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Everything posted by NinjaGaijin

  1. Only if I don't have to ride anything else. What are the ingredients of a not-so-perfect life?
  2. See, to think it's okay to be crazy is the sign of being crazy. What words can make you hot and bothered
  3. We'll just plunder you. How come people no longer rape and pillage nowadays?
  4. Because you're not her subordinate? How should we pay tribute to Steve Irwin?
  5. Velma [scooby Doo]
  6. Away from you! Which one is for me?
  7. Get clowns and make some circus pr0n. Who's Nyx?
  8. You sure pose ridiculous conditions just for sex... How do I save a drowned man?
  9. Something along the lines of ren fest.... Where should I invest?
  10. HULK SMASH! *punches wall* ...There you go ma'am, your way out. When that guy turns into the Hulk, how come his trousers aren't ripped like his shirt?
  11. Genetics. They're sexual creatures, after all. If you want them all to be redheads, clone 'em. Don't people realize that identical twins are clones of each others?
  12. X-Men action figure
  13. O: Othello board & pieces
  14. Maybe it's because this game has been running for so long... How do we reduce the number of poor people in this world?
  15. Since your profile link is broken, we can't actually tell... My way or the highway?
  16. Suppressed by the car and airline industry. Where can we find an alternative energy source?
  17. Seriously Suicidal Snake-Slayer What happened to Pluto?
  18. Dunno, ask Mary Poppins. Where does Mary Poppins live?
  19. That guy who's now unable to leave the bathroom. If real life sucks already, why then people make games like 'The Sims' in whch you play real life?
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