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Everything posted by Sablesilverrain

  1. Talliane: And I appreciate it! Harry will earn some points in the next Occlumency lesson, but aside from some insider info, he doesn't get any treats from Luc just yet. Soon enough, though... Severus1snape: I'm glad you like it! Hopefully Lucius will be able to teach Harry how to properly shield his mind, because it's a skill he definitely needs. Earthnfarie: Oops, my bad! I went in and fixed that. I'm surprised I didn't notice it, and neither did anyone else. Well, these things do sometimes happen. I'm glad you're enjoying the fic, and I'll try to avoid anymore inconsistencies, haha. Jan: Yes, it is. I know, I took my sweet time getting to it, but there's something to be said about anticipation, right? ...I'll just shut up now. Hope you like it!
  2. mugglegirl15: I know, they're pretty lucky, no? And yes, they are very good together. Tarcha: Glad you like it. Hopefully I can actually get it going somewhere again. I know where I want it to end up, but the getting there kind of has me stymied ATM. djaddict: Well, I didn't hear it, so I won't call you out on it. We're good. I'll just keep the squee secret between us (and the other reviewers, but I'm sure they'll keep mum, too). Talliane: Sorry it took so long, but here, have a new chapter! I got a bit carried away with my shiny OPaW-verse. I apologize. Jan: Heehee. Draco has no respect for authority. And he likes it that way.
  3. Talliane: Yay! Reviews! I live for them, seriously. Luc being possessive is a major theme in this fic, and Harry, so far, seems to love it. As for the positive reinforcement, well, Harry has to EARN it first. But he will, in time. djaddict: Well, it certainly SEEMS that way, at any rate. Like Draco said, he's not too keen on the rules.
  4. Tarcha: Eh, no rush. Since I plan on reading your fic when you get it up, I'd honestly rather it be written WELL than QUICKLY. And the dates are coming, I swear! There's only... three more chapters to go, counting this one. Don't hurt me, I swear I'm not making this fic stretch out so long on purpose, it just kind of HAPPENED. It took on a life of its own (as my fics tend to do), and I'm just going with it, since I really have no say in the matter. But we WILL get there, I promise! Severus1snape: Yes, this one is moving slowly. I take it by the happy-face that you don't mind? I HOPE you don't mind, I need at least ONE person on my side when the rabid fans come to my door demanding I post the date already or die. Haha. Talliane: Yeah, this story contains its fair share of "Malfoy men and their lax morals." And by that I mean Lucius and his disregard for rules. Yeah, he's possessive, but I think Harry likes it, so it all works out. And Hermione has found out who the leak was (finally!), so I can honestly say that part is coming. It'll be a while before you all find out, but it's written and ready.
  5. Talliane: I could tell you who's responsible for the leak, but I won't. Suffice to say, they're not in Harry's inner circle, so to speak. The whole Harry-being-Fae-royalty thing is going to take a while to really make any impact on the story, but I have a few plans brewing in my mind... Tarcha: Ah, well, the thing Draco wanted to show Sev was just that he could touch fire without getting burned. Because, honestly, how many people get to show off an ability like THAT? And yes, I'm trying to keep other scenes sprinkled in here and there, because writing training scene after training scene without anything else to break the monotony would get old REALLY fast. So don't worry; what makes YOU happy makes ME happy. Jan: I just can't seem to pull myself away from this story. My other fics are suffering in silence for now. I feel kind of bad, but at least I'm getting SOMETHING done. Here's another chapter! janessa: Is this soon enough for you??
  6. Jan: Yes, it will. I was going to have Harry be fire for a bit, but this works better, I think. Took me while to decide how he's going to off Voldy in the end, but I think I've got it figured out now. Severus1snape: Well, in comparison to her, all of them are "young ones," so yes. Hahaha. Elves are very long-lived, as are Fey. I'm sure I'll find somewhere to slip in that little nugget of info in time. Tarcha: Yes, Shiloe starts to wear on me after a while, and I have to step away from it and focus on others. But I plan to finish it someday, so I'm going to keep coming back to it until I do! Ahh, Brand New Man... It WAS my first foray into Harry/Luc, but instead of being just them, it was a Harry/Luc/Draco. With a healthy dose of Malfoycest and Daddy kink. My guilty pleasure, I'll admit it. It's not for everyone, but I had a few readers, all the same. His wings are only a tell for other Fey, or Elves who have seen the markings of the royals, which most Elves haven't, or they didn't commit the marking pattern to memory like the Fey do. So, honestly, Tyrell and Kilton are the only ones who know. For right now. Matriona will be made aware, but most of the village won't be told until the royals are there to meet Harry. The next few chapters are mostly training, with bits of interactions between Harry and his friends. Sorry, but I had the first few training sessions planned out, and they ran a little longer than I was expecting. The date will come, I promise, it's already written and waiting to be posted, but it won't be for a few more chapters. Talliane: I had a lot of fun, though it was VERY COLD that night. And yes, Lucius has no idea just how powerful the Air is going to prove to be.
  7. Jan: Yes, it struck me as something Draco would totally do, if only to push his father's buttons, LOL. After all, he's been thinking from the first that they'd suit, so he's totally in their corner. Tarcha: Haha, yes, totally not AO3. I get that a 2k chapter is kind of short (since most of the fics I read are about 4k or even 6k per chapter, but my ten-page system works for me, and I'm fairly certain it'll be fine on LJ, too, if I ever start posting there again. (IE, if I get Brand New Man back up.) Yes, there's still that pesky no-kissing rule, but Luc will find ways around it, have no fear! And once it's out of the way, look out! I AM still working on Shiloe, but it's slow going. I will finish it, it just may take... Quite some time, is all. Severus1snape: Yes, but then again, we have a Harry that smells like caramel, so I think it works out, haha. Niffler: No, I don't think I got any reviews from you previously. At least, I don't remember seeing your name before. Thank you! I hope you find this, though considering you reviewed the first OPaW, I have no idea if you'll even be looking for the response. Well, in any case, it's here and I'll leave it in case you come looking for it!
  8. Anon: He DOES always seem to be up to something, doesn't he? Sorry for the long wait, I'm a bit caught up in one of my other fics right now, but I will try to keep this one going while I work on others. If I slack again, reminding me this one exists is not always a bad idea. Sometimes I get caught up and need a gentle push. K: I'm trying to remember to keep Harry equally represented in the story, but, of course, some scenes HAVE to be Shiloe. All in all, I think we're due for a good amount of Harry-time, so Shi might be absent for some time. He'll pop up once in a while, but Harry will take center stage for a bit. I'm SO SORRY about the long wait! But here, it's a bit late for Christmas, but here's the next chapter! Thanks for the reminder that this story needs attention too! I needed a kick in the pants to get this posted! shorty776: Glad you're liking it!
  9. Tarcha: Yes, AO3 does update notices (though from what I've seen, you get them either several hours or a day after the update actually occurs), so I can see why so many of my readers wanted me to post there. This series is the only one I'm putting up there for now (although my Omegaverse fic will be Archive of Our Own exclusives), since this fic seems (to me) to be my best work. At least, it's the one I currently LIKE the best. The yahoo group is still the best way to get update notices from me, and members also get to have a say in stories every once in a while, so the yahoo group is my favorite way to interact with readers. My chapters are almost always the same length (ten pages in a fourteen font on Word), so it probably just SEEMED shorter. I try to stay reliable with length. Ten pages works for me.
  10. Talliane: Um... You will be waiting a while for that first date. Other things kind of took precedence, so it's not going to happen for something like another nine chapters or something like that. And yes, Draco gets all hot and bothered when Severus goes into "Professor Snape" mode. Then again, doesn't everybody? Hahaha. Jan: He'll probably end up cracking a little bit, LOL. He's under a lot of mental pressure right now.
  11. Talliane: Haha, yes. I've always seen Draco as a bit sexually deviant, so in most of my fics he has at least one carefully hidden (or badly hidden) kink. Tarcha: I DO feel a bit special now. I usually don't read WIPs, either, for the same reason, but ever since I discovered Archive of Our Own, I've been reading them more. I suppose it's because I can subscribe to the stories so I don't miss an update there. But, anyway, sorry about the spoilers (though in my defense, it's only mildly spoiled, haha), I'll try not to do that again. No promises, but I'll TRY. Jan: Don't worry, after this one last scene we'll be stepping away from them for some time. I had my few scenes of indulgent fun, and now it's back to the plot.
  12. Talliane: Yeah, it's simple writer's block, and I can beat it, in time. It just may take a LOT of time, that's all. ^^; And yes, the shopping with Draco will be an experience he'll only want to go through once. Haha. Tarcha: They'll meet the Elves soon. Chapter seven, if I'm right. Either that or chapter six. Well, except for Draco, but more on that later. You'll see. I actually don't remember my own work that well, I just re-read it as I go until I have the sequence of events pretty much memorized. It also helps me find typos, since I'm currently working without the benefit of a beta. And I know what you mean about getting addicted to stories. I'm the same way. I get hooked pretty easily, and there are like thirty stories I'm following over on AO3, and one from here, but if I looked at what's on offer here I'm sure I'd find more I liked, I've just been drawn into Supernatural fanfic lately. It's distracting. Let me know when you start posting your fic, I'll look it up! (Although I'm a bit of a lurker, so don't be discouraged if I don't say much about it. I'll try to review, since I appreciate your support, but no promises.) Severus1snape: Glad you like it still! This is quickly becoming my favorite of all my stories. And I think it shows. Which is totally my bad.
  13. Tarcha: ...Wow. That's forty chapters in one go! I'm impressed, because my chapters are ten pages long, which meant you read roughly four hundred pages (more, because a few chapters went beyond ten pages) in one fell swoop. I'm really glad you like it so much! Here, have some more! I will gladly support you in your addiction! Talliane: First off, yes, I have been neglecting my other fics. *hangs head in shame* I just can't seem to help myself, this one is my favorite right now. The others are all on the back burner, and I will get around to them before I start posting my next fic, which will be an AO3 exclusive, since I've never seen Omegaverse on here, so I don't know how it would be received. That said, I promise to finish at least two fics before I begin that one, and OPaW and TZC didn't count, since they have sequels. So, I will get back around to them, but since this one is new and shiny and has some OCs I love playing with, please bear with me. I don't abandon fics, but they do occasionally take unplanned, unpaid holidays.Secondly, yes, Harry and Luc will suit. Beautifully.
  14. nari-chan: Yeah, there is plenty more. So far, this story is looking like it will be somewhat longer than OPaW. (For the record, this one is OPaW2, haha.) I've ALMOST gotten to the first date, twelve chapters in. The OCs are dragging things out forever. But so far, I like where it's going, and I have one scene pre-written that I think is very hot. Mmm... Jan: Yes, the epilogue is the end, but I can see that you've found the sequel, so we're good. Ah, but I never said the picture got leaked, the pic in the paper was from a few years ago, not the Faurae pic. It might not have been Colin. At any rate, Harry's not too worried about finding out who leaked the news, he's got bigger things to keep him occupied for the time being. Severus1snape: Haha, I feel the same way. It took me a while, but we're finally there! Harry/Luc action ahoy! Talliane: The only one who didn't seem to see that was Harry, but it DID get him the hottest teacher in the school, so it's not the worst idea he's ever had. And yes, Voldemort has no idea what he's started. He'll realize eventually, but it will be far too late by then.
  15. Talliane: Remus doesn't have much of a part until the sequel, but we'll be seeing him again then.
  16. Severus1snape: I like naive, innocent Harry, so there will be a lot of shyness on his part. But that's part of what draws Lucius in, so it's all to the good. Talliane: Draco's finally gotten who he wanted, so he's got time to push Harry and Luc together, both subtly and overtly. He'll be taking advantage of that fact in the sequel.
  17. Talliane: We're almost to the sequel! Harry/Luc will be the main focus soon! For now, enjoy some smut! (I think it's some of my best smut.) Janessa: I figured Severus would see the danger of Lucius being intrigued by Harry a mile off, and would make sure Harry had a way out if he needed it. And thank you, I really like how their characters are coming along, as well.
  18. Severus1snape: Haha, yes. Decorum. It'll fall by the wayside a FEW times. He's already lost his cool once in what I've got written so far. I don't think he'll go to the extreme of LAYING ON THE FURNITURE, but he will do very un-Lucius-like things. starr: Here's the wedding, finally! Sorry it took so long! nari-chan: I didn't write most of the honeymoon, but there will be smut check-ins in the next fic every so often, so there will be more Sev/Draco smut to look forward to.
  19. Anon: Yes, I got sick of the usual pairings, so I tried to go an original route with pairing characters together. There's one more you'll see this chapter that I haven't seen often (if at all).
  20. Jan: You're right, of course, but that doesn't get proven until the sequel, which will include several OCs and will probably turn out even longer than OPaW has turned out being. Draco has a bit of a wait before he finds out what his affinity is for sure. Talliane: The wedding is next chapter! We're very close now! Serpentis: That's coming up. Only a few more chapters of this fic left, and the sequel is coming along nicely. Severus1snape: I like them, too. I guess that shows through in how I write them. nari-chan: Glad you like them, that makes my job easier. Because they're going to show up at Harry and Luc's wedding and probably cause all manner of chaos (don't know for sure, haven't written that part yet). And I can understand about not having enough time to review, that's fine once in a while. I just get a little sad when a chapter gets NO feedback. It's depressing, but I bounce back pretty well, so it's not the end of the world.I think Fred and George are a good fit for Harry as well, and maybe sometime I'll write a one-shot or something with the three of them. Maybe.
  21. starr: Yeah, well, they were all a little distracted. Besides, it was dark, and they were in a creepy forest with lots of other things that live there. Two people hiding amongst the trees would be easy enough to overlook in the dark. And sorry, but Harry's not Fire. You'll see what he is this chapter. Hope you don't hate me for it, but it had to be this way. Jan: Actually, Kilton and Tyrell don't make another appearance until the sequel, but they have a pretty big part in OPaW2, so you'll get to see plenty of them once we get there.
  22. ChaosLady: Thank you!
  23. Anon: LOL, I know, right? I don't know who I feel more sorry for: Draco or Lucius. They were both SO uncomfortable discussing the topic. Ahaha, I live to torture my characters. Jan: I probably could have done better, but it seemed best to just leave it at that. We all know Lucius really doesn't want to have that talk with his son, and I think their talk got that point across just fine as is. There was no reason to make it any harder for them. starr: Haha, glad you liked it! And yes, Lucius' reaction to having to give his son "The Talk" is pretty funny. I kept giggling as I wrote it, imagining his facial expressions. Poor Lucius.
  24. starr: Yes, Harry's got some kind of mental block where romance is concerned. (Lucius can't possibly be flirting with HIM, nope, no way!) It's okay, though, he'll figure it out soon enough. Just eight more chapters to go before the sequel! Jan: Yes, he's got some serious denial issues, but he won't be able to run from the truth forever. I didn't want my Harry to be TOO naive, but he's still going to blush easily (and often), and Lucius is definitely going to step up his game when the sequel comes around. I'm loving the way the next one is looking already. I think it's going to be a lot of fun to see how people react to my Lucius. I really like him. Vrey: Thank you! I'm glad you're liking it!
  25. Severus1snape: Yes, yay. Although, to be fair, it's only two lessons, since Lucius isn't going to teach Harry ALL the uses the Dark Arts can be put to, only the Dark spells that are useful in battle. But I've got an idea or two rolling around in my head that I may or may not follow up on. We'll see how much I still want to work with my Faurae once OPaW2 is completed... starr: Yeah, Harry strikes me as the type that just doesn't see how attractive he is. But Neville and Ginny are determined to show him how good-looking he is.
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