7. Serious. It’s annoying as all hell. I mean, I have lots of stories and ideas and such, but the problem is lack of motivation. It ticks me off! Mostly because it used to be that I could knock out 100 typed pages of a story, just let the thoughts flow out of my head through my fingers and come up with some pretty good stuff. Now? I’m just like . . “ . . . .um .. . .”

    I LOVE to write! It’s my escape, it’s perhaps my favorite thing to do with my time next to Theatre (of course) and I just feel like my head is on pause. Part of it is due to all of this @#$!( Bipolar meds they put me on. The more they pile on, the more difficult it is to write. How is that supposed to make me happier and more satisfied in life? Really?

    So I have 10 or 11 stories up on AFF right now, most of them are still Works In Progress, and it irritates me because I feel like I should have most, if not all of them finished by now. Ya know? But here I am, writers blocked into a corner and it feels like banging my head against a wall.

    It’s not fair when the one thing you love more then anything else gets turned into a nightmare. It almost feels like a chore now to get a few more chapters added, when it used to be a joy.

    Damn doctors.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian The Blackadder~

  8. Hi there.

    I've been meaning to request this for a while, but haven't gotten around to it until just now (Partly because I wasn't sure where to post it.) PLEASE . . please please make a Norrington Category. I know there are enough of his fans out there to at least put a good handful into that section. And it would make them MUCH easier to find.

    Catagory name: James Norrington

    Section catagory to be in: Pirates of the Caribbean

    Do you have any stories for it?: Yeah, Lots. They've been up for a while but I think part of the reason no ones reading them is because no one can find the things.

    Catagory name: Beckett OR E.I.T.C. (East India Trading Company)

    Section catagory to be in: Pirates of the Caribbean

    Do you have any stories for it?: Yup. if the name were East India Trading company it would probley incompass Mercer, Beckett, and any other employees or stories that are E.I.T.C. heavy.

    So those are my two requests.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian The Blackadder~

  9. Well, my experience creating characters comes from my years of acting classes in college and high school. Trying on the character mentally after you’ve built them physically in your mind. It just seems to make it easier to write things from their point of view, or things they might be feeling (Not to mention helps me out in my acting classes sooner or later!)

    I’m like a lot of these writers, I’ll start out with an idea of a persona in my head and just start writing out a scenario and how they would react to it. Now they say that putting yourself into a story makes you a Mary Sue sort of writer, but people who say that can bite me. (No offense anyone, just trying to make a point. When I first started out writing I had ‘Mary Sue’ tattooed across my forehead by some really mean MEAN people and boy did they just flame on me all over the place. So . . . yeah touchy subject.)

    The reason I say that, is because you kinda do have to put yourself into any original character you write a little bit. To speak for that person and see things from their point of view you’ll end up speaking from your own feelings or your own experience IF you were facing that specific scenario yourself were you that person. Does that make sense?

    It’s very close to being an actress/actor only your writing down how you would react so people can read it instead of getting up on stage in a costume and make-up showing everyone your story. There is still a little bit of you in that original character weather it’s male or female regardless of your own sex.

    Make sense?

    As for names, there are sites on the web where you can go (Usually baby name sites, cause . . . obviously if your looking for names for people they were probley just born) that I visit and I pick out a good name that I feel fits the story and the character after I’ve developed my character. There are 100,000’s names on these sites, you can even narrow your search if you want a specific origin or meaning. Love those sites.

    ~Marian The Blackadder~

  10. I find my biggest ‘oopsy’ nowadays is my spelling and grammar. That’s why I try to check it and recheck it in Word or another program before posting it. However it doesn’t catch the mistakes like past tense, or plural, or even if you used the wrong word as long as it’s spelled correctly. If you are a fast typer who types as quickly as the ideas flow out of your head, you’re bound to get LOTS of mistakes like that. (Speaking of which, I’m still in the market for a beta!! Anyone??)

    With Critical Reviews– I find that there are two kinds. The constructive, and the purely EVIL.

    Kinda like what Johnny says in the Libertine.

    “You must acquire the trick of ignoring those who don’t like you. In my experience, those who don’t like you fall into two categories. The envious and the stupid. The stupid; will like you in five years time. The envious; never.”

    I can usually tell the difference between a well thought out Criticism, from someone who is trying to assist me in my quest to better my writing (and make my prose less offensive to the eyes of the reader), and a flat out flamer who just wants to tear someone else down and make them as miserable as they apparently are in their own sad little lives.

    I like constructive Criticism; because it has made me a much better writer then I started out to be originally. I won’t lie, I will admit it, I was the biggest, worst Mary Sue in the world when I started out with my first story. (My belief system on Mary Sue’s isn’t a popular one apparently. But I think that those stories are just as entertaining as any other. I’m a web mistress of a Captain Hook fan fiction site and I tell everyone that Mary Sue’s are safe to post there stuff there. They tend to get attacked like raw meat in rabid wolves and that’s not fair. Their writers too!) I had just seen “The Patriot” and boy did Colonel Tavington just steal my heart right away! Granted I didn’t know what a Mary Sue was when I was just starting out. But also my characters all spoke in the same paragraph, each chapter was one HUGE seven page paragraph, the dialogue and the story themselves seemed incredibly . . . grade school level.

    But it was my first piece. (I’m rewriting it now, one chapter at a time. It’s a 30 chapter story, I’m up to chapter 20 . . . have it posted! “Piety and Infamy”. The names have been changed to protect just how lame I feel I was at the time of writing it. However I did keep the somewhat pretentious title.) and after serious Criticism, both Constructive and Evil . . . I mean HARSH, HARSH stuff, I started to improve. Like immediately I started to improve.

    So hopefully people do want to better their writing enough to at least take the criticism for what it is. An opportunity to make you better as a writer. You don’t always need a pat on the head so much as a good kick in the butt! . . . .although the pats on the head are nice sometimes.

    ~Marian the Blackadder~

  11. I know. I had a feeling people went "Norrington? . . .WTF . . . .", “Beckett . . . who the heck was he??.”

    I've got a thing for the bad buy/Whipping boy in movies. If you've seen the P.O.T.C. movies you realize that Norrington is never at any point a "Bad Guy" but more the only one who really signifies absolute morals and the law in the first movie, and his character progresses in the second to look at the other side of things . . . . that doesn't work out, in the third movie . . . he finally turns into the guy everyone else wants him to be, just like everyone else acts . . . and he gets Elizabeth's kiss of death (Anyone else notice everyone that chick kissed died? Even Will?) and dies for it? Seriously. He never is officially the bad guy, more like . . . the whipping boy because he follows the rules.

    And Beckett . . . well he's just plain out evil personified. Mercer is the same. Beckett plots and schemes, Mercer would slit your throat just as easily and carelessly as look at you. No explanation or deepness there really.

    Then I stick in the Original Characters because I don't want to just COMPLETELY rip off the story from the movie. Just use one or two characters, maybe the time and the place and make my own story, ya know? Maybe that's where I’m going wrong. People have NO idea what the heck I’m talking about.

    The Patriot Fan Fictions . . . . are from a movie directed by Mel Gibson 8 years ago. I’m not surprised if it’s long since passed from everyone’s memory by now. Once again, centered around the bad guy, cause . . .I’ve got a thing for bad guys. My heart for some reason always goes out to them as getting the short end of the stick and never having their side of the story told.

    My only original fiction is my Vampire based on, “Conception”. That one seems kinda popular . . . if I’m reading the hits as interest, it gets more hits then any of my other stories.

    That’s another thing, I wonder if my stories get to involved and complicated sometimes? Maybe they drag on to long, or maybe they just don’t seem to interesting . . . .UGH! See what I mean?? The longer I go without feedback . . . . the more insecure I get about my writing LOL.

    ~Marian The Blackadder~

  12. I'm not afraid to be told I suck (Yes, I'm THAT hungry for feedback), here's my titles for my stories I have posted, tell me if they stink. Might be the reason no ones reading them :(

    Pirates Of The Caribbean:

    1. "Tortuga: Roses and Thorns" – This is a story about Commodore James Norrington’s time on Tortuga between the First and Second movies, when he had resigned his commission and was living among those whom he had despised most, having become one of them himself.

    In this story, he is paired up with an original character named “Dani”, who is a young independent, self-reliant prostitute that has lived on the island for years. She is the only one left who will put up with James’s arrogant attitude, violent mood swings, physical roughness, and melancholy states. Everyone else on the island couldn’t care less about wither or not he turned up in a ditch, and can’t understand why Dani puts up with him at all.

    (This is my one complete story I have posted by the way)

    2. “A Marriage to a Fine Woman” – In this story having been shunned by Elizabeth, Norrington decides it would be better to enter into a marriage contract with a lady’s father the proper way. His closest friend Gregory begins to remind him that he’s not getting any younger, only to be told that Norrington has already made arrangements, even though he had not yet had the privilege of meeting the young woman herself, her father was a very well known man. WIP

    It’s not until his wedding day when he is pledging his vows that he realizes it had not crossed his mind to inquire about her age, having simply assumed that she would have been older. Yet Norrington soon finds himself wed to a child bride.

    3. “State Your Name” – Lord Beckett became such a success thanks to his obsessive nature. But when a young girl who was only supposed to be a one night’s distraction is ‘rescued’ from his grasp, he is unable to let go and becomes obsessed with having her for himself. WIP

    4. “A Commodore” – James Norrington. A Successful, upstanding, wealthy, handsome, Commodore of his majesties Royal Navy, well respected throughout the military ranks, and well known in the Caribbean and England, even commended by the King himself. There is no finer man for a husband to be had.

    So why is it no one seems to want to marry the poor man? Well no matter, Heather’s mother has entered her into a marriage contract and the date is set. Yet Heather is hardly about to go quietly. WIP

    (I have more, but I’m thinking I need to break up these posts because they are too long.)

    ~Marian The Blackadder~

  13. I'm not sure where this idea came from. I think it's because I was being chased by the Blood Bank truck guys on my college campus this week. (Sheesh, a bunch of freakin' vampires for sure "Want to make a donation! Can we have your blood!")

    As writters we tend to need a donation of feedback . . . like blood from time to time to survive in our craft/hobby/etc., so here's a suggestion: isn't there some way we could set up a week, or a weekend, or something for a "Review Drive" for all the stories posted? Even rotate it to different sections of the site like "Movie Fan Fiction Review Drive" or "Book FanFiction Review Drive" Etc. So it's a bit more narrowed down about what to read and what to review to.

    Then maybe have some sort of reward for reviews given, like is done here on the message boards. (The whole point thing. 20 points for a new topic, 10 points for a reply?)

    I know in the Arcade the biggest draw seems to just be seeing our names up on a list, and seeing our name at the top of the list is just a HUGE BIG reward for some reason (Even if it is . . . just our names with a score), that might be enough?

    So . . . that's just an idea I had today while almost being mauled by the Blood Bank vampires at college.

    ~Marian The Blackadder~

  14. It does get discouraging :( For a while I was posting my stuff on my MySpace blog, but my friends REALLY aren't into reading Fan Fictions . . . or stories period it seems like. So I had hoped that coming over here I might find more readers that would have feedback.

    It's not that I'm looking for pats on the head so much as I want to improve my writing, and I want to see if what I write is interesting to other people besides me, ya know? Or if my hobby is just self-indulgence personified.

    I realize that a lot of my stories are WIP, but it’s sort of because I’m at the point where I need a little feedback to get past the writers block so I can continue on writing it, maybe even finish it. I hate writers block! It’s the worst disease in the world!

    ~Marian The Blackadder~

  15. The most disheartening thing since I’ve uploaded my stories is the lack of . . . anything ;). I can’t tell if people aren’t just interested in the topics the stories are about, the titles aren’t snappy or catching enough, the labels are a turn off (The labels for what’s in the story are kinda harsh if your just going by them. It doesn’t say to what degree the content is, just that it’s in there. It’s a bummer if that’s what’s turning people away!!!), no one can find them, or I just suck as a writer!

    My worst fear is the last one, do I completely suck as a writer? Are my stories complete crap? How do I know this if I don’t get any ratings or reviews on them?

    Granted, I really only have one posted complete story. The rest are in progress, but still there is a VERY good portion of them up. Two or three of my stories have gotten actual ratings, and one or two reviews, but out of 11 stories . . . :). It’s kind of depressing and very self conscious.

    ~Sigh~ So day by day, I check hoping for something. Wishing I wasn’t such a Feedback whore, but I wish I could at least get something on my finished story “Tortuga: Roses and Thorns”. . . . However it seems to be my least read story.

    I think I suck!!!

    ~Marian The Blackadder~

  16. (I just started reading this topic today, so if I missed something, please don't break out the torches and pitchforks!!)

    In one of my stories, "A Marriage To A Fine Woman" there are a couple of scenes between Norrington and my original character who is underage. Of course Norrington being more then Twice her age, it does have a tendency to raise eyebrows, but it's not just simply there for shock value, or for pornographic reasons. It's relevant to the story.

    The very first time they are 'together', some people might consider it rape if they aren't reading it in the context of the story, or the circumstances surrounding it. If you take it out of context then of course it's going to seem absolutely grotesque, pointless and there for nothing more then kicks. Sometimes you have to read the whole story (Or at least the events leading up to that particular event) to understand what's going on or you'll misinterpret the whole thing.

    HOWEVER . . . . yeah I’ve seen the other stuff were it’s just blatant . . . child porn. Where from the child’s perspective it would be nothing but a nightmare come true. That sort of stuff makes me angry. Perhaps it wouldn’t effect me so much if I didn’t have a 9 year old niece that I’ve raised since she was born, but anything that puts children in a situation that they should never be put in, and protected from . . . that isn’t even entertainment.

    ~Marian The Blackadder~

  17. Title: Master and Commander: Secrets and Stowaways

    Author: Miss Marian Kimberly Welty

    Rating: Adult

    Summary: The Surprise has just set sail on one of it’s voyages for king and country. A new addition to the crew, a assistant to Stephen has not yet been introduced to the Captain since it was a very last minute change to the personnel list. Abuse, Angst, AU/AR,M/F,O

    Disclaimer: This story contains material that may be offensive to some readers.

    Feedback: Yes, please. The More the merrier.

    Fandom: Movies, Master & Commander

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091744

  18. Title: Tortuga: Roses and Thorns

    Author: Miss Marian Kimberly Welty (TheBlackadder)

    Rating: Adult++

    Summary: This is a fan fiction focused on James Norrington on the Island of Tortuga after he resigned his commission at Port Royal for failing to bring back Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl. Violence

    Disclaimer: There is strong language, violence, death, sex and other racy content in this story, which may be offensive to some readers.

    Feedback: Yes! Please please please.

    Fandom: Movies, Pirates of the Caribbean (Norrington)

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091697

  19. Title: A Commodore

    Author: Miss Marian Kimberly Welty (TheBlackadder)

    Rating: Adult++

    Summary: A Commodore is a fine choice for a husband, so why is it no one seems to want to marry the poor man? Well no matter, Heather’s mother has entered her into a marriage contract and the date is set. Yet Heather is hardly about to go quietly.

    Disclaimer: This story may have elements that are offensive to some readers including violence, language, sexuality, manipulation, blackmail, death, and loss. This story is for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe on any copyrights.

    Feedback: Yes. Please. The more the better.

    Fandom: Movies, Pirates of the Caribbean (Norrington)

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091698

    Thread URL:

  20. Title: Piety and Infamy

    Author: Miss Marian Kimberly Welty (TheBlackadder)

    Rating: Adult+

    Summary: This is a story about Colonel William Tavington’s marriage to a mysterious young Colonial girl whom very little is known about. Later to find that she had fallen under General Cornwallis’ eye. The story runs parallel to the movie. Angst, Death, OC, Other, Vio

    Disclaimer: This is the first fan fiction I ever wrote (2001-02 probley) so it’s a bit Mary-Sue and amateurish. I am in the process of rewriting and adding chapters as I finish them. There is some sexual content, and death.

    Feedback: Yes Please.

    Fandom: Movies, The Patriot

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091701

  21. Title: A Marriage To A Fine Woman

    Author: Miss Marian Kimberly Welty (TheBlackadder)

    Rating: Adult+

    Summary: Having been shunned by Elizabeth, Norrington decides it would be better to enter into a marriage contract with a lady’s father the proper way. Yet he finds himself wed to a very young bride never thinking to ask her age before the wedding. Abuse, Angst, AU/

    Disclaimer: This is a fiction that may have content that is offensive to some readers. Some graphic sexuality, abuse and other material that might not be suitable for everyone.

    Feedback: Yes, please. All I can get.

    Fandom: Movies, Pirates of the Caribbean (Norrington)

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091702

  22. Title: Roses of Stone

    Author: Miss Marian Kimberly Welty (TheBlackadder)

    Rating: Adult+

    Summary: This story is about Colonel Tavington's turbulent marriage to a woman whose temperament tends to match his own. However when she comes to the Colonies from England to confront him personally, there temperaments clash yet again. Abuse, Angst, AU/AR, Death, M/F, N

    Disclaimer: This story may contain material that some readers may find offensive including sex, violence, abuse and other explicit subject matter.

    Feedback: All I can get please.

    Fandom: Movies, The Patriot

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091703

  23. Title: State Your Name

    Author: Miss Marian Kimberly Welty (TheBlackadder)

    Rating: Adult+

    Summary: Beckett became such a success thanks to his obsessive nature. But when a young girl who was only supposed to be a one night’s distraction is ‘rescued’ from his grasp, he is unable to let go and becomes obsessed with having her for himself. Abuse, Angst, AU/

    Disclaimer: This story contains material that some readers may find offensive including language, graphic descriptions, sex, violence, death, blackmail, adultery, and other such content.

    Feedback: As much as I can get please.

    Fandom: Movies, Pirates of the Caribbean

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091709

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