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Everything posted by canterro

  1. the law of conservation of catarrh;
  2. I'll join Lost Soul :)

    How are you?

  3. Still my pleasure ;)

    I am impressed by the number of your publications that you manage to work on simultaneously... It's difficult for me to move forward with only one!

  4. Weeeell.... I could try if I were good enough at HP Though, Snape is the best character in this series...
  5. Coming for a hug... :D

    Geezz... how long are you going to make me wait for it ? :P

  6. How are you, pirate? ;)

  7. tell me about it... but even more than runny nose I hate watering eyes...!
  8. Nice to see you, my-lady :D

    I am at work... again. Isn't it boring? :/

  9. Well, from my experience and observations, I can tell that what makes a girl really attractive is her conviction that she really is No, I dont't mean vanity or overestimating. I mean the belief that I AM attractive. Not slim, not 'beautiful-faced', not a hot 175cm model, but a woman who can make men's hearts beat a little faster. I believe that what is in my mind can have a bigger impact than what I have as a cover, although this impact comes a bit later. It lasts longer and is far more subtle and fascinating So, never mind if you see your legs as greek columns, if you think your hair is too thin or whatever... just BELIEVE that your beauty is within and make others believe it too My friend used to say: "Men are not dogs... They are not after bones "
  10. I think the point is that we, to the certain extent, write for readers. So... When a hetero woman writes Yaoi fiction, its target is... no, not hemosexual people, but other hetero women Yaoi for het girls and for homo boys are two totally different things. It's worth taking into account - you write for a target audience and not everyone has the same expectations Anyway... I'd be more than happy if TurtleHermit could help me to authenticate my story in regard to homosexual relationship
  11. Hi :) Still at work... but slacking off a bit ;) No preparations so far. I have no time! I'll begin preparations on Saturday, I guess... :D

  12. Yeah... every time I think I have a final (lol!) plan for the story, I change it cause suddenly I have a 'better idea' :D

  13. Good night, I guess :)

    Though, I am still in the middle of writing :D

  14. I sign this petition
  15. Well, I've just checked. My last published chapter has... 12,713 words! And I still have two not published yet, each of them circa 10,000 words. I love long chapters. Definitely. Be it mine or someone else's
  16. Hi,

    I'm leaving a smile :)

  17. oooh! behind my back :P

  18. Recommend me something. What should I start with? ;)

  19. Ok :)

    I think I'll check out your site, then... ;)

  20. Thanks :)

    So, how is your writing?

    Are you going to upload anything soon? ;)

  21. "Szczyrk" is an awesome word for the English forum :D

  22. Hi :D

    It was wonderful!

    I entered the open skiing competition (conditions suck, though) and I won a silver medal :D

    I am soooo happy!!!

    How is your cold? Gone?

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