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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Nope, that's the official answer. Your story is predominantly F/F, so that is DEFINITELY where it belongs.
  2. Last one for this year! Prompt words uberous ungual umbel Rules This topic will autolock at 11:59 EST 5 January 2014
  3. There are four accounts registered with the email address. I can go ahead with the deletion of all four, or I can merge them and then step you through activation;
  4. done
  5. If you search in the hp part of the archive, there are quite a few stories with mistletoe in the title. Quickly looking, I'm not seeing anything matching your criteria. However, here are a few anyway Under the Mistletoe by Saraste harry/draco Under the Mistletoe by Minks harry/draco Under the Mistletoe by MsFigg - yes, I know it's het, but it's MsFigg! Magical Mistletoe by Taran SS/HP
  6. added here
  7. We don't add categories for characters, but for titles. I already know which title this is for , so I added it and moved the story. LOL.
  8. No there isn't. Categories of this kind would be in the celeb subdomain. Do you have stories for it, or stories in progress?
  9. Those were by Liule. Authors have all kinds of reasons for deleting certain stories. Perhaps she's reworking them?
  10. As your works are all in "anime section 2", the add/edit links below that heading are what you want, exactly.
  11. LOL. AU is what it is, that's for sure
  12. yes, and it'll end up moved with all the other misplaced stuff when I get there
  13. As the account was created before end of December 2008, it was grandfathered in as what we call an old minor. In that for instance, only the content that was posted AS a minor is deleted, and the account itself is adjusted accordingly. Accounts created after that time, no matter when we catch them are deleted entirely.
  14. We found enough proof to process the account that way, and to confirm the age you gave in your profile. Which, with a birth year of 1992 (what you gave) and a posting year of 2008, you can see the issue.
  15. As the stories were posted when you were sixteen, that's why they were deleted. This site has always been for users aged 18 and older. Once a story is deleted, it is not recoverable.
  16. Yes, it's in transition to new software. However, in order to not lose data, the archive stays live while the other stuff is worked on. The user cp and members subdomain are an example of the new code, while the storyboarding is still the OLD stuff. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer doesn't play nice with many sites, including this one. That has more to do with the fact that Microsoft thinks that we all have to design for that piece of shit browser. Where functions and things work fine in ANY other browser, and have all along. I will never subscribe to the notion that I must design for "quirks" (i.e. software bugs) in a browser. That is ridiculous.
  17. you're welcome! I expect you saved it in word format from OO. Make sure you use "paste from word" so that it catches and parses out any kind of weirdness.
  18. While I sympathize, and am very sorry for your loss, I'm not showing that author in this archive.
  19. Did you copy/paste from an html document instead of a word document? That's what I fixed in the database. You should be able to access it all now.
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