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Everything posted by LilRinnieB

  1. Oh, Riku. Did you really have to follow up my post with this one? You really are terrible for my self-esteem. But I agree with you about not changing your story to appeal to what you think the readers want. I say, write your story the way you want to write it and if no one appreciates it here, post it somewhere else. But I still think you have to give it time first.
  2. Sometimes it just takes time for the reviews to come ... when I first posted my story, I didn't have a lot of reviews, but that changed as time went on. I have some readers who have reviewed my story consistently from the very first chapter (which was almost a year ago!) but I've also picked up a lot of readers along the way. I have my story posted on other sites, but nowhere else have I had as positive a reaction as I have had on AFF - my readers here have been very loyal and generous with their opinions. So ... the point of all that rambling is just my way of saying "give it some time." You might be surprised.
  3. I'm twenty-seven, though I often have to keep reminding myself of that fact (I tried to tell someone I was twenty-six the other day; my friend quickly corrected me )
  4. "general tone of the threads" not "general feel of the threads" Yeesh, obviously I'm not the greatest writer if I have to go back and edit my own stupid three-paragraph posts. I will humbly accept crap-on-a-stick status
  5. Hmmm ... well, I agree that there are some horrible fanfic writers on AFF, and I have also written a fanfic. While I know I haven't written a masterpiece, I think it's a decent story. But don't hesitate to let me know if you think it's crap-on-a-stick (which, who knows? It very well could be in your eyes). It all depends on your standards of writing. Some people can go along with a story as long as it's entertaining. Others are more critical. I don't see the harm in a fluffy just-for-fun story. If I wanted to read high-brow literature, I wouldn't automatically expect to find it anywhere on AFF, whether fanfic or original (though I have been pleasantly surprised on some occasions). A part of the reason a lot of people write on AFF is to get feedback that will help them improve their writing. I think it's no different than when you take a creative writing class and everyone discusses everyone else's stories. I think we should be a more positive community here and help each other out, not just tear each other down (I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but the general feel of the threads in this forum have been a little negative lately). If you think a story needs work, let the writer know. If you took the time to read it, why not take another minute to review it and include some constructive criticism?
  6. I love Lucius/Harry! (Granted, I love Harry with just about any of the "bad boys" of HP) I'm not sure why there isn't as much fanfiction written about that pairing - maybe it's because it's so much easier to throw Harry together with Draco or Severus? Lucius comes with baggage (Narcissa) and he doesn't have the same amount of natural everyday interaction with Harry that the other two have, so you have to be really inventive to create a plausible relationship between those two (it seems to me that a lot of Lucius/Harry fics are completely AU). But these are just speculations ... anyway, you're not alone in your love for L/H fics!
  7. I wholeheartedly agree with you on that one.
  8. Marcus Cole from Babylon 5 I cried more tears over him than I did over any of my exes. *sweatdrop*
  9. It's a little intimidating to be in a club with such great authors! I'm still green at this fanfic writing thing, so I'm not sure I really belong just yet (with only one fic and one oneshot ... while some of these other authors have tons of fics! *sigh*). But the readers on AFF are awesome - very loyal and supportive. So ... thanks to everyone who has reviewed me! You guys are the best! Huggles for everyone!
  10. Ack! It's so hard to choose! Hmmm ... well, I can give a few of the PG rated ones (PG-13 at the most). Unfortunately, it seems like my favorite lines are the naughty ones so I guess these are my back-up favorites (all from my fic Evernight, since it's mainly all I have right now): Unfortunately, I don't have any good one-liners. All my favorite stuff seems to come in chunks. If anyone wants to see my naughty list, just let me know
  11. Actually, I replied to a post on here just today and included the "mary sue" term, so I guess I'm one of the authors out there who dwells on this. I introduced an original character in the very first chapter of my HP fic (and it was my very first fic ever, so I was twice as nervous about including OCs because I wasn't sure how they'd be received). It turns out that my readers have embraced the OCs as just another part of the story, but I have received a few reviews that made comments like, "At first I wasn't sure I was going to keep reading this because of the OC" or "The mention of OCs made me suspicious." I think if you're confident that your OCs are fully fleshed-out characters in their own right and not just cardboard facsimiles, then you shouldn't worry about the whole "Mary Sue" label. But for sweet Snarry's sake, give the OCs some faults. Make them human (err ... unles they aren't supposed to be human - but honestly, perfection is boring, so at least give them combination skin or a receding hairline or something). I think that's where some authors slip up. Anyway, that's my view on it. I do think OCs can be tricky to write if you're including them in a fanfic setting, but I like the challenge
  12. OCs in a fanfic are the trickiest to write, I think. You have to really flesh them out or people will write your story off as a Mary Sue. That being said, I think borrowed characters are easier to write for in general because of all the history and background information that comes with them. You don't have to set up the story as much as you do with an original character. And if you don't want to keep them IC, all you have to do is say it's AU and you're golden LOL
  13. I'm female and I'll write anything LOL I try not to limit myself - I figure that's the best thing about being a writer, ya know? The limitless possibilities ... ... but my story on AFF is slash, so I guess that's my preference.
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