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Cleanup Crew
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Everything posted by pittwitch

  1. hell week is over. I lived. More importantly, everyone around me lived.

    1. BronxWench
    2. RogueMudblood


      *passes you the bottomless booze locker*

    3. Danyealle


      HUGZ, PW. And no killing is a good thing.

  2. A valiant battle, but a great man was lost to the world today. Godspeed, Doc.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pittwitch


      Thanks, BW. My heart aches for his family but I'm relieved that he is at peace now. Horrible disease.

    3. RogueMudblood


      My condolences, pitt. To you and his family.

    4. DemonGoddess


      sorry to hear this pw

  3. If you didn't get an email, look in your spam folder. Until you get the email and follow the validation steps, you cannot do anything.
  4. My best guess is that you haven't validated in the new system. If you haven't, you'll have to use the center log in box to validate and activate. You will get an email explaining how to validate. After doing that, you will need to use the right corner log in boxes to get to your user panel, My Control Panel, to add/edit stories.
  5. When you log in, does the screen say, "Welcome back, Onkoona" in the top right corner?
  6. Dog Days are Over - Florence and the Machine.
  7. 10,000 words! Goal met. Goal bypassed. New goal: 15,000.

  8. What part of WITCH do they not understand?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JayDee


      The ITCH? *scratches*

    3. WillowDarkling


      Probably the Wit part.... :D

    4. pittwitch


      Too funny, y'all. Thanks for the grins!

  9. I'd ask for the story link except I can only imagine how a stuttering Snape would annoy me to no end.
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