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Cleanup Crew
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  1. Like
    pittwitch reacted to Melrick for a status update, No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.   
    No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.
  2. Haha
    pittwitch reacted to DemonGoddess for a status update, So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve b   
    So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve been monitoring my food intake and what I eat, when I eat.  I’ve also started exercising regularly.
    So instead of losing weight, I gained twelve pounds in the last 2 weeks.  What the hell??😡
  3. Sad
    pittwitch got a reaction from JayDee for a status update, anyone have any advice on how to break a HORRIBLE, long standing writer’s block? 🙃   
    anyone have any advice on how to break a HORRIBLE, long standing writer’s block?  🙃
  4. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from DemonGoddess for a status update, anyone have any advice on how to break a HORRIBLE, long standing writer’s block? 🙃   
    anyone have any advice on how to break a HORRIBLE, long standing writer’s block?  🙃
  5. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from Melrick for a status update, anyone have any advice on how to break a HORRIBLE, long standing writer’s block? 🙃   
    anyone have any advice on how to break a HORRIBLE, long standing writer’s block?  🙃
  6. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, anyone have any advice on how to break a HORRIBLE, long standing writer’s block? 🙃   
    anyone have any advice on how to break a HORRIBLE, long standing writer’s block?  🙃
  7. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from Desiderius Price for a status update, To start a new story, finish one of the many WIP, or clean. Hmmmmmm.   
    To start a new story, finish one of the many WIP, or clean.  Hmmmmmm.
  8. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, To start a new story, finish one of the many WIP, or clean. Hmmmmmm.   
    To start a new story, finish one of the many WIP, or clean.  Hmmmmmm.
  9. Like
    pittwitch reacted to Desiderius Price for a status update, I may have found this website’s theme song….   
    I may have found this website’s theme song….
  10. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from Melrick for a status update, An emotional rollercoaster day: two losses; two gains. Cheers to a calmer day tomorro   
    An emotional rollercoaster day:  two losses; two gains.  Cheers to a calmer day tomorrow for everyone.
  11. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, An emotional rollercoaster day: two losses; two gains. Cheers to a calmer day tomorro   
    An emotional rollercoaster day:  two losses; two gains.  Cheers to a calmer day tomorrow for everyone.
  12. Sad
    pittwitch got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Fell down the Tiktok FF/book binding rabbit hole last night. SMH. What is wrong with   
    Fell down the Tiktok FF/book binding rabbit hole last night.  SMH.  What is wrong with people?
  13. Haha
    pittwitch reacted to Desiderius Price for a status update, How thoughtful that spammers are self-reporting themselves in the “Trolls/Flamers/Spa   
    How thoughtful that spammers are self-reporting themselves in the “Trolls/Flamers/Spammers” section of the forums… sigh.  Can we hang/draw/quarter them?
  14. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from Wilde_Guess for a status update, Never realized my writing skills would boil down to helping TinyDancer write fellowsh   
    Never realized my writing skills would boil down to helping TinyDancer write fellowship applications ...
  15. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Never realized my writing skills would boil down to helping TinyDancer write fellowsh   
    Never realized my writing skills would boil down to helping TinyDancer write fellowship applications ...
  16. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from GeorgeGlass for a status update, I’m ALIVE!   
    I’m ALIVE!
  17. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from Wilde_Guess for a status update, I’m ALIVE!   
    I’m ALIVE!
  18. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, I’m ALIVE!   
    I’m ALIVE!
  19. Like
    pittwitch got a reaction from Desiderius Price for a status update, I’m ALIVE!   
    I’m ALIVE!
  20. Sad
    pittwitch got a reaction from WillowDarkling for a status update, Well, having failed all conservative treatment options, I’ll be setting up for chemot   
    Well, having failed all conservative treatment options, I’ll be setting up for chemotherapy for this oddball immune system of mine.  Wish me luck!
  21. Sad
    pittwitch got a reaction from Desiderius Price for a status update, Well, having failed all conservative treatment options, I’ll be setting up for chemot   
    Well, having failed all conservative treatment options, I’ll be setting up for chemotherapy for this oddball immune system of mine.  Wish me luck!
  22. Sad
    pittwitch got a reaction from InvidiaRed for a status update, Well, having failed all conservative treatment options, I’ll be setting up for chemot   
    Well, having failed all conservative treatment options, I’ll be setting up for chemotherapy for this oddball immune system of mine.  Wish me luck!
  23. Sad
    pittwitch got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Well, having failed all conservative treatment options, I’ll be setting up for chemot   
    Well, having failed all conservative treatment options, I’ll be setting up for chemotherapy for this oddball immune system of mine.  Wish me luck!
  24. Sad
    pittwitch reacted to BronxWench for a status update, So, just when I think things are settling down, and life is beginning to approach nor   
    So, just when I think things are settling down, and life is beginning to approach normal once more, my car decides to die. This is not simply a case of spending a week with its favorite mechanic. Oh, no. This is a case of the computer no longer talking to any of its sensors, resulting in a very large paperweight that looks quite a bit like a Jeep. 

    The daft one and I are going car shopping tomorrow. Hide the whiskey...
  25. Like
    pittwitch reacted to BronxWench for a status update, The happiest of birthdays to @Melrick , and hoping this year brings nothing but good   
    The happiest of birthdays to @Melrick, and hoping this year brings nothing but good things for you!    
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