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  1. Haha
    DemonGoddess reacted to Ghost-of-a-Chance for a status update, Kids these days will never experience many of the rites of passage my generation valu   
    Kids these days will never experience many of the rites of passage my generation valued more than gold. For instance: saving up your allowance for three weeks during the summer so you can buy one of those giant plastic Pixie Stix at the public pool’s canteen and downing the whole thing in one go to use it as a snorkel and spending the rest of the month with a burning feeling in the back of your throat that tastes like cherries, chlorine, and stale pee. 
    …those lucky saps.
  2. Haha
    DemonGoddess reacted to Ghost-of-a-Chance for a status update, There are many unmentioned benefits to marrying your best friend…benefits such as the   
    There are many unmentioned benefits to marrying your best friend…benefits such as them bringing you a cat to cuddle because said cat got too comfy in their lap and ripped a loud, wet, nasty fart.
    Yep, it was Heiferlump. Also yes, Cold did run away cackling afterward. Boys. 
  3. Confused
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from Ghost-of-a-Chance for a status update, So. Learned a lesson while upgrading my OS. Somehow, my personal IP was blocked from   
    So.  Learned a lesson while upgrading my OS.  Somehow, my personal IP was blocked from the domain.  Manta and I have been pulling our hair out trying to figure out why the hell I couldn’t connect
  4. Like
    DemonGoddess reacted to Melrick for a status update, This day 6 years ago, I landed in New York, my first time in the US. Hard to believe   
    This day 6 years ago, I landed in New York, my first time in the US. Hard to believe it was that long ago. That trip was when I saw snow for the first time. That was very exciting. Although I soon realised what a pain in the arse it is.
  5. Sad
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from Desiderius Price for a status update, So. Learned a lesson while upgrading my OS. Somehow, my personal IP was blocked from   
    So.  Learned a lesson while upgrading my OS.  Somehow, my personal IP was blocked from the domain.  Manta and I have been pulling our hair out trying to figure out why the hell I couldn’t connect
  6. Sad
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, So. Learned a lesson while upgrading my OS. Somehow, my personal IP was blocked from   
    So.  Learned a lesson while upgrading my OS.  Somehow, my personal IP was blocked from the domain.  Manta and I have been pulling our hair out trying to figure out why the hell I couldn’t connect
  7. Sad
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from Melrick for a status update, I have been down with this nasty flu bug since Monday. Finally able to move around ag   
    I have been down with this nasty flu bug since Monday.  Finally able to move around again.  Ugh.
  8. Sad
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from GeorgeGlass for a status update, I have been down with this nasty flu bug since Monday. Finally able to move around ag   
    I have been down with this nasty flu bug since Monday.  Finally able to move around again.  Ugh.
  9. Sad
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from Wilde_Guess for a status update, I have been down with this nasty flu bug since Monday. Finally able to move around ag   
    I have been down with this nasty flu bug since Monday.  Finally able to move around again.  Ugh.
  10. Sad
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, I have been down with this nasty flu bug since Monday. Finally able to move around ag   
    I have been down with this nasty flu bug since Monday.  Finally able to move around again.  Ugh.
  11. Like
    DemonGoddess reacted to Melrick for a status update, No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.   
    No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.
  12. Like
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Happy Birthday!!!   
    Happy Birthday!!!
  13. Like
    DemonGoddess reacted to Ghost-of-a-Chance for a status update, Well, y’all, we finally did it. We’re moving to a new house in my hometown! And nobod   
    Well, y’all, we finally did it. We’re moving to a new house in my hometown! And nobody died in it so I should be the only Ghost there! 
    Going on hiatus sucks, for sure, but I’m still so happy I could squeal. Heifer and Woozle are predictably unenthused, but cats don’t get a vote. This area has gotten too damned expensive and dangerous for us, and I’m tired of being homesick. Fortunately, the Woozle-bug already has a great vet in the city to help with his health problems (the scariest of which is showing some improvement, yay!) and Heiferlump? She’s going to have an entire neighborhood to give her attention when she inevitably convinces them she’s stuffed then moves. (Yep. It’s gonna happen. She’s got a history. We expect heart attacks on the regular.)
    Now if we can just finish everything early in the year so I can get back to writing! 
  14. Sad
    DemonGoddess reacted to Melrick for a status update, Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy. Eve   
    Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy.  Even sitting on a pillow doesn’t help much!
  15. Like
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from Melrick for a status update, Had the echo cardiogram yesterday, won’t hear anything of what they found, or if they   
    Had the echo cardiogram yesterday, won’t hear anything of what they found, or if they found anything until Tuesday.  Ugh.  I’m going to be a basketcase!
  16. Sad
    DemonGoddess reacted to WillowDarkling for a status update, USA, I am so sorry.   
    USA, I am so sorry.
  17. Haha
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from WillowDarkling for a status update, So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve b   
    So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve been monitoring my food intake and what I eat, when I eat.  I’ve also started exercising regularly.
    So instead of losing weight, I gained twelve pounds in the last 2 weeks.  What the hell??😡
  18. Like
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from Wilde_Guess for a status update, So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve b   
    So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve been monitoring my food intake and what I eat, when I eat.  I’ve also started exercising regularly.
    So instead of losing weight, I gained twelve pounds in the last 2 weeks.  What the hell??😡
  19. Like
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from kagome26isawsome for a status update, So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve b   
    So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve been monitoring my food intake and what I eat, when I eat.  I’ve also started exercising regularly.
    So instead of losing weight, I gained twelve pounds in the last 2 weeks.  What the hell??😡
  20. Like
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from JayDee for a status update, So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve b   
    So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve been monitoring my food intake and what I eat, when I eat.  I’ve also started exercising regularly.
    So instead of losing weight, I gained twelve pounds in the last 2 weeks.  What the hell??😡
  21. Haha
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from pittwitch for a status update, So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve b   
    So, with having BP issues, and having to get an echo cardiogram late November, I’ve been monitoring my food intake and what I eat, when I eat.  I’ve also started exercising regularly.
    So instead of losing weight, I gained twelve pounds in the last 2 weeks.  What the hell??😡
  22. Like
    DemonGoddess reacted to pittwitch for a status update, anyone have any advice on how to break a HORRIBLE, long standing writer’s block? 🙃   
    anyone have any advice on how to break a HORRIBLE, long standing writer’s block?  🙃
  23. Haha
    DemonGoddess reacted to Ghost-of-a-Chance for a status update, Y’all, my husband needs a warning label. I’m sitting here, sucking on a peppermint an   
    Y’all, my husband needs a warning label. I’m sitting here, sucking on a peppermint and minding my business with headphones on—the better to block out his party chat trash-talk—and I hear THIS: “You ain’t had pussy since you came out a pussy.”
    I don’t know who was laughing louder, the recipient of the burn, Cold, or me, but I very nearly had a Star-Brite lodged in my throat.   This guy kills me.
  24. Haha
    DemonGoddess reacted to Ghost-of-a-Chance for a status update, Just now, I saw something absolutely smoking hot on the internet. I mean, she was a s   
    Just now, I saw something absolutely smoking hot on the internet. I mean, she was a seriously sexy beast—the kind of beauty I see in my dreams and drool over in centerfolds, regardless of whether I’m in public. If I encountered her on the street, I would absolutely embarrass myself, stare like a loon, and profess my undying adoration to her. 
    A wolf-whistle, three muttered “damns,” and a couple of impressed tongue-clicks later, my husband gave in. Cold sighed, rolled his eyes, and grumbled, “just show me the car.”
    He knows me so well. 😆 It was, in fact, a classic muscle car—a ‘67 Oldsmobile Tornado. In my defense the lines on this bad girl are what wet dreams are made of, and I pity Cold for his lack of taste. It’s a sad way to live.
  25. Like
    DemonGoddess got a reaction from Ghost-of-a-Chance for a status update, So, as I’m sure many have noticed, I’ve been busy trying to work myself to death for   
    So, as I’m sure many have noticed, I’ve been busy trying to work myself to death for the past five years or so.  So, in that time, I’ve worked ridiculous hours with very little time off, and often multiple shifts in a day.  As a result, I was more than a little unproductive here.
    I retired the end of March, and spent the first fourish months doing nothing but sleep.  Have one final test from my doctor on November 22nd, so should be done with all that shit for a bit as well by then.
    In the meantime, I am now checking all the email addresses I always did before, as I now have the time.  Am easing back into the archive repair, minor hunting, and other things I did as well.
    Sorry for the absence, but, glad to be back
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