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Everything posted by GinnyM.Potter

  1. ^^ Is very proud to no longer be a virgin... on a side note... how many post do you have to have not to be a virgin anymore?
  2. ^^ is a girl...sorry.
  3. ^^ Is very welcome..... hope you needed them
  4. A Secret nobody would find out until the day he died.
  5. ^ Is getting pink ones.
  6. ^ Is 100% right..... hes no angle lol. i new it! lol.
  7. ^^ Makes me kinda scared i joined this game lol.
  8. I have 8 wonderful reviews for The Challenge. The only thing is its not enough is it? To answer one reviewer. The reason its not a harry/hermione story is because Harry dispised her for protecting malfoy,and hermione wanted her own adventure. What she didnt know was everyone knew her adventure. The one she loved had died and the only other person she loved hated her for protection the one person harry thougt was a murderer. I will write an alturnet ending for you if you like, I cant promise when it will be done as i AM working on a Harry/Hermione story.....
  9. Mud
  10. ^^ Has a freaky icon..... ( im new sorry for busting in)
  11. tracks
  12. This is where im happy that they harry potter kids are british. im not saying they are perfact but they are a heck of alot better then the actors in the usa. I think the USA actors have alot more temtation to do things they are not supposed to do where the UK actors are more grounded..... Well the child stars anyway because they have someone who actually cares what they do and they tell them when they are getting to big for their shorts. Yes brit brits a singer but she fell to the temtation just the same as the actors. Here in the usa you want something you get it no matter what your age. Atleast the "Potter kids" have their heads on str8 (sorry long day). I kind of feel sorry for her but in the same thought she new what she was getting into. If your going to take drugs your going to have to face the music and the time. all im sayin.
  13. - fandom- Harry Potter - primary characters in story- Ginny/Lucius - warnings/questionable content- Sexual Content - what you want your beta to do- Grammar, spelling, word order, commas etc I need help with detail and im looking for a ghost writer as well.
  14. I voted no. I mean if you turn trix for money wouldnt that make you a hooker? lol I was offered money once... slapped the man for it. But if it was Mr.Depp id think about it.
  15. Thanks for covering this. I am new here and i thought i had done something bad. i was reading below my storys and found the forum on there. I was nervous to join. Forgive me if i dont do something right im still learning
  16. I hope you enjoy them. Feedback is always welcome Title: The Challenge Summary: Hermione has an adventure with a known deatheater. ~*~Finished~*~ Rating: R Strong sexual content Pairings: Hermione/Lucius Spoilers: none as far as i know Feedback: Yes please. URL: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600011922
  17. Hello im brand new and i need help. I have a story im working on and i need someone to help me with detail. I am working on the last chapter and id love some help. If im doing this wrongly please dont yell at me im just getting started here. My story is about Hermione after the battle at hogwarts Ron is killed and harry blames her for it. At a party some years later Lucius comes to hermione and askes her to accept a challenge. She does and later has second thoughts. Im at the point in the story where it needs to end on a right note. Please someone help Nevermind
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