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Posts posted by shinigamiinochi

  1. I joined fanfiction.net as an author many months ago. Despite the fact that adult content was not allowed there, I decided to post my non adult work, which is very few. I mentioned in my profile that I had adult work elsewhere and a reader said that people all over the archive had adult work and that it was ok, as long as there were warnings for it. So, like an idiot, I did as advised and got a bunch of readers for my work. Tonight, I got a message from fanfiction.net that one of my stories had been deleted for content. So, obviously these other readers got away with it, but I didn't. Am I going to act like a vindictive bitch and find these people and tell on them? No. However, I did just finish deleting any works with sex and extreme violence in them, which broke my heart in a way that only a fellow author could possibly understand. I'm sure those that signed up for updates on those fics, especially for The Road to Kindness, are going to be pissed about it.

    I could go on and on about the evils of censorship and how I loathe fanfiction.net, and even how much I love adult-fanfiction.org (you guys rock!), but I am mainly here to ask if anyone knows of another site where I can post very graphic, yaoi, Gundam Wing fanfiction, preferrably a place where I can update my work on my own, but not necessary. Any help is appreciated.

  2. Personally, if anyone decided to write a fanfic based on an original work, I'd be flattered. Even if they did something that I didn't like, I wouldn't be so arrogant as to attack them for it. When you publish something, it becomes public domain, your readers can do what they like with it as long as they don't make any money off of it. Fanfiction entertains people, isn't that the true purpose of public writing? Literature is the great art of the world, in my opinion, but not all of us can afford books and not all of us can get our work published. Why should these people be punished for something that they love to do? I know, for me, that writing is very cathartic, like punching a bag when I'm pissed and I make a lot of people happy to do it. There a lot of people who absolutely love certain anime and shows and books, and their characters, so when it ends, they enter a sort of void. It was like that for me when Gundam Wing ended. So, when I discovered fanfiction, I was enthralled and jumped into it right away. Even if some of the fanfics were unrealistic or AU, they still featured familiar characters that I loved.

    When you read a novel, you spend the book getting introduced to the characters, but with fanfiction, you already know them, intimately, so you can take your relationship with them to a level you couldn't get when you watched or read the work. Isn't an essay a 'creation'? Sure, everything in it is taken from something else, but it is still creation. If you want to get really technical, everything is taken from something else anyway. I dare him to go to the hard core authors, the ones who turn out a hundred pages a week to cater to their audience and to themselves, and every page is better written than the original works, and to say that they're not 'writers'. What else would you call them, anyway?

  3. Old Testament or New? Most of the religious right likes to base their claims on the new, but their attitudes on the Old, which can be kinda screwy.

    And Keith, seriously? You actually tried to have the computer plot the Bible's genealogy? How did it handle Cain and Able?

    Mostly new. I think most of them are in Ruth, Daniel, and Samuel.

  4. I have to agree with bookworm on this. I have a cousin who's a priest and I showed that article to him and he got really upset. He told me that the church's stance was no abortion and he was pro-life, but he would never use a position of power over this country to force others to follow Catholic principles, whether or not he believed those principles to be right. He mentioned that you don't have to follow every single rule to be a Catholic and I suppose that's true. Catholic rule says that sex without marriage is a sin and homosexuality is a sin, but we have gay Catholics and Catholics praticing recreational sex. Some wouldn't consider them to be real Catholics, but they consider themselves to be. These people go to church and follow Catholic teachings. Isn't having other Catholics yell at these people and say that they have no right to practice the religion just another form of prejudice? Can't some Catholic politicians promote things that the Catholic church doesn't necessarily believe in because the people want it? I think so. Saying that, just because you're a Catholic, you have to become the Church's right hand and force their views onto the people through you're position of power doesn't sit too well for me. Yes, the Church has the right to opinionate and say what it will, but when it starts forcing its followers, who have an equal responsibility to their people, not all of whom are Catholic, it stops looking like a religious debate and starts shifting to methods of control. Politicians are supposed to be tools of the people, not the Church. Yes, I realize how idealistic that sounds, but even if that isn't true in real life, it is supposed to be true in theory and I don't think the church has the right to tell those people they can either chose their religion or their job, because I think that they can have both. It's the difference between what you believe YOU should do and what you believe is best for a community. You want an example of that? I don't think that greyhound racing was a good idea, I myself, find it unethical, but it is a source of jobs and revenues, it was what was good for the community, so I was able to put my own morals aside. We, as human beings, have this ability, it's just too bad that we don't use it very often.

  5. First off, despite the fact that 90% of my fics entail some sort of sexual violence or rape, I refuse to be labelled as a rapist until I go out in the real world and actually rape someone (which, considering how many times I've watched Law and Order SVU and my overall shyness in real life, is never going to happen). Secondly, a lot of the reviews for my fanfic 'The Road to Kindess' say that the reader loves the story because it's more realistic. The main character actually doesn't go on once he is rescued and becomes a full functioning person again. I guess that's something that's always pissed me off about a lot of rapefics. As soon as the character is rescued or knows that the person they love loves them back, their issues with the rape mysteriously go away. Love can heal all wounds is a pretty sentiment, but it's bullshit in real life. My cousin was raped by his father when he was a little kid, he's 27 now and still has major issues about it.

    Having such a banner is a very good thing, it raises awareness about, not only the victim, but what a good rapefic entails. Yeah, some people get off on it sexually and don't want to deal with the aftermath, but if those reviews mean anything, even more people want to see the psychological backlash such an act produces, but I also see how seeing that banner can make someone feel as if they're being blamed for something. Still, on some fiction sights, they just take words from the story and match it with the appropriate advertising, which ends up not so appropriate. You could be reading a nice sex scene about two werewolves and there's an ad on the bottom of the scream flashing about getting your dogs neutered. Not something you want on the page at that moment. Hey, at least this site knows what it's doing and it's not like fanfiction.net which will interrupt the entire page with an ad and you have to wait and look at the damn thing before you can go on to your reading. It's not only annoying, but after that happens, you can't use the keyboard to scroll down once you get to the fic.

  6. Have these people ever heard of seperation of church and state? Sometimes, what you believe and what is best for a society are not the same things. If you're a catholic politician, you should listen to the people and act accordingly, not your religious leaders. If you can't make that distinction, you shouldn't be in politics. It may be harsh for religious people, but you have to make that choice. I hope Obama has the spine not to change his views just because of some religious rabble.

  7. According to the Bible, it is perfectly acceptable, and is infact normal and something that you should do, sell your daughters into slavery. On the other side, there are several accepted, possible homosexual relationships in the bible, so I don't know what these religious opponents of homosexuality are getting so riled up about.

  8. I reached 190,000 tonight, so I think I'm safe, but I'm going to continue on for as long as I can, but I really have to slow down because I think I'm going a little bit nutty. Just a few thousand a night from now until the end, I think.

  9. Just as an aspect of a historical milestone that I happen to be a part of, I'm pretty excited. I have to say, McCain's speech was pretty humble and well spoken. If only I can say the same for the rest of his supporters at the rally who felt the need to boo when he told them to support their next president. My mom still thinks that Obama is going to get assassinated. Let's hope, for American's image and future, that doesn't happen. I think it's funny that my cousin's japanese in-laws were rooting for him, too.

  10. Last night I got a very negative review for The Road to Kindness. It's a very dark fic that deals with a character's psychological state after being raped repeatedly as a child and him trying to be able to have a meaningful relationship with another boy. It says under the warnings 'NCS' and in author's notes, I warn that this fic is going to be very dark and that the character was going to go through a lot and I do not shy away from graphic scenes. Anyone who's read my work (as this person seems to claim) knows that of me. This reviewer told me that they were reading the fic in hopes that I wouldn't have graphic rape scenes and that I had 'changed my ways'. The reviewer also stated that they couldn't take rape scenes and refused to read them. The reviewer also then stated that they thought that several of my points would never happen in real life. Normally, when such a thing occurs, I thank them for reading (which I did) but defend myself, via replying to their review.

    However, this reviewer did not have a reply address, they were anonymous, so I ended up just posting a review next to hers defending myself. I think that any author has the right to challenge a review that is essentially bashing their content. I agree that constructive critisism is a wonderful thing. I even wrote in my profile that I accept critisism on language, plot, and actions. For this, I accepted this reviewers views on the unrealistic actions of certain characters, but, as it says in my profile on ff.net, which was where this took place, I will not take advice on my content, because that pretty much kills the fic. I know that someone is going to yell at me for replying as a review and finding what I said wrong, since apparently an author defending themselves against a bad review is somehow immature, but I stand by what I said in the re-review, if you don't like rape and you are familiar with an author's style, and don't like it, why bother continue reading? Just continuing reading in hopes that the author will change their content and style is immature. Yeah, I write about rape a lot, it's who I am, but I label my fics accordingly and I'm not going to change the entire content of a story because it makes someone uncomfortable.

    It's odd, isn't it, how I've gotten over fifteen positive reviews on this fic, but I post a new chapter and get one bad review, and it makes me feel so sick inside that I don't want to write in it anymore? Sure, I had that brief thought last night, because I was worried that the new chapter pissed everyone off, just because that one reviewer was the newest review and no one had said anything about the new chapter and I thought that a lot of people might have that same view. However, the thought was fleeting and I woke up this morning with a 'fuck that' attitude. Not only is the fic almost 500 hundred pages long, making it something that I've invested too much time in, I like the fic. I think that that's very important for an author to like what they write. This fic is very therapeutic for me and I like the story line, so I'm going to continue to write it, it just pisses me off that one sickened individual could make me feel so upset when one person out of the thousand that read the story can make me feel this way.

    I don't know what's more upsetting, that this person is reading an NCS story when they can't stand rape, or the fact that since chapter 2/6, there have been constant, graphic rape scenes, but the newest chapter only had one near miss and suddenly, this person is offended. Doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe I'm just wounded too easily.

  11. I won last year, too, and I'm definitely doing it this year. It'll be hard with all that I have going on, but at the very least, I can try. I'm actually going to write the second part to what I did last year, so that'll save time on plot and I haven't had a lot of time to work on that story lately, so it's a good excuse to start it up again.

  12. This happens to me at work a lot. A woman will gripe at me about how much she hates someone's whinning child and I'll agree and say that I'll never have children. Then, like a ninja, some other woman will come out of nowhere and say that I'll change when I get older, I'll find a good man and want to have kids. Do I say that I'm a 21 year old lesbian and the closest thing to a child I want is a little black kitten? No, I let the conversation drop despite the fact I really want to punch that woman in the face for making assumptions, more than one, in fact, about my personal life. Scenario number two is happening a lot now because Christmas season is approaching. I have women buying all this religious crap (no affense to religious people, but buying ten packs of christmas cards with creeping looking nativity scenes on them is weird to me) and ranting about how there's no religion in christmas anymore and about how we should, as a community, force kids to go to church on Christmas Eve. Now, I could tell her that I'm an atheist and I hate going to church like I hate going to the dentist and that my cousin, another atheist, celebrates Christmas without any religious significance at all and has never told his daughter any of the stuff about baby jesus like it is a fairy tale or a fact, only that some people believe in it like how some people in his rural town of Japan think that by wearing good luck charms, there will be a good harvest the next year. Do I say this? No. Just like how I don't tell the creepy fundamentalist people peddling their pamphlets every now and then at my store that their pitch does nothing at all for me after watching a very young cousin die of a brain tumor and how people of their religion treat people like me and my gay cousin. I'm not ashamed of who I am, I like being an atheist lesbian, but I also don't want some little old christian lady to explode while I'm waiting on her. Very messy.

  13. For me, using 'God' during sex is acceptable. I'm an atheist and I use 'god damn' all the time. Saying 'oh God' or 'Jesus Christ' during emotional moments is simply an exclamation like 'oh, shit'. I doubt that excrement has nothing to do with the situation, but it's an acceptable phrase. It's like my sister's constant use of 'holy fudge'. I know that heavenly chocolate has nothing to do with her stubbing her toe, it's just how she expresses herself.

  14. Well in that case a fully functional hermaphrodite would be impossible.


    well, duh. But, in case you forgot, this is a fiction website. She's not talking about playing mad scientist and creating a full functioning hermaphrodite, she's talking about making a story with one in it. Last time I checked, we have the capacity to do that. I mean, tentacle monsters and ninjas with special powers are impossible, too, but there are thousands of stories on this site about impossible things. It's the fun part of imagination. And if we only wrote about things that are normal, this site would only be a sixth of what it is, maybe less. I say go for it, it sounds like an interesting character psychologically and sexually.

  15. Ok, so this is a question for players of the first game: I've beaten it and am now trying to get a full ghost list, but I'm stuck on 'Dead Man's Body', the part where you open the closet and see Ogata's body. I can't figure out how to do it. Any tips will be appreciated. I went to walkthroughs and such and they all just say to point and shoot and maybe you'll get lucky. There has to be an exact science to this!

  16. Yeah, at least Obama has the right attitude. He may or may not get anything done, but at least he won't make dumb ass comments like changing the constitution to make sure gays can't get married or that all homosexuals will destroy American families and will go to hell. McCain is using the same hope and change promises, what makes you think the same thing won't happen to him? Hilary was shot down because of big money drug companies. We SHOULD have decent fucking health care goddamn it, but because we're so individually minded, we only care about our own paychecks, not those that don't have the money to have the chance at decent health. If McCain is elected, we will probably just have the more of the same. He may say that he's going to change thing, but he's a conservative, how much is he going to change? Obama is the wild card. Nobody really knows what he's going to do when he becomes president. He could send us to hell, but he could also do some real good for this country. Our economy, healthcare, energy, all suck. We paid a huge amount of money for the war and now we're paying for it, so I don't see how great the last administration was. Like I said, I'd prefer a president that wants to change things for the better and fails, than a president that won't even bother to try because of his personal beliefs.

  17. because fighting a losing war sucks and Palin's sort of evil is one that is neither sexy or borderline acceptable. At least for me. A guy that's on a power trip and high on himself vs. a guy who backs a woman that goes against everything I believe in, like, rape is a bad thing and the government should have absolutely no say in what people do with their bodies. Yeah, Obama's an asshole, but I don't have the overwhelming desire to stab him in the eye. Nadar's great, but, it's highly unlikely that he'll become president and I'd rather Obama than McCain. I have yet to hear something about Obama that makes me go 'ok, there's no way in hell I'm voting for that guy!' Palin's... beliefs... have made me have that reaction. And don't preach to me about how she isn't going to become president, because I don't see McCain coming out and saying that he doesn't believe what she believes. I have relatives that are gay, hell, I'm a lesbian myself, and I seriously doubt we're going to get any rights with McCain in power, and I also know quite a few women who have had abortions that have saved their quality of life, both physical and mental.

  18. News flash: America is not a democracy. Our first few presidents were friends and came from the same state. Hell, only rich white men could vote at first. If that isn't a good indicator as to how we as the public have no power, what about George Bush? How the hell did he become president when the majority of us didn't want him? And, really, even if we chose our President and that guy wins, we still don't have any say in what that guy does during his Presidency, we can only hope that he will stick with what he said during the campaign. But, guess what: America is no different than any other country, you can only hope that your leader, publically appointed or not, will do what is best for you, but most of the time, that doesn't happen. The main difference between America and the rest of the world is that a lot of the people here are reeeeally good at lying to themselves. Life sucks, get a helmet.

  19. Hearing that the town that Palin was a mayor of made women pay for their own rape kits on a political debate a couple of days ago made me take another tally from the McCain board. It isn't so much that she was responsible for it that she simply believes in it. Her whole stance on aborition pisses me off. I know she's not the president, but McCain was aware of her opinions and probably agrees with a few of them. If he isn't aware of it, I doubt he'd make a good president if he can't even do a little checking on his vice president candidate. Obama still annoys me because he acts more like a celibrity than a presidential candidate at times and Palin just can't keep her speeches straight at times. So, speaking wise, both parties have their faults, but I'm a serious pro-choicer and gay rights activist, so I can't in good conscience vote for McCain anymore. I am, however, now struggling with the decision of voting for Obama, who I still don't like that much, and Nadar, who will probably not win anyway. So, basically, it's the lesser of two evils or a losing war.

  20. Anthro means that one of the people, or both, have some sort of animal characteristic, like cat-girls. BDSM is a sort of relationship like a slave relationship, ownership and trust are the two most important things. S+M usually entails a relationship where one 'punishes' the other, but it is consensual. Domination does not have to have any pain involved, it's just the nature of the relationship where one has more power than the other, the same counts for D/S but there is an equal amount of concentration for both parts, not just the domination. I think Xeno is mostly for aliens that don't look human, like tentacle monsters.

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