As you just sent the email today, you're jumping the gun a bit. If you read, I state that tech support will be answered usually within 48 hours of the mail, UNLESS I am very very busy, in which case it may take a day or two more.
The user posting as JTF24 is not allowed to be on this site yet. This site is restricted in age usage to users 18 years of age and older. Comments deleted for that reason
If this is an actual challenge, I'll let it stand. If this is where you intend to post your work, it'll be deleted. The forum is not where the stories are published.
First of all, when you post a challenge, you're challenging other writers to write something for you. Secondly, stories are not posted to the forum. The topic is deleted
Deleted again. Read the Terms of Service please. We do not allow registration with disposable email addresses. When accounts are found with them, they are deleted.