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Everything posted by Terri

  1. I was only 8 when I first saw him - but Tommy Oliver of Power Rangers fame LOL!
  2. 'Tis the season, right? This really seems to be hitting a lot of people now. Myself included. So sorry to hear what happened though. Hopefully things will get better for you - and soon
  3. Don't worry, you're not alone. I can't believe I only just found out about it a week ago myself - and a year ago was when I really needed to have found out... oh well - at least I'm here now
  4. A friend of mine have recently begun to talk about this one a lot - Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy (Batman). I know there are a few scattered all around the net (even I've written one) - but why there aren't more baffles me
  5. Gunpowder and Lead - Miranda Lambert
  6. If my mother found out I still send semi-nude pics to the bf - I'd never be allowed near the computer again - and I'd end up reminding her again that I'm over 21
  7. Woot! I'm not alone ^.^ lol, sorry people still tend to look at me like a freak for those being my favorites lol... ask me if I care Yeah, same here - though if you haven't already seen it I've got a fanfic called "So Much for Training" which does involve teacher/student in a dom/sub situation. Granted it's a fanfic, but you don't really have to know much about the characters if that's your kinda fic
  8. Well thank you. Yeah, I guess more people tend to talk about stories than review now - but I don't mind, as long as my work's liked or at least respected (I take reads and non-flames afterwards as good signs LOL!) I know! Even though I've never truly been in that situation (none of my friends had really hot dads - sad, I know) but still in a weird way I could relate to it. Do wish she'd write another though. But if nothing else at least we have those three
  9. The first thing that comes to mind for me here has to be of age bro/sis stories. Granted, the "we're home alone, let's hop in bed" types bore me for the most part, but still I just haven't been finding enough for the last year. Especially those that don't include what I already mentioned. Beyond that, I agree with there not seeming to be a whole lot of Vamp fics, especially not well developed ones. Which could be part of the reason you're not getting too many hits, Acal - most people just might feel too let down by the underdeveloped ones and those that hardly if ever get updated
  10. Wow - and here I thought Razor's would be long forgotten by now... Thanks for that - yeah, I wrote it (and can prove it lol) Now let's see if I can remember the ones I came to post lol *light bulb* right... Britta's "Lydia's Dad" series is my favorite. Her three fics for them are my top three favorites In order of appearance in the series... Lydia's Dad Lydia's Dad - Graduation Lydia's Dad - Summer Vacation
  11. It's been a while since I've felt I've written anything worth promoting so I figured I may as well add it here Title: Promises, Promises Author: Terri Rating: Adult+ Summary: For a year he made promises. Tonight he's finally following through. Feedback: No complaints if you do, no hard feelings if you don't Fandom: Original/Erotica/Sex URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095783
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