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Everything posted by pittwitch

  1. Pure Perfection! Was thinking Penelope and Percy, personally.
  2. Pitt's Perfectly Pugnacious Proposition: In honor of Saint Patrick's Day, Pitt proposes the following challenge, for your perusal and participation! A perilously short piece featuring any pairing that must include only the following things: 1. Pub(s) 2. Pints 3. Penises 4. Penetration 5. And as many "P" words as possible. Every properly placed "P" word will earn five Points. To plateau the playing field, no more than 5,000 words will be considered. All submissions to be made on or before March 17, 2010. Bonuses will be awarded for inclusion and creative use of kilts, rainbows, pots of gold, leprechauns or snakes. Reply to this posting if participating, people. Pitt now wanders off to phone the psychiatrist. Submissions accepted in Rich Text Format at pittwitch@yahoo.com.
  3. So here’s the challenge: I’ve long wanted to read a series centered around the Seven Deadly Sins and their counteractive virtues. My idea is to use each set as a pairing for one story, with one character/characters representing the sin and one character/character representing the virtue. It doesn’t matter who the pairings are, or if the virtuous partner wins out over the sinful. So, here’s the list. Stake your claims now. You don’t have to state the pairing with the claim, just claim the sin/virtue. More than one entry per set will be accepted. I suppose I should offer some sort of prize and means of voting? I’ll take suggestions for the reward! I’ll also be glad to offer beta services. Email me at pittwitch@yahoo.com with your claims and suggestions. Entries will be accept up until 4/18. The challenge includes a completed drabble, ficlet or full-blown story one month hence, May 18, 2009. Gluttony v. temperance -- tentatively claimed x two! Lust v. chastity -- claimed Greed v. charity -- claimed Sloth v. Diligence -- claimed Wrath v. Patience -- claimed Envy v. kindness -- claimed Pride v. humility -- claimed x two -- a face off! So, I hope I inspire some serious fun. I can't decide which one I want so I'll wait and take the last one if necessary. My first inclination is for Crabbe & Goyle with Luna as gluttony and temperance but I'm also interested to see what stems from your wicked minds. Sin away, my friends!
  4. I think first person present as a POV is very hard to write. Good luck maintaining it. I struggled mightily with an one-shot challenge piece simply because I wanted to use things that the "narrator" couldn't possibly know, or would say, do, etc. It was a great challenge, but to write a whole story from one character's point of view ... WOW, that's brave. Pitt
  5. OMG! I suppose I'm one of the younger writers. It makes me so happy! 4-67, but yes I do recall Star Trek, and watching it with my dad, Pong, and the computers that required TV screens. And here I was just moping about feeling like one old witch. THANKS!
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