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Posts posted by shinigamiinochi

  1. Never seen it, still hate you

    um, who goes onto a forum and says 'i have no opinion in what you're talking about, but I hate you'. Seriously? Why bother going on a forum in the first place? Anyway, never seen Gundam Seed. The first Gundam show I saw was Gundam Wing, but when I watched other Gundam shows, I didn't like them, so I stopped watching them. I've seen clips of Gundam Seed and the characters bother me for some reason, though the animation seems nice.

  2. When my cousin found his cat, Shiva, she was a newborn kitten and someone had stuffed her in a trashbag, tied it, and put it in the dumpster. I can't watch Animal Cops for very long because I start hating people too much. I think that there should be a better punishment for this sort of cruelty than just a few years and a fine.

  3. "FLCL" stands for "Furi Curi" which sounds like "Fully Cooly" to us, I don't know if that is what it actually means or it is something esle (maybe someone can enlighten me on the subject). Also, saying you don't like a series and actually asking people for their opinion or why they like it, isn't insulting it. If someone said, well, I watch supernatural, but I don't like it. Why do you like it? I wouldn't be offended, I'd tell them why I like it. If someone said, you're an asshole for watching the series, that's an insult. But, if I was the one asking the person and they said, there doesn't have to be a reason, just like it or don't like it, I'd be pretty annoyed because that isn't really an answer. And when the person says why they don't like it in response and you just say that they're wrong, that's even more insulting. That person's not wrong, they are giving a legitimate opinion, you just don't happen to agree. Saying that someone is wrong with their likes and dislikes is like saying that you don't think their opinion matters. I think that if you could just tell us why you think that Death Note is a good series instead of just saying that people are wrong or mean for asking you why you're saying that, we wouldn't be put off by it, not to mention the whole usual death threat thing.

  4. As an author, you can give your cannon characters whatever characteristics that you want. You're right though, you can never truly know all the details of a cannon character, especially how they'll react in situations that didn't happen in the original work. Sometimes, when you change a huge thing in a character and it isn't an AU, it can be really annoying, but what you are describing is just back story (and it also sounds pretty logical to me), so it's no big deal. Some readers are too closed minded about the fandoms that they love and don't realize that it is the author's creativity that makes fanfiction great. If everyone only followed what the original work showed us, fanfiction would be pretty boring. But, if you can't stand the creativity, perhaps you should just rewatch/read the original work? So, don't stress it, it sounds like a good idea to me.

  5. I've never seen Death Note, though i have a few friends who love it, but I agree that, if you like something, you should be able to verbalize why you like it, and if you think someone's wrong, at least tell them why, otherwise it's just insulting without any reason outside of childish namecalling. I think Death Note is one of those animes that is really weird, but some people love that. A lot of people I know hate FLCL, but I love it.

  6. yep, WAFF are those moments that are so sappy, no matter how into romance you are, you'll probably role your eyes. I figured that yaoi and slash were the same thing, but since I was accused of getting that wrong, I wanted to make sure. I only write fanfiction in the anime section, so it's the one I'm more knowledgeable on.

  7. what exactly is the difference between yaoi and slash? The way I was told, slash was two guys intimately involved, and so is yaoi/shounen ai, so what's the difference besides the genres that it takes place in?

  8. I write stuff that I would like to see other people write or stuff that exists in my head like babble or nightmares and I just have to get it out. So, I love to read my work afterwards. I love the feeling of accomplishment, I love the reviews, the fact that someone has seen what lies inside of my head and enjoys it as well. When I write, I feel empowered, like nothing can hurt me. I feel at one with my characters, I can feel their pain, their love, their embition. So, even when I don't get reviews, I still feel really good about myself when I write.

  9. Ok, so I basically work at the equivelant of 'New England's Yard Sale' (if you live here, you can probably guess what it is, we have annoying commercials on TV) and I have some pet peeves to share with you, friends and customers. These peeves are not exclusive to my workplace or even this country. Now, I know that employees have nametags for a reason, but hear me out. Please do not call us by our first names, it is creepy and it scares the crap out of me every time you do it. This is because I am both paranoid, socially awkward, and have a hard time remembering people, so when you say my name, I think that maybe I should know you or you are a stalker. So don't do it. When you are a register, checking out, DO NOT answer your cell phone. Fuck, don't even bring it into the store with you if it is such a habit that you can't get through an entire transaction without whipping it out. Now, I know to most to you people, cashiers aren't REAL people, but it is annoying and rude, so please don't. Mothers, keep your children under control. One mother had the audacity to tell me that it was my job to clean up after her child, so he/she could run about the store, trashing it, and I couldn't complain. No, it's your job as a mother to make sure that little shit doesn't cause havoc. If the sign outside says 'no pets' that means 'no pets' not 'if the dog is really little it's ok'. A dog is a dog, end of story. Please do not eat our food before you buy it. If you're so hungry that you have to eat in the store, buy it at customer service, then shop. You say that you're going to buy it eventually, but in reality, not everyone does. So if you don't want to be treated like a shoplifter, don't do this. Do not take your bad mood out on the cashier. We don't have anything to do with problems that our store has, that's what customer service is for. We can't do much of anything, really.

    Ok, that's enough of that... onto loves.

    My parents just left for Alaska for two weeks, so there's a lot of stuff that I'm thinking, I can finally do that! But high on my list is: I can watch hentai on the big screen TV with the volume on!

    It has been officially decided, I am going to see The Happening, though I disregarded the Strangers and I probably shouldn't have. I watched the Orphanage and it rocked my world. Anyone else out there have some good movie reviews/recommendations?

  10. my experience with Tarot cards has been that they are much like your daily horoscope, all the outcomes can work for every person no matter who you are because they are vague and subjective, but they're pretty fun to do with both yourself and your friends. Just don't take what you find to heart, that's how one of my friends became completely stressed out for an entire year. Then she figured out that she was waiting for the world to drop on her hard at the saying of some card deck that cost her a dollar fifty and quit worrying so much. So, yeah, don't take it too seriously and just have some fun with it. Though, learning seems a bit complicated to me, but I've always sucked at card games.

  11. I don't think that it's that important. WAFF isn't something that you see on a ton of stories. I think plain old 'Sap' suffices well enough. I think that WAFF is in the anime specific category in the same that yaoi and yuri are. They're just words explaining something that exist in other categories, but the word itself is specific for that genre. It doesn't mean that it makes sense; I'm pretty sure that if you just kept slash and sap, everyone would understand it, it's just the way that it works. I remember that when I first started to read fanfiction, I was confused about the difference between yaoi and slash and WAFF and sap, but I now know that they're the exact same thing, but it was annoying at first.

  12. actually, I base my reading on the warnings and summary. It isn't usually until after I've read several chapters that I finally have to ask myself what the title is. I mean, there are some great horror movies out there with lame, generic titles, but I'm really glad that I've watched them. So, titles don't really affect me, though I do hate it when I'm writing a fic that I can't come up with a title for.

  13. considering that I did nothing all day but write 'Gundam Wing Hentai' side stories, I guess you could say that I did spend my day devoted to sex. Though, I did write it while watching 'Mars Attacks' and taking short breaks to refuel on popcorn and root beer (the essentials). Still, a fruitful day nonetheless. Sigh, I love my off days.

  14. Porno only warps your perception of reality if you're naiive enough to think that what happens in porno is what happens in reality as well. I mean, I watch a ton of hentai, but I know that its just fantasy and people don't really act that way. But, the same thing can be said about any media. I'd like to try out H games, but every time I actually find one, I never have the money to afford it and my lap top, though I love her, really is a piece of crap and I wouldn't be able to fit it on here.

  15. after having finished rereading all of my Harry Potter and Stephen King novels, I am now moving on to my collection of H.P. Lovecraft works. Seriously, he was a huge racist, even for his time period, but he was a genius with words and Stephen King is just a genius, period. But, if you're not into horror, bear in mind that he doesn't just write horror (despite what some people seem to think), there's also the Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Apt Pupil, L.T.'s Theory of Pets, and dozens of other stories that deal with human drama and relationships that exist even in his horror novels. If you're in the mood for an epic, there's also the dark tower series. Beyond the horror writers, I don't have many suggestions. There's also Clive Barker, but you have to have a sort of different appreciation to not only get, but to enjoy his work. John Schwartzwelder, one of the people who has worked on the Simpsons, also has created a hysterical book series. One of the books is called The Exploding Detective. Schwartzwelder is the one responsible for all of the old time-y type jokes that the Simpsons has, he's also the only one that refuses to do the audio commentaries, so they called him up on the phone while they were doing one just to get his voice on the DVD.

  16. I spend 90% of my time arguing with my mother about why my going outside is a bad idea and that staying in one room all day has never been medically proven to be unhealthy. She seems to think that there's something mentally wrong with me, but, really, I have a TV, playstation, and computer all in the same room, so I think its rather understandable that I only leave said room for the bathroom and kitchen. The other ten percent is when my mother is in the shower, gone shopping, asleep, whatever and I am finally able to write my fanfiction. It's really hard to write lemony yaoi when you're prissy, homophobic mother is always popping up to ask what you are doing.

  17. my allergies are so bad that I can barely open my eyes which are watering like a river, my nose itches and is stuffed up at the same time, I can barely breath, I woke up with a headache, my feet, back, neck, and legs are throbbing because my cousin is moving in for the summer and brought his sixteen foot snake with him, but everyone else in my family is terrified of snakes, so just the two of us had to bring a very agitated, cranky constrictor up the steps which resulted in me damaging my back, but despite all of these problems, I still had to go to work for nine hours in a retail store filled to the brim with ornery, senile old ladies that can't hear and screaming children and infants. And when I got back from this great horror, I discovered that my internet was out. So, yeah, I think yesterday was universally evil. Of course, today isn't shaping up to be any better since I have to go to work at six, which means, though I am only working four hours, I have to deal with my bitchy mother and miss Doctor Who. The only good part of this upcoming week is the fact that I have Monday off and my parents are having a barbecue, so I have the house to myself (my cousin will, of course, be sleeping). But until then, things don't appear to be looking up.

  18. I was bored and every summer I write these little things in my livejournal, but since this is my first summer at aff.net, I thought I would post it here. It's basically my views of upcoming movies by the trailers and other stuff.

    Indianna Jones: not going to see it. Why? Well, I saw the original three when I was a kid and the only part I liked was in The Temple of Doom when a guy got his heart ripped out. I never got into the series, so I prefer to save money for a movie that I can get really into.

    Prince Caspian: I saw this film on Saturday and it was actually quite good. I was especially estatic because Eddie Izzard voice acted for the mouse. The worst part of this film I attribute to the assholicness of Disney. For those who saw it, you know what I'm talking about. The romance between Susan and Caspian was beyond stupid and the random pop song at the end just hightened the stupidity of the move. Damn you Disney!

    Iron Man: Not going to see it because, unlike Batman and Spiderman, I am not familiar with the comics or mythology surrounding the character and the plot just didn't appeal to me. I plan to watch it when it becomes rentable.

    Speed Racer: No. No, no, no. I didn't like the anime and I'm sure that I wouldn't like the American remake. When it comes to us trying to turn something Japanese into American, we never succeed, I have years of J Horror movies to back up this claim. That, and my friend saw it and said that it was like a reverse I Am Legend: she liked the ending, but not the middle or the beginning.

    The Strangers: I like Liv Tyler, I think she's beautiful, but the only time I've seen her act was in Armageddon, so I can't say anything about it. It seems kind of creepy, but I'm going to wait and see what people think and then decide if I go see it, but this is the first summer movie I've become really interested in. Go, horror movies!!! Alas, I have been going through withdrawals since the last really good film I saw was Cloverfield. (Do not fight me about the greatness of Cloverfield, it's a personal thing)

    Kung Fu Panda: No, the last animated film that I saw that I liked enough to justify the 7-10 dollar movie fee was Finding Nemo, and this just looks plain stupid.

    The Incredible Hulk: I think that it is a testament to Edward Norton's ability to use mind kung fu on me that I saw this trailer and went 'hmm, maybe I'll see that'. Ever since Red Dragon, anything this guy does, I have that reaction. But, will I go see the film? Probably not. I love Norton, but I hate the Hulk, I even hated the cartoon as a kid. A green muscle man? No thank you.

    The Happening: What, M. Night has a new movie? Where do I sign up?!! Screw all you people who make fun of me for liking Lady in the Water. I loved all of this guys films and this one is making people who don't like his stuff to consider a viewing, so, despite any hype, I WILL be seeing it.

    Hancock: When I saw the Best Buy trailer, I had not even heard of this film, so I thought it was a big joke, but I went to see Prince Caspian, saw the real trailer, and thought, yeah, I want to see that! I love apathetic super heroes and I like Will Smith, so why not? There isn't enough hype yet for me to find reason to not like this film.

    Hellboy 2: Maybe. I didn't like the characters of the first movie, but damn did I like the monsters. That, and its Guillermo del Torro, so its iffy so far. I'll see what develops as the release date gets closer.

    The Dark Knight: YES, YES, FUCKING YES!!!! Why do I like this film, shall I count the ways? Ok, there's a scary clown, one of the few things that I am actually terrified of and I'm a horror freak and like being scared. The Joker looks so much better in this film than the others and he's my favorite Batman villain. I am a Batman whore, I have all the films and it was the Marvel comic that I watched/read the most (I hate Superman) and I liked Batman Begins despite my hesitence at having Christian Bale be Batman (better than George Clooney, but after American Psycho, I had issues with him). The second I saw this trailer, I was hooked and I am sooooo excited for this film! Don't care about hype, reviews, whatever, I am seeing this film.

    The x-files movie: soooo, you're asking an X-files lover if she is going to see the movie? Ok, to be fair, I do have some issues with the film coming out years after the show ended, but hell, as long as Mulder and Scully are there, I'm game!

    The Mummy 3: sigh, why would you make a sequel when the second film sucked? Now, I love Brendan Fraser, but the leading lady refused to come back, so how the hell are they going to pull that one off? Uh, no, not going to see this one, even if I got a free rental. Even the trailer looked incredibly stupid. When I saw the trailer, all I could think of was: I really wish that I had seen the Ruins. I know i had little money at the time, but how many films out there are about killer plants? Is it coming out soon? No? I should rent it or wait until I see a used version at Newbury Comics and just buy it. And then the trailer was over.

    The Midnight Meat Train: pros: Clive Barker made it. Cons: sounds kind of dumb. So, will I see it? Don't know, haven't seen a trailer for it yet. Will let ya know when I do.

    Some of you might have noticed that several films are missing from my list. I hate comedies and chick flicks, but I love horror and science fiction and I'm a bit depressed that there are so few of them this summer. Any film not on this list, I don't know about, I think it is too stupid or unimportant to even mention, or I just don't have enough information to say anything about it. Basically, I'm excited for the Dark Knight and hope that the Batman franchise never dies, and this summer appears to be the summer for super heroes.

  19. Well, I've been cranking out chapters for a Gundam Wing fic called 'After School Club', but have gotten very little reviews for it, which is sad since I am now working on the last chapter and I feel very proud of that. On the other hand, I just got a good review for a poem I wrote years ago and no one has ever reviewed for my poetry before, so I feel really excited about that. It's kind of hard to feel proud of something like your poetry when no one reviews to say that you're doing a good job, you know? At least with my fiction, I get one or two reviews so I know I'm making someone happy.

  20. God is a mix between a spoiled child (you will only listen to me! I am the only correct thing in the universe!!! *sticks out tongue*) and an abusive, alcoholic father (if you don't do exactly what I tell you, I will kill you!). The main, huge reason why I can't believe in God is not that there is no proof (though that is the second reason) it is that I refuse to believe in anything that tries to control my life. That whole, you have to do exactly what I tell you or you will go to hell doesn't stick with me. I'd rather do what I believe is right, not what God believes and go to hell than just blindly following His rules. My friend and I had this discussion and she mentioned that if she was a child reading the bible, she would think that God acted like a spoiled brat/abusive alcoholic because he just keeps threatening people that don't believe in him. I actually think that not believing in God has made me more creative, because I can still write fiction about God, but I don't follow any rules of a certain religion about what He is supposed to be like. He's also highly idealistic, not everyone wants to be saved. Hell, not everyone's ideas of 'sin' is the same. My mom thinks watching hentai is a sin, so I should pray to Jesus to be absolved. Well, I think that her blatant homophobia is a sin, so there. Then there's the fact that he is a hypocrit. You can't kill, but if you meet someone who doesn't believe in me, go ahead! According to the classical idea of God, he is all knowing, all powerful, and kind. So, if this idea is true, he cannot let evil survive, so either he's a dickhead and likes watching us suffer, he's not all knowing or all powerful, or he has some weird plan for evil and suffering that will make everything better for us. If this is the case, he is also like a parent who, when asked why the sky is blue or where babies come from, says that 'I'll tell you when you're older', but they don't, they just wait for you to figure it out on your own. He also strikes me as either naiive or forgetful or possibly just stupid. In the garden of Eden, satan possessed the snake, or the snake was evil to begin with depending on what bible you read, and God punished the snake. If it was satan, why did the snake get punished? if the snake was evil, getting rid of its legs didn't really do anything, if at all, it just made things easier for the serpent. Then there was the flood business. If God was trying to wipe out ALL the animals, did he just conveniently forget about things like whales and sharks? God is also a slave owner. 'Angels' are basically his slaves, they do all of his bidding for no payment what so ever, and if they step out of line like Lucifel did, there wings get ripped off and they get kicked out of heaven. Sounds like slavery to me. Hell, all satan wanted was to be equal to god, is that so wrong? So, if you take the Bible literally, God has a ton of personality issues. I wonder if he sees a heavenly therapist? But, that would negate the whole 'I am God and better than anyone and anything and no one can tell me differently' thing. I guess the lesson here is, don't take the Bible literally or it will start messing with your brain. For example, my cousin went to church with us one day and we were doing the whole communion, this is the blood, this is the flesh thing.

    Cousin: Dude, CPC

    Me: Eh?

    Cousin: Christianity Promotes Cannibalism

    Jesus might have been God, but while he was on earth, he was still considered human. Therefore, if you take the Bible literally, then communion is just eating and drinking a person. So, don't take it literally. This rant was brought to you by the fact that at two in the morning, I go a little crazy. Nyu.

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