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Everything posted by GinnyM.Potter

  1. Title:The Challange: The Second Coming. Author:GinnyM.Potter Rating:R Summary:Ginny is alone while Harry works on his parents home. Little did he know that Ginny would be used and made to be Mr.Malfoys next challange. Feedback: Welcomed Fandom:Harry Potter URL: The Second Coming. Thanks in advance for your visits and your input. It is much welcomed.
  2. when you cant think of a bloody thing to wright..... it is the WORST
  3. i delete reviews like that. I didnt spend time writing for someone to come along and tell me how boring it may or may not be. I am however in need of a few reviews myself.
  4. I live in Iowa and i felt it. It wasnt intence shaking but just enough to wake me up.. It vibrated the bed but nothing fell or broke or anything. Im with you though. The midwest is NOT supposed to shake but i guess its not unheard of. There have been a few here before.
  5. I need a co-writer for a Harry Potter story. Title: The Challange Part 2 Or The Challange The Second Coming. Pairings: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy The Story contains Mind Controle on Ginnys Part By Lucius Malfoy. Eventually Harry comes home and finds them together at some point. Hopefully there will be more in between. If you are interested please send me a pm.
  6. was this story read before or after the last book came out? Alot of fans had their own thoughts on how the book would end. this story you read might very well be what the fan thought. I dont think she reads fanfic. but whatever lol.
  7. lol you guys are impossible.
  8. I think in a way jo is right to do this. Yea im a potter freak and also a star wars fans and to be honest i dont see anything that says they are alike... Jo is the writer of these books not the person running the lexicon. The reason its such a big deal is because this dude is going to make money on jo's idea and characters. If you were to write a series like this and a person running a site that holds all the information on the books would you want that person getting money off your storys? Our fiction is not making money so it doesnt hurt jo. I dont think its greed that has her doing this but wanting to keep her creation safe. There is something to it. Its not that she wants more money but to protect the copy write...... do you get what im saying?
  9. ok wow mine is slightly calmer then the above peopels..... I like lips and tongue..... I like the ones in my sig. Hayden has perfact lips and his tongue isnt bad either when you can see it. I have been fixed on lips and tongue since i was little i used to watch people talk... hmmm but yea i like nice lips like haydens....
  10. like i said..... Im in love with Hayden Christensen......
  11. My sig is made by me and im deeply in love with Hayden Christensen/Darth Vader is that wrong?
  12. Discription: Ginny gets confronted by Lucius. Lucius's needs have not been met Will Lucius get what he needs from a Fisty Ginny? What I Need: 1)I need a beta that is great with detail and discription 2)one with very good grammer, 3)one who is not in school 4)One i can contact when needed Type of story: This type of story is a HET fiction with strong sexual content... hopefully. If you are up for the challange please feel free to contact me via pm or yahoo messenger.
  13. there is alot of request for beta's for potter fic's. lol hmm must not be as popular as i thought lol.
  14. Joker And i agree becca neither was i.
  15. soft
  16. gentle
  17. ^ Is wrong spiders is nasty <--Is going to go to bed and will see all you naughty little birds tomorrow
  18. ^ Needs to move on and leave the nasty spider alone
  19. ^^ is wrong i really am sorry <---is going to quote from now on
  20. <---is sorry
  21. ^^ Doesnt want her boyfriend to play with us.
  22. ^^ Is secreatly wanting to join in and use the vibrator
  23. well i dont know i just started it is there a new board?! they have something called a ZetaBoards and i have no idea what that is...
  24. Banned for thinking im in denial and Bans Becca for thinking i wouldnt share....... .you get the bottum and i the top then we switch
  25. ^^ Banned for thinking such nonsence
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