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Posts posted by shinigamiinochi

  1. if, on my constant, never ending quests to find an english fansite for the series, I find something, I will definitely show you, but for now I think it'll be easier to post it in the misc section. Thanks for your help.

  2. Hmm, now that I've thought about it, maybe it would be easier if I just post the fics in the misc anime section since there isn't that big of a demand for these fics. If it is easier on you, that is acceptable to me, am I allowed to do that?

  3. I've been looking for a 'Scar Tissue' archive on this site, but though it is both a novel and an anime, it is in neither section. I already have several stories and poems written for the series, can I ask that a section for it be made, most likely in the anime section as the anime and novel are slightly different. Or, is this the wrong place to ask for that?

  4. ok, that makes more sense then the whole pit of fire thing. Gee, I hope I'm going to hell if it all it means is being seperated from God. I hate it when my parents order me around and try to control me, let alone some entity I've never seen or spoken, too. My family is protestant, but I never really paid attention during church and eventually I just got too lazy to care about religion. That and the rules for several religions do not coincide with my belief system.

  5. Shrinking woman fetish?

    I've always wondered how agents got their girls to agree to things like bukkake when it first came out. "So i have sit down for a half hour while a hundred guys cum on me, and afterwards i have to swallow it all? I'll take it!" you think they get paid any better, cause i certainly hope so.

    sometimes when they can't get the girl to agree, they just edit the video so you can't see the guys coming, just when the stuff gets on her body and they use stuff like cream or custard. It's the same thing with scat play. Some girls refuse to use real feces, so they use chocolate instead. But, yeah, I think people who have to do that stuff should be paid a ton of money.

  6. I was raised around guns. I was taught gun safety at an early age. One of my uncles used to take me bird hunting with him and he even taught me how to load a gun. Not being stupid.... I listened to him and didn't go running out in front of him with a loaded rifle. I saw first hand what a bullet could do to a pheasant, and I wasn't inclined to believe that I was somehow invincable and the bullet wouldn't do the same to me.

    I'm not a big fan of guns, but I agree with PorkChop. Making guns illegal only ensures that law abiding citizens won't have them. Criminals will just get them illegally. Seriously, what do they care if they break one more law???

    I can see it now.... Someone doesn't know what to do because he wants to murder six people, but he can't buy a gun because it's illegal and he doesn't want to break the law...

    my cousin brian killed eight people with a baseball bat... >.> I am so glad I'm adopted. you can kill anyone with anything as long as you have the imagination, a bit of luck, and some basic knowledge of biology. Or you're just plain fuck crazy. But, at least law abiding citizens won't have guns, that something at least. It's the same thing with drugs and exotic animals, just because something can be attained does not mean that it should be legal. Rifles are one thing, but guns that were designed with the single purpose of killing another human being shouldn't be sold. I'm not a pacifist, I just think that it's really scary how people legitimize gun use as a good thing.

  7. that was my thought, except I remembered that the last time my cousin was pissed off, he slammed a door so hard that the glass broke, so it's not impossible. I think that guns are like drugs or anything else, if someone has the means, they can get it. However, by making them illegal, there is still a percentage of people you are taking guns away from. I know a lot of people who don't do drugs just because they are illegal. If marijuana was legal, my sister would be all over it in a second. I mean, there are a lot of people who hide guns from their children, but their kids end up blowing their brains out anyway. I'd like to think that if guns were illegal, some of those parents' kids would still be alive. Just a thought.

  8. This is what I don't understand about the devil: if he is so evil, why is he torturing evil people? Wouldn't he applaud them for their evil acts instead of torturing them or is that simply the job he must do? I don't know, I'm an atheist and I don't know that much about theology surrounding the so-called ruler of hell. If the devil is truly evil, he would probably let Bush go and be president again, but if he's just doing his job, Bush would end up there for life. Or death. Whatever.

  9. I wish I could be like the main character of Scar Tissue and have my demonic brother seperate all of my split personalities and put them into seperate bodies only to have my demonic/angry/violent personality fall in love with a seperate me from another dimension that has started to live with us. 0.o damn, I love that show. I mean, I know incest is wrong, but how about (basically since both characters are considered different versions of the same character) having sex with yourself? Taboo or just a step above masturbation?

  10. I just got off the phone with my cousin and had to share this story with my friends here at AFF. Now, this is not a rant about the evils of guns, but after said cousin got shot by his abusive ex-boyfriend, I agree with Eddie Izzard: "The NRA says that 'guns don't kill people, people do" but I think that the gun helps." Anyway. This happened in Japan, my cousin was getting groceries and was in his car in the parking lot of the grocery store when some asshole with a gun tried to steal his car. Fortunately, this guy was also an idiot and didn't move when my cousin was getting out of the car, so my cousin took the guy out with the car door. This reminds me of that story about the idiot bank robbers who got stuck in the revolving doors and the police had to help them out. A tip to people trying to steal cars with the owners still in them: don't stand near any part of the car that can hurt you. Hell, to be perfectly safe, don't steal cars to begin with! After my cousin came home and called me about this, we ended up talking about that scene in scream with that girl from charmed and how she took out ghost face with a freezer door. Why don't people think of things like that in horror movies? I think that she should have lived for that move alone. I also think that my cousin deserves to have some sort of half assed black belt for managing to swing open the door to a jaguar hard enough to give a guy a concussion.

  11. now, if i could meet a double futanari that has the magic ability to vibrate, I might give up the toys, but genetically, that's pretty damn impossible. Sigh, a girl can dream.

    In the words of my gal, Elvira Kurt: "I can get whatever you've got in plastic, twice as big."

  12. i've only written child sex once, and that was because it was from snow white and I was writing a modern adaptation of it. Did bestiality when asked, but beyond werewolf sex, I'm not sure I'd do it unless it was part of the plot, in other words, not just for the sake of it being there. Apparently I write a lot of incest, but it doesn't really bother me when it's two boys. Aka, no deformed children. Sometimes I do write things that gross me out just because I like challenging myself, but I draw the line at goro (sex involving mutilations).

  13. I have a few flames and really stupid reviews, but I've never deleted any despite the fact that admins have backed me up in saying that they shouldn't be there. Why? I'm lazy. Every time I say I'm going to delete them, my mind wanders off to other directions, usually mahjong and writing my own fanfiction.

  14. the only part of that machine that looks remotely safe is the anal vibrator extension. I mean, at least with women's vibrators, if they break, they can't rip anything off (sorry about the painful image there, guys) I mean, what is the point of that? The point of a vibrator is to mimic an action that we can't duplicate with our bodies (unless you're an incredibly flexible hemaphrodite, but even that would be difficult, and the best part of a vibrator is the vibration). I'm pretty sure that every guy (unless you have no arms in which case you'd need help to operate that machine anyway) can jack off. Sigh. Now, if they could create a tentacle monster machine, I think many people would be all over that. Otherwise, vibrators are good for both genders.

  15. my friends say I'm nihilistic (or at the very least incredibly pessimistic) because I say that I am not looking for love because I currently have no use for it. They say that I am obviously bitter and lonely. >.> If I was lonely, I'd probably go on a dating site or something. I just don't think that everyone needs to be with 'that special someone', I'm totally happy with my computer, my cousin, and my friends. This is especially true after listening to friends and people online talk about their relationship woes. No offense to those that believe in love, but it just seems like a lot work and I really don't need the stress right now. Being a lesbian just gives me even more issues. To anyone who has made love work for them, congratulations, you rock!

  16. I understood what you were saying and while I have never been in love, I've been told it's a terrible thing. Just don't let your emotions get the best of you. you can't forsee the future. My cousin Louisa was in love with this guy in high school and pined for him well after college. In her eyes no one was good enough. Then she met her husband and now no one else is good enough besides him. She looks at that guy from high school with disdain now. I know this doesn't seem like a huge comfort, but human emotions are fickle and you don't know what tomorrow will bring. Feeling jealous that someone has gotten what they wanted when you have not is very painful, but also very normal, but don't resent your friend too much. It's very big of you to say that you wouldn't wish for him to not get the girl he wants.

  17. i think that as long as it is written and not DONE that anything is fine. I've read the baby sex stories and they make me want to puke, but by infringing on their right to write stories that I think is wrong, I'm inviting fundamentalists to do the same to my fanfics that involve yaoi and religion. It's one of those double edged sword deals. Besides, just because someone writes something offensive doesn't mean that the author believes in it. I write a lot of rape fics, but I think that rape is nasty and would never do it. I believe we had a discussion on pedophilia in fanfiction along this vein and a lot of people agreed that there is a big difference between having sex with a child and writing about someone having sex with a child and fiction doesn't create violent acts, violent acts create fiction. I'm sure there are thousands of people in america alone that would want to lynch me for writing yaoi fanfiction, so I don't think putting a limit on content is a good idea. *waves free speech flag*

  18. naturally, I think its biased to ask people on a fanfiction site if fanfiction is a bad thing, since a majority of people are going to say yes, but mostly I think that if you take away our fanfiction, both readers and writers would shrivel up into little prunes and blow away in the wind. Do you want THAT on your conscience????

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