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Everything posted by GinnyM.Potter

  1. Author: Ginny Title:A very MudBlood Christmas Summary:Lucius asks Hermione over for a Christmas Dinner and gets a very special dessert Feedback: Feedback is much appreciated. Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Hermione/Lucius Warnings: Fingering, M/F, Oneshot, Oral URL: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095236 Thanks everyone who has read it and the ones who are going to. Please leave a review thanks again!
  2. how can the start of a vacation be so crappy?

  3. hates being left home alone

  4. planing my Vacation To Chicago!! Gunna take a bus tour! woohoo

  5. planing my Vacation To Chicago!! Gunna take a bus tour! woohoo

  6. has a mind full today.

  7. thank god!!! thanks!
  8. Hello all. I am searching for an open minded beta who can read and correct where needs correcting and make it all flow well. My fandom is Celebrity/Michael Jackson My stories are already published and would be willing to take them down and re publish my 2 stories are "A Day At the Beach" and "Blood on The Dancefloor" please i beg you i need help with these stories. If anyone is interested please send me a pm. Thanks so much
  9. my new sig is for the one and only man i have ever said i truly love. I know some may thing hes odd or even strange but in truth hes the most normal man in the world who has been made out to be strange or odd by the tabloids... I made my sig and im proud as hell to me a fan of his.... Mr. Michael Jackson is freakin HOT
  10. Becca i need some reviews will you read my 2 celeb storys? Please

  11. If i listen to music (mj) his songs always start something in my head and i just have to get it down on paper. Many of his songs are like short storys. I just put my own spin on them... View my story Blood On The Dance floor and you will see that. I love writing. Harry Potter really started it for me again. i loved how they were growing into teenagers and trying to figure out who they wanted to be with and if you didn't like that person make up your own story and put them with who you think they should be with.
  12. Title: A Day At the Beach Author: Ginny Rating: R/Adult Summary: when a quiet day at the beach turns into a once in a life time opportunity Feedback: Much Appreciated. Fandom:Michael Jackson URL: http://celeb.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093611 This is most def not a one-shot this has 6 chapters to it and maybe more. I hope you all read and enjoy the story. it is written by me Ginny for no other reason then the love of writing fanfiction.
  13. I'm scared mostly to post a story because i am my worst critic. When i post a story, like i just did, its hard for me to see the feedback but yet i want it at the same time. I just posted one for Michael Jackson and i really want the feedback to be about the story itself and not the man its written about. Hopefully you will keep that in mind when you post your reviews. I hope you read it though.
  14. OK its been fixed and it was my brainy fault. Its been so long and i forgot how to post story's... OK so here is the story... Go on have a read and thanks for doing so. Its written by me Ginny. Title:Blood On The Dance Floor Author: Ginny Rating: R/Adult Summary: a young woman moves into a new apartment and gets more then she bargained for. Feedback: would be greatly appreciated. Fandom: Michael Jackson URL: http://celeb.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093610
  15. ok.... where is it??? lol i need to visit more often.
  16. I would love it if there was a section for Michael Jackson fan-fiction. I have 2 stories i would like feedback on. With this request i also would like to request that the comments or future stories involving MJ be respectful and not hurtful towards him in anyway. I know how some people are towards him and its nothing but disrespectful. With this category i request only male/female stories and nothing doing with children. As that is what everyone seems to think when it comes to Michael. Catagory name: Michael Jackson Fiction Section catagory to be in: Celeb/Music Do you have any stories for it?: Yes -added
  17. after re-looking at this story i have desided to take it down as it doesnt go very well with the first bit of the story the original Challenge story.
  18. no one is interested? I could really use the help with the sexual scenes....
  19. hmm i did that with hermione though. I have a hard time writing sex scenes... thats why i keep puting them off. Lucius is evil so he wouldnt think of using a safe charm. If you can help me out im open to any of your sugestions. The best works have a co-writer..... Thank you for the Reviews btw.
  20. I make every sig and avvie i have ever used.... mostly they are dealing with hp or the sexy Lucius Malfoy... so hot!
  21. thanks i do need the feedback. with all 3 storys i have, i have 14 reviews and none of them are to bad which is good because believe it or not i do work hard on my storys i just have a really hard time coming up with ideas thats why i ask for a ghost writer to help me create some of the dry spots. The Challenge wasnt too hard its the sequill (hehe)thats the hard one. Its hard to get Ginny to do what i want her to do and make it believeable.... And from what i read about FF it seems i am good here anyway lol... Go have a look at my storys i try hard to keep it in the HP realm. (thats for everyone in gen hehe)
  22. Thanks and what is FF? im relearning a whole lot of things. Sucks to be gone for so long! Have you checked out my storys?
  23. I have had WRITERS BLOCK for a bloody year now! Well close to a year. I have storys here that are not finished and that is my huge problem. I know where I want the story to go but am having trouble getting them there. And the lack of reviews have me heart broken! BTW Im Back if anyone missed me haha
  24. SO what do you think? Im working on another chapter soon and Summer Nights is also getting a new chapter!.... Reviews are needed for these storys!
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