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Everything posted by Terri

  1. I get mine from all kinda of places - Plays on names I get from name generator sites, name dictionaries, plays on names from movies and TV, some I just manage to think up - pretty much you name it, nothing too specific typically
  2. Sorry if this comes off as a rant, but this kind of thing infuriates me to absolutely no end. As far as I'm concerned if you're of age, not harming anyone and it's consensual then you should be allowed to be in whatever kind of relationship you want. Now I understand that incest is a "major" taboo in some parts of the world, but excuse me for being Southern and having had to live with all kinds of incest jokes - sorry to say, in some cases, they are stereotypes for a reason. And believe me, if I'd known LJ had those kinds of groups I would've taken a friend's advice and joined LJ long ago. However, I can understand to a degree about people not wanting stories that involve underage sex or seeming as though they support those who write about causing harm, especially sexually, to children. But at the same time hasn't anyone heard of Freedom of Speech? Though again I understand how that's often being taken away from us, more every day it seems, but at the same time those users should've at least been warned ahead of time and given information as to what was happening as opposed to having their work just deleted - seemingly for no reason
  3. You're more than welcome. Despite whatever problems I've seen in the last few years here this is still by far my favorite adult fiction site so thank you all for keeping it an amazing place to keep coming back to
  4. Terri


    RL kinks - either things you know you have a kink for and have done in practice as well as the things you'd thought about doing and or have wanted to do
  5. I literally just heard 20 minutes ago and I'm still stunned... My condolences to his friends and family, of course - but I just can't believe this. He was one of the few celebrities around right now that I really couldn't have imagined this happening to
  6. It Feels Like Tonight - Daughtry
  7. Batman's Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn and Nightwing X-Men's Gambit and Rogue And last but not least, Daria's Trent ^.^
  8. Okay, here's one that's really begun to bother me. Buffy-verse - Giles/Anya. FF.net has a fair amount, but I've yet to find a single one on AFF (when I have the time I'm determined to fix that) - and with the search function having been no help, I didn't feel like going through all 98 pages of fics when I'd already gone through nearly half and having found none >.<
  9. For me it was kind of the opposite. I found AFF first and I'm thankful for that - gave me a place to come back to when Lit caused more harm than good for me
  10. Y'know, I actually like the sound of that idea - I think I'll try it next time. But yeah, I hear ya about the conveyor belt - only what happens to me is I'll only get so far in a fic I have an idea for and then get hit with another idea that takes over only to get to a certain point there and have the whole cycle begin again - it's irritating, really, just to have so many (I think) good ideas and hardly be able to finish most of them
  11. I guess it depends on what kind of fight scene you're talking about, not too many of mine go into fist fights, but when it comes to dialogue for those scenes you can't go too wrong with catty remarks. Unless it's the kind of thing where it's really been coming for a long time and the characters know each other well enough to where all they have to do is mention things from the past that only further anger their opponant into continuing the battle. Beyond that I'll have to think...
  12. Oh yeah! Having that issue right now - AGAIN - as a matter of fact *head desk*
  13. Oh I know that's right. Sounds like an ex-friend of mine - and yes someone with a "foreign" accent is why we're no longer friends. But he did know that was a big part of why she liked him, if not the only reason, and he even joked about rendering her deaf just before he took her to Scotland with him... they broke up later that week
  14. LOL! I can't help it - it's the eyes, they drive me crazy lol Her real name's Maggie Lawson, but I can't remember her character's name to save my life
  15. FRIG YES! I've actually gotten into a debate on another board as to why I like him because the guy's pissed his sister has a thing for him, too LOL! And that reminds me, for me, in addition to Disher - Det. Lassiter from Psych
  16. Funny you should mention that. My northerner bf has a huge thing, he's said, for Southern accents and as far as I know I don't have one, at least I don't hear it when I speak - but according to him I have at least a slight one. Honestly it does kind of bother me a slight bit just because I have that nagging voice in the back of my mind wondering what happens if he comes down here one day and hears the real Southern accents - other than that though if that was the only thing a guy liked about me, how I speak, yeah that would drive me insane
  17. I think another thing to consider is that America itself is made up of places that have their own accent - you've got Boston, Jersey, Brooklyn, NY, the South, and the Dakotas - so right there it's sometimes hard for even those of us from the states to really understand how it's possible for "American" to be considered an accent when some of us sound so different from one another - now matter how long some of our families have been here for
  18. Here's something I think we can all relate to. You end up in a situation that maybe you didn't ask for and need some help in some way. Someone offers to help you with said problem - but for a price that most would consider too high. Whether it be for sexual "favors", profit or something even worse. I'm the first to admit half the time we're the ones that get ourselves into these situations. After all we mentioned we needed the help, we accepted their offer and therefore it's "understood" some sort of repayment is necessary. That's what a good defence attorney might try to pull off at least should someone be smart enough to have a tape recorder taping during the exchange face to face exchange or at least one saved chat log in which they initiated said "payment" or at the very least implied it in the first place. Family members, supposed friends, teachers, employers, potential employers... the list goes on and they all know that people in desperate situations will do things they would ordinarily never consider and these kinds of people prey on just that. My story inolved an attorney... I won't go too much into it because I doubt there's anyone who'd say I didn't bring it on myself and I agree, I don't deny it and while I wish I could go back and change that, I can't. Thankfully the price I paid wasn't nearly as dire as others' or as dire as it could have been. Why do I bring this up now? Let's just say in some ways I'm having to finally confront it in ways I hadn't expected. Anyway, feel free to share your own story if you wish and let's see if anyone has any other ideas about about ways to really combat things like this beyond "just saying no from the start" because not only is that not always an option, most of these people won't mention it until it's literally too late
  19. Ooh, that sucks - and not in the fun way. Lemme guess, it was that biker pic of JDF that inspired the dream? (it's hapened to friends of mine)
  20. I KNEW I couldn't be the only one here! lol And yes, I too loved the hair
  21. Yeah it is - so much so I typically put it off for as long as I can. But at the same time it's often worth it - gives me a chance to fix things I would've missed otherwise and hopefully improve it before others see it
  22. Terri

    Lack of reviews.

    I do love the reviews I get, but at the same time I try not to be obsessive about getting reviews anymore. I just figure as long as I'm not getting flamed I must be doing something right. But then at the same time I think it's also a case of how not too many people are comfortable "admitting" they're on AFF - much less liked what they read in some cases
  23. Oh man, how could I have forgotten the character I was utterly obsessed with when I was 7? *head desk* 90210's David Silver
  24. Honestly I've never gone for a guy just because of how he speaks, but if I have to pick a favorite accent, I have a serious weakness for the Irish - likely because I'm of Irish descent, but still
  25. I definitely do. And it's true, here in the US the vast majority are some of the biggest hypocrites you'll ever see. As LA just mentioned when it comes to "In God We Trust" - well guess what, not everyone in the US believes in God, much less lives in fear of "him". That's just one example, but I'm sure you get the idea - and as far as banning gay marriage, most seem to think if you ignore "the problem" long enough it'll just go away - to those people, I say look around - that's obviously not the case
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