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Posts posted by TheBlackadder

  1. not gonna lie, this thread is pretty ancient, and given the traffic on AFF forums (aka pretty damn slim) i don't see the OP keeping up with this (if you are though do reply). Should probably let this thread die in peace. In fact the thread is so old that I faintly recall having posted here before but don't even remember what I wrote. must've been like a year ago...

    Hey, I started the bloody thing and then forgot all about it until I saw it pop up today LOL. Beat that :P

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian~ AKA The Blackadder

  2. Yes.

    Hands down.


    When typecast its easier to just imagine that one side of the actor; especially the villain typecasts. Like Mark Strong or Jason Isaacs, even Dominic West (300, Centurion, etc) to an extent because all we ever see is their nasty side and its what obviously appeals, if you're writing a fanfic about the character they're playing, to you.

    It also, I think, goes hand in hand with how well they do their job as a villain. I don't think Tim Curry would've sold being a baddie in Three Musketeers if it weren't for how damn convincing he is when acting.

    I so hope that made sense, sorry if it didn't, movies and I = tongue-tied long rambles. Haha!


    LOL, are you kidding? I am the QUEEN of rambling. I don't mind it :)

    Jason Issacs is another Heartthrob of mine from way back. Even before he did the Patriot in 2000 (my god, has it been ten years already?), hence the reason I've written a couple of Tavington Fan Fictions LOL and the Hook one. British Actors always appeal to me for some reason. Especially the ones who are typed as Villains. Paul Bettany wasn't a favorite of mine until he played Bill in "Fire Wall". Talk about a scary S.O.B!!

    It does get hard sometimes though writing about people who are English or live in England. I'm a southern California girl myself, and it's hard to write using their phrases and slang properly to keep the accent intact.

    ~Marian~ AKA The Blackadder

  3. Hey guys,

    So with my Sherlock Holmes Fan Fiction (I think it's more of a Blackwood fan fiction. I keep throwing a chapter or two with Watson and Holmes in there so it keeps the story in the genere, but it's pretty much all about Blackwood.) of course I go back to the movie and watch it over again for more source material. Although, like with alot of stories based on a character with a limited part in a movie, you sort of find your well of inspiration and material quickly running dry.

    In my case, I've started watching other stuff Mark Strong has been in for more ideas. Some of his characters he plays are completely off the deep end and no where close to Blackwood, but some of them are darn close in attitude and mannerisms.

    Do you think that Characters played by actors who are basically type cast are easier to write about because there are other places you can pull from to help develop your characters story?

    ~Marian~ AKA The Blackadder

  4. Hey Guys,

    Since my unfortunate computer disaster it's taken me a while to get back into the writing step. However I have been seeing my muse (the muse of sleep deprivation! She rocks!) again lately and it's been helping my write my Sherlock Holmes FanFiction.

    I did have a couple of requests to post the missing chapters from my Peter Pan "Hook's Wendy" story, but the only way to do that is to retype it from my hard copy that I thankfully printed before that stupid virus ate everything.

    Although it's slow going, it gives me a chance to refresh my typing skills, AND correct a few errors and add a line or two to my already written story. It, like most of my stories, is not finished but I think I have 70 chapters done. I've only posted up to 60 now. I'm trying to type and post a chapter a day.

    Seriously though you guys, I never thought losing so many stories and so much work out of the blue would be so traumatic. But it really devastated and hurt me beyond belief. If it wasn't for the stories I had posted here, on Adult FanFiction I don't know if I would have ever gone back to writing again.

    With my Twitter account now in full operation I try to post updates every time I add a chapter or edit something so that my 'fans' can follow it. (I'm not being sarcastic by the way, I'm amazed really and it's hard for me to believe I have actual fans. LOL. I'm so completely amateur it's not even funny.)

    So that's what's going on with me right now. I'm glad I found incentive to write again, it's incredibly therapeutic for me. When my life both sucks and blows I can always escape into a world I created with characters I understand.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian~

  5. Okay,

    I have succumb to peer pressure and now have a Twitter account, which I will use to inform everyone whenever I update one of my stories. (Which will be useful considering the majority of my fictions are still in progress.)

    My Twitter Account: http://twitter.com/MKBlackadder

    My Stories:

    Books – Peter Pan – “Hook’s Wendy”

    Movies – Pirates of the Caribbean – “A marriage to a fine woman”

    “A Commodore”

    “State your Name”

    “Tortuga: Roses and Thorns” *COMPLETE*

    Dark Knight - “When Joker Met Harley”

    Master and Commander - “Secrets and Stowaways”

    The Patriot: “A Halloween Story” *COMPLETE*

    “Piety and Infamy”

    “Roses of Stone”

    Sherlock Holmes (2009) “Dark Rituals”

    TV - Star Trek “Rites and Ceremonies”

    Originals - Vampire “Conception”

    By all means, subscribe to me and let me know what stories you’re interested in following and I will send updates!!!

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian~

  6. Hey Guys,

    A couple weeks ago, one of those really nasty viruses flying around the internet planted itself on my computer and started downloading every other virus on the internet.

    So, we had to wipe my harddrive without saving anything. I mean ANYTHING>

    SO I went from roughly 148 short stories, long stories and such . . . .to the 13 I have uploaded to the site. 10 years of writing down the drain and into the abyss. Good God have mercy, I have been SO Depressed lately.

    Now instead of writer block, I have writers fear. Which is way worse cause you don't even want to try ;)

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian~

  7. Well, I thought the title was cute. :D

    My Skills:

    • I can fix spelling and grammar issues.
    • Help with the story flow if it becomes too choppy.
    • Provide constructive criticism if the author so desires.
    • I'll even clean up after your plot bunny if need be.

    I'm currently working on my own story, though I haven't posted any chapters yet. However I am primarily interested in being a beta for an author writing Harry Potter slash. I can promise you that nothing will bother me in terms of content, and I am even willing to help out with non slash pairings apart from Femme-Slash.

    I am an English major, studying to become a High School English teacher, and I'd be glad to help you with your stories. If you have any questions I'll gladly answer them.

    *Side Note*

    My favorite pairings are Severus/Harry, Draco/Harry, and Tom/Harry. But I am completely fine with all other pairings :)


    You are definitely the sort of Beta that I need to help me with my Star Trek Story. PLEASE, by all means help me!!! LOL


    Will you take me?

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian the Blackadder~

  8. I'm opening this thread for people who are reading my story and would like to discuss it. Unfortunately, it's impossible to respond to reviews so . . . here we are.

    Title: Rites & Ceremonies

    Rating: Adult+

    Genre: Star Trek: The Original Series

    Summery: A Spock Based Fan Fiction first draft that I would like to get feedback and suggestions on.

    Labels: Violence, Marriage, Pregnancy, Death, Male/Female, Slavery, Original Character, etc.

    Here's the link: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094692

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian The Blackadder~

  9. YAY!!!!

    There is life out there! Horray!!! I was beginning to wonder!

    Well, the thing that is making it difficult for me, is it's a Spock fan fic. Which means, Vulcan physiology and philosophy. In the show they tended to reason things out by being repetitive, and sort of going in circles to find the logic of a situation when it's something new, or confusing, or out of place. Or even to find the illogical view when it is something they don't personally agree with. You know, you've watched the show and probley the movies too, LOL.

    So, when I say repetitive, it's kinda true, and it's also . . . . sort of me trying to figure out the characters. What they believe, and what they are bound to by their culture.

    I guess I was trying to explain in my discription is that I'm not at my best right now when writting, and that I have this great idea (i think) but the characters I've chosen to write the story about, makes it kinda hard. Cause I'm freakin' human and I don't understand why they seem so weighed down by morals and beliefs to the point that they risk their lives. In the story, Vulcan's are AMAZINGLY stoic, and they ARE reptitive. With two half human Vulcan's, that are fighting between their two sides, plus having to deal with the situation they were thrust into . . . it's gonna be reptitive. But it's for a good reason, they do finally come to conclusions and make dicisions.

    But this is why I'm begging for feedback LOL. If anyone has any ideas about how to make it less reptitive, if they like the idea of the story, what they would like to see happen, what they wouldn't like to see happen. That's basically the reason I came running to the website for reviews, comments, and suggestions. I kept reading it going, "WTF? Something is wrong here. I need help."

    Anyway, now i've rambled on. It seems as though I do that alot lately when I start writting LMAO!

    Thank you for the tips by the way, I think I"m going over to change the discription right now.

    Oceans Of Love, ~Marian the Blackadder~

  10. Okay,

    Here is the situation. I have an idea in my head, and I haven't quite got the jist of the story sorted out. However, 200 pages later (yes, that good of an idea, and in only 2 days, 200 pages) I felt like I really needed some feedback. You know, see if the ideas in the story i've posted are good, bad, mediocre. Whatever. I just needed some feedback, DESPERATELY needed feed back.

    I actually posted in the topic what was going on, and asked for feedback. As much as I could get. I'm trying to break writers block and I really want to turn all these ideas into a good story.

    NO takers. Not even a rating. So here I am, i've posted 5 'chapters' and nothin. How is a girl supposed to get her writers block to take a hike if she can't even get any feed back!!!


    Oceans of Love (and frustration!), ~Marian the Blackadder~

  11. Ah,

    Well that settles it LOL. Everyone has to watch deadliest catch! I've never seen such a wide array of characters. And on top of that, they are all real fishermen. Not actors, and nothing is scripted. (It couldn't be, not in the middle of the baring sea).

    You can partly tell it's real, because of all the cursing. Also, I know that Sig has thrown the entire camera crew (two guys, wow) off his boat for getting in the way.

    I guess what's so cool about these guys is that they are real. What they do is real. They can't even be phony for the cameras because they're busy trying not to die. Especially the Captains.

    The Deadliest Catch is snowballing big time. I mean, it was supposed to be a one year documentary, and here we are. Five seasons later LOL> Catch Con was last weekend, and I missed it because I'm in California and it was in Washington :( Talk about a bummer!

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian~

  12. Okay,

    So I'm wondering what everyone's stance is on reality show Fan Fictions? For some reason out of the blue I started writing one the other day with the Deadliest Catch, starring the crew of the Northwestern. (I wonder how many people are reading this with blank stares LOL) Just because it was something in my head and I wanted to write it down. Before I knew it, I was up to 50 pages and have a decent start for a story.

    So what do you guys think? Are reality shows still in the running for fan fictions? Would that be in TV shows or what? Opinions?

    Oceans of love, ~Marian~

  13. I realize that this is like . . . way out there was a topic, but I just bought the complete Angel set. All five seasons and I have been watching them for days.

    So after watching these episodes, and of course having watched all the Buffy episodes . . . what do you think? Who would you prefer? Angelas or Angel?

    This just struck me as something I wondered. I figured with such an extensive Buffy Archive on AFF, you guys might have some opinions and insights on this.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian~

  14. Okay,

    So just for the heck of it (I was bored this morning), I was googling Fan Fiction terms just seeing what some of them meant. (There are still some that completely escape me and I don't understand AFTER reading the definition.)

    The one common factor I’ve noticed in all the fan fiction sites is the dreaded "Mary Sue". As if it's the most evil, vile, horrible thing in the world. But then I started thinking,

    How many movies and TV shows do the Mary Sue thing? They get away with it, and they are VERY popular.

    The Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy- Oh, my GOD. Is Elizabeth not the biggest Mary Sue character in history? She can do everything, sword fight, con people, stowaway and such. She's NEVER afraid, and EVERYONE is in love with her.

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer - So, Mary Sue. I have part of the series on Disk. The Part with Spike, because I love James Marsters. AND I have the entire Angel series box set that I just got for Christmas. Try and tell me that Buffy isn't a Mary Sue based character? Everyone is in love with her, everyone wants to do what is best for HER regardless of what is best for them. She's a great warrior, she's beautiful . . . she dies three times and comes back to life. Am I the only one seeing the pattern here?

    I'm not bagging on these stories, Obviously I like them otherwise I wouldn't own them on DVD and watch them over and over and over again. But do you see my point?

    Not to mention, that to call someone’s character a Mary Sue, is assuming ALOT about a person. Usually, the people slinging around the term "Mary Sue" in a hurtful and degrading way, have never met the authors or spoken with them. Just read their stories online. So how do they know that person is portraying themselves how they wish they were in a story? It seems very asinine and somewhat presumptuous to me.

    Anyway, I thought I'd rant about this. Every single fan fiction site out there has a big fat disclaimer on Mary Sue's.

    All of us starting out was probley a Mary Sue writer. It took time for us to learn how to write a decent story. But how many potential authors have been turned off of writing because they were declared a Mary Sue, and (figuratively) burned at the stake?

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian the Blackadder~

  15. Title: When The Joker Met Harley

    Author: Marian ~The Blackadder~

    Rating: NC-17

    Summary: Those of you who aren’t familiar with the Batman series won’t recognize this character. But she was his sidekick or second in command for the majority of the series. This story picks up where “The Dark Knight” leaves off. (PLEASE REVIEW!!!)

    Feedback: Very much wanted, But please use constructive criticism. Not a “Lets kick her down a few notches!!” fest.

    Fandom: Movies, Batman (Heath Ledgers Joker)

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092105

    I would very much like to also use this post as a discussion forum for my story. I keep getting reviews with questions and have no way to reply to them. It’s frustrating sometimes.

  16. Hey All,

    We got my mom an ornament with my Grandma's Picture in it and engraved with the last verse of this poem.

    I know everyone has lost a loved one, either this year, or in the past. For us, this year, it was my Grandma Marian.

    So here's the poem, I wanted to send it around and share it with everyone.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian~

    "Merry Christmas From Heaven"

    I still hear the songs, I still see the lights

    I still feel the love, on cold wintry nights

    I still share your hopes, and all of your cares

    I'll even remind you, to please say your prayers

    I just want to tell you, you still make me proud

    You stand head and shoulders, above all the crowd

    Keep trying each moment, to stay in His grace

    I came here before you, to help set your place

    You don't have to be perfect all of the time

    He forgives you the slip, if you continue the climb

    To my family and friends, please be thankful today

    I'm still close beside you, in a new special way

    I love you all dearly, now don't shed a tear

    Cause I'm spending my Christmas with Jesus this year

    **copyright 1990 John Wm. Mooney Jr.

  17. My very first story was a Mary Sue. That was before I knew what all the rules and stuff were.

    Now a days I think my writing has improved vastly. Okay, grammer and spelling tend to get lost in the mix sometimes, but I partly blame that on my computer, and blame me because I type to fast and don't ALWAYS reread what I wrote. Blah.

    I don't think that I have any "Mary Sue" Characters lately. Not without faults anyway. And there is never more then two guys fighting over the same girl. And usually only one loves her and the other one just wants to screw her (Can I say that? Screw her?), or screw whoever she's with.

    Harley (in my Joker/harley fic) has two guys after her. It's up in the air about if anyone loves her. Batman keeps 'saving' her (or what he refers to as saving. Taking her away from whatever guy has her at the time, and putting her in prison on a hospital), and she's absolutely insane. I've tried to stay true to the character. As she is smart, and learned gymnastics growing up, but I didn't originally come up with that. Whoever wrote the Batman comics did.

    As for my other stories, there is always alot of misery, and obsticals so . . . ya know. I don't THINK i'm a Mary Sue anymore. But who knows.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian The Blackadder~

  18. hmmm,

    I think I really missed the mark with this story. (or people are skipping over chapters :P). It's set in the Caribbean on Port Royal, but people seem to think that it's in England.

    I do attempt to keep everything in the time though. No cell phones, computers, telephones . . . airplanes. Stuff like that.

    Basically the whole jist of the story (if i were to put it in one sentence) is that she is a borderline pirate. Kinda like Elizabeth Swan with a really BAD attitude.

    ~Sigh~ I think i'm going to have to rewrite some stuff before updating it again. Maybe that will help solve the problem.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian~

    P.S. ~Thinks~ Jack Sparrow with a cell phone . . . hmmmm

  19. Okay,

    Usually I can take reviews in stride and the really . . . condescending ones in stride, but here's my current problem.

    A story I have written, is apparently being read only by people who can't understand that even though it's a semi-historical piece (Set a couple centuries ago) It is based on a FICTIONAL story (P.O.T.C.) and not going for historical accuracy. I thought, that in the course of writing the story, I was able to set the perimeters for what is considered acceptable, in my story line, and what is not. The language I realize is not accurate either, but once again, fan FICTION.

    When I'm going for historically accurate, I'm usually much better to sticking to the basics and do actually research things before I add them into the story. That wasn't my goal with this particular story. I had an idea, I wanted to write it into a story, and BAM . . . ugly reviews.

    I don't mind reviews. I don't mind constructive critizism. BUT, I hate it when people forget that I am not a hystorian . . if something isn't historically accurate and you don't like it . . .for gods sake move on to a different story.

    I finally gave up and just posted a big fat "Notice to the Reader" at the top of the story, EXPLAINING that the story is historically inaccurate and if you don't like that sort of thing, this story is probley not your cup of tea.


    Oceans of Love, ~Marian the Blackadder~

  20. I have a feeling that the most helpful reviews CAN be the most scathing ones. But at the same time, it's hard to grow a shell and take criticism well. Especially when it's severe and makes you feel about half an inch tall and as low as a worms belly. I mean, you put all this thought, imagination and hard work into a story and POOF . . . . your told you suck.

    My grammar and spelling is probley one of the worst out there. I have mistakes left and right, but someone once pointed out to me is because I type extremely fast, and the ideas and stories go through my fingers the instant they go through my head. Hence the terrible mistakes I get because i'm not writting slowly. I'm writting what pops into my head.

    It irritates me that there is no such thing as a useful grammer check in any word document program whatsoever, but the spelling check is a God sent, even if sometimes it changes the word or gets it completely wrong.

  21. I'm not saying that it hasn't helped improve my writing since I first started. I actually still have the first story and fanfic that I wrote and I can easily say i've come ALONG way LOL. I mean, REALLY come along way. This one, horrible, horrible person that was like an Ex-English major or something tore me a new one inside and out, and of course I got the all feared "Mary Sue" badge. Even though the person I was writting about was nothing like me, and she was kind of a wuss and guys had to save her left and right.

    Lets be honest here, Pirates of the Caribbean, even though it's my all time FAVORITE Trilogy . . . .isn't it one big Mary Sue story? I mean REALLY!!! The only thing Elizabeth had going for her was the kiss of death. Every time someone kissed her they had a life span of four minutes. Every single person she kissed died.

    Okay, i'm digressing and getting off topic, but the point is!!! I learned valuable lessons.

    1. Don't use YOUR name in the story for the character

    2. Run on sentences are not good. When one sentence makes up one long winded paragraph, it's a problem.

    3. Don't repeat yourself (Unfortunately, I still have a problem with this one. Repitition is my curse when fighting writers block)

    4. Conflict is a GOOD thing.

    5. Sex scenes don't have to be a blow by blow discriptive porno, in fact they are better when much is left to the imagination.

    That's just some of the lessons i've learned. There are more, and I'm still struggling to improve my writting, but I think the TONE of some reviews are sort of . . . condecending? Those are the kind of reviews that irritate me. Expecially when those people who make those sort of toned reviews don't even have anything posted of their own.

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian the Blackadder~

  22. Okay,

    Has anyone else had this problem? You're writing a story, all gung ho and gang busters, popping out chapters day after day, then suddenly BAM. One bad review and you have instantly developed writers block.

    It's strange really, I mean I got boatloads of good reviews on the story, but one detailed, extensive, long winded critic seems to have just shut down my creativeness.

    Why is that? I can usually take criticism constructive or otherwise, but in this instance I've developed writers block. What's that all about?

    Oceans of Love, ~Marian the Blackadder~

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