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Dominic Shade

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Everything posted by Dominic Shade

  1. I don't care! I already killed myself XD BRING IT ON I say ....god I'm just never going to get to play again am I? XD

  2. XD Oh it'll happen! And then it'll happen AGAIN and AGAIN!!! Until you BEG me to stop!

  3. I'M GONNA GET YOU SO HARD!!! xD I don't care if I have to get my ENTIRE guild to attack you! I'm gonna get you xD

  4. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! You just WAIT!!! You WAIT buddy! xD

  5. *lick*



    Mmm. Tastes like victory.

  6. Limits...hm... There aren't many for me...at least the common ones like rape and kiddy porn and whatnot, I don't have a problem with it and I've written them before. It's not real, so why be bothered? There's no place I won't go because I'm disgusted or anything. I don't write about...say BDSM not because it isn't my thing, but because I haven't experienced it and I wouldn't want to do it any wrong you know? Some things I just can't do because I have OCD xD. Like scat, water sports, those types. But everything else... I wouldn't want to not write something great or read something wonderful because it had a certain "kink" in it. I'd be denying myself. I'll try anything once. There are of course things I don't do/read because I think it's dumb though...like the sex with a chicken thing xD. I am a bestiality fan but....chickens? Really? ...whatever floats your boat I say. I'm also not of fan of AUs because I can't for the life of me ever keep a character in-character and...really I don't think any character in an AU could be in-character because they had to have grown up differently in that environment. edit: Oh yeah! Post 69 xD
  7. Yes I scent marked her page. That's how I roll.

  8. Personally if I see another title that starts with "Of" I might stop reading fanfiction. Things like "Of blank and blank" Most of the writers don't even know where that title comes from and it's so grossly overused that it makes me want to flame them without reading their story. I know, I know, I repress the urge, but it's still there and this drives me crazy.
  9. I actually like using imagery like that. I like tripping the reader up mid-sentence.
  10. *rolls all over your page to scent mark it*

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