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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Now, without seeing either story, I am not going to accuse one or the other of plagiarism. As to the other author offsite, that one is a child, and certainly would NOT be welcome to publish here. For that matter, there is no way to tell when that story was published, as there are no dates.
  2. Yes, she changed her pen name Wednesday. I'm finding no record of staff action regarding this story.
  3. Using google, the only story I'm seeing anywhere by that title is a Vampire Diaries story. Do you remember the author name?
  4. Only thing I can think off the top of my head is this one
  5. Looking at the profile here, the author says the same. As the author is not activated in the new system, he/she will not be able to update until they do that. But, that has nothing to do with why it wouldn't have worked for this author in 2004. No clue on that.
  6. The other thing to remember is to CLICK the register button, don't use the enter key.
  7. Hi there, this forum is for PROMOTING the story, not the review replies. I've split off your replies in to a separate topic, here
  8. Prompts sachet sangfroid scissel Rules Happy Writing! This topic will autolock at 11:59 pm EDT 12-07
  9. Tesgura pulled the story from everywhere, herself
  10. the above author
  11. You need to logout, then BACK in, using the boxes located at the upper right corner of your browser screen
  12. You're welcome
  13. Follow these directions
  14. Wierdmeijin hasn't been active for years. Not sure why
  15. can you show me 5 pre-existing stories for this pair in the archive?
  16. He posted this to his profile in March
  17. DemonGoddess

    woman kidnap

    Yes, you can post the link. The links we disallow are for downloading copies of stories where the author has downed the work.
  18. Again, I refer you to the reviews. When I have the time, I'll experiment a little, and see if I can make it work, and work well. As you said, you're not a css guru, which leads me to believe you're also not a web developer. Me, on the other hand, I'm conversant with css, have used it for years for various things, and help with web development here. So, while I appreciate your excitement at finding something which may be useful, you also need to appreciate the fact that anything such as this, I'll want to test further for the users.
  19. Looking at the forum you linked to above, the Safari plugin is limited, the Chrome plugin is actually for CHROMIUM and will not work for Chrome
  20. Prompts radicivorous raisonneur rampallion Rules Happy Writing! This topic will autolock at 11:59 pm EDT 11-23
  21. Sure, you can override much visually with additional css instruction, as you're telling the browser to use css to tell the php application how to draw for you in your browser. However, there are certain things you won't be able to override, such as the paragraph and line break, character set, and etc. As I said, that's governed by the rte, and ITS css instructions, as well as the underlying javascript which powers that application. Something else to keep in mind, this is a Firefox plugin. That being said, this is something which should only work in Firefox, whether standard or mobile.
  22. So you know, linking the to Firefox addon page for this might've been better . At least where there is downloading that needs to happen. As to why you can't: Change font size: That's determined by the writer, when adding his or her story. The rich text editor allows a user to select fontface and font size. That being the case, there are many things already governed by css, such as how the stories draw. Paragraphs and linebreaks - The "inconsistency" is once again governed by the users themselves, within the body of the story. Lang is determined by the database. The default is utf-8 As what this addon does is give an additional set of css instructions to a web page, understand that where css is already in use, you won't be able to change anything
  23. You mean this story?
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