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Posts posted by TheBlackadder

  1. Title: A Halloween Story

    Author: Miss Marian Kimberly Welty (TheBlackadder)

    Rating: Adult

    Summary: Teenagers can be so cruel to the new comers! But a Halloween game of ditch 'em turns deadly when Danny's friends leave her in a Grave yard where Colonel Tavington's Ghost waits just for such an opportunity. AU/AR, Death, OC, Oneshot

    Disclaimer: This story might not be suitable for some readers. Contains gore, violence and some graphic descriptions.

    Feedback: As much as I can get please.

    Fandom: Movies, The Patriot

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091710

  2. I just decided to be all efficient today and put threads up for each of my stories, then link my stories to the threads. So, here we go.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian The Blackadder~

    Title: Hook's Wendy

    Author: Miss Marian Kimberly Welty (TheBlackadder)

    Rating: Adult+

    Summary: This is a Fan Fiction about how Hook finds his own 'Wendy' so that he is no longer "Old", "Alone" and "Done for". Abuse,Angst,AU/AR,Death,H/C,Language,M/F,MC,N/C,OC,Other,Slave,Violence,WIP

    Disclaimer: This story was inspired by the 2003 Peter Pan movie, and picks up where it left off. It may contain material that some readers may find offensive including sex, violence, language, blackmail, abuse, and other material.

    Feedback: As much as I can get please.

    Fandom: Books, Peter Pan (There wasn’t a section in Movies for Peter Pan)

    URL: http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093487

  3. Hey Everyone,

    I wanted to open this discussion topic for my Vampire story in the "Originals" section of the Adult Fan Fiction Site.

    It seems to be a favorite and I wanted to make it possible for people to chat with people and to chat with each other about the story :)

    YES, I know that the grammar and spelling sucks in places and leaves a lot to be desired. I am in hot pursuit of a Beta as we speak, so hopefully that can be resolved soon.

    I'm posting links on my story so people can find there way here to this topic (Thanks Goddess for the suggestion!) and so hopefully this plan will work!

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian~

    If you're going into the story from this way, here's all the info on it:

    Title: Conception

    Author: Miss Marian Kimberly Welty (TheBlackadder)

    Rating: Adult+

    Summary: Vampires have always been unable to reproduce. It is the price of immortality. The dead can't create life. However, Reaper finds that Shay isn't just an ordinary meal. Tort, Violence, VS, WIP *Reviews Welcomed and Greatly Desired*

    Feedback: As much as I can get please.

    Fandom: Originals, Vampire

    URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096331

  4. Okay,

    So here is my plan, I’ve noticed that at the bottom of the page of each story it says, “Discuss this story” you can click the link and it takes you to the AFF site but it doesn’t really take you to any specific place. So I thought I would make one, cross my fingers, and PRAY that maybe I could not only get some people to read my story, but get some feedback (That I could actually answer to. The review thing is GREAT but then people ask you questions and your sitting there going “ . . . . .well shoot . . . .” cause there’s no way to answer.) and some discussion with real people on the story OTHER then spelling and grammar. Like “Oh . . .well the characters could have done that, or . . . I wish the characters could have really been more open minded about this . . .” You know like those discussions you get into with your friends after seeing a movie? That would be kinda cool.

    So here it goes. Here’s my story, and hopefully maybe someone wants to discuss it? Maybe?

    Title – Tortuga: Roses and Thorns

    Author – Miss Marian Kimberly Welty

    Summery - This is a fan fiction focused on James Norrington on the Island of Tortuga after he resigned his commission at Port Royal for failing to bring back Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl. Having lost everything, his position, his rank, and his place, he's forced to view life from a different perspective.

    Ratings – Adult, NC-17, for Violence, language, and sexual content.

    Pairings – James Norrington (or the Former Commodore), and OC (Original Character)

    Spoilers - ???

    Feedback – Yes Please, as much as I can get.


    Oceans of Love, ~TheBlackadder~

  5. I have eight. Half of them are "The Patriot" fanfictions and the others are "Pirates of the Caribbean" fictions . . . . Okay so they are centered around the bad guys because I always think the bad guys get a bum rap. So!?

    Eitherway, I'm your Movie fan fic gal. Right here.

    I also have a nineth that there wasn't a place to post it for in the movie section so I had to post it under the book section. It was based on the 2003 "Peter Pan" movie, but they insisted that all fictions written in the Peter Pan relem are apparently book fan fiction material.

    Either way. Here I am. Movie worm with the rest of ya :angry:

    Oceans of Love, ~TheBlackadder~

  6. Hello everyone!,

    I just joined AdultFanFiction.net a few days ago and have been uploading my Fan Fictions rapidly (I think I have 9 up so far? Some of them i'm still uploading chapters because they are SOOOO long)

    Anyway, the main complaint i'm getting (Or suggestion really, everyone has been really nice for a change :D People on the other fan fiction site are evil. With a capital E) is my spelling. I do have a few grammer problems that I catch and try to correct when I come across them, but my spelling seems to be the worst.

    So i'm looking for someone who wants to tackle my spelling for me. Anyone want to take on the challenge? ANY help is appricated!!!

    Adult Fan Fiction Pen Name: TheBlackadder

    Thank you!

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian~

  7. Hi everyone! I'm new to the site and I have just finished uploading my first story to the site! Please go and read it if you are interested. It is a completed fiction. (Eight Chapters)

    Title – Tortuga: Roses and Thorns

    Author – Miss Marian Kimberly Welty

    Summery - This is a fan fiction focused on James Norrington on the Island of Tortuga after he resigned his commission at Port Royal for failing to bring back Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl. Having lost everything, his position, his rank, and his place, he's forced to view life from a different perspective.

    Ratings – Adult, NC-17, for Violence, language, and sexual content.

    Pairings – James Norrington (or the Former Commodore), and OC (Original Character)

    Spoilers - ???

    Feedback – Yes Please, as much as I can get.

    URL – http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091697

    Thank You!!!

    Oceans of Love, ~ Marian the Blackadder~

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