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Dominic Shade

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Everything posted by Dominic Shade

  1. Wiping out most the list hmm? Someone's trying to lvl fast

  2. *long drawn out death scene* ACK!

  3. xD stop camping the list!

  4. *sticks out tongue*

  5. Still didn't die, so I don't care xD

  6. Lol, then I'll kick you in the shin and run!

  7. So I can come to your house and smack you in real life XD I'll put you in time-out, I swear!

  8. Well I'm like Iruka and you're about to get slapp upside the head... Now, just give me your address >>

  9. xD We got you down to 11 hp! And the other freakin' guild memeber didn't get to you in time XD

  10. *lurks* kukukuku...mine is an evil laugh...

  11. *rolls all over user page*

  12. Lol, you know I love teasing you <3

  13. xD I'm getting there man, you just sit tight.

  14. xD You sneaky sonavawhore!

  15. Lol, yeah and in case you were wondering, Shiro just got 74 of my frag.

  16. That's not the point XD

  17. XD Hey! I got you down to 300 + earlier!

  18. *throws self at you* HA! I hope you trip over my dead body and get a very bad scrape on your knee!

  19. Lol! I just wait and see who's on >> then I attack. helps build up frag.

  20. Lol, alright, bye hon. I'll stay up and practice my surprised face for when I kill you.

  21. Yeah so?! XD It's not cheating with your amount of health!

  22. I did manage to kill you nce, but I was too scared to send you a pm XD

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