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Posts posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Okay, I'm thinking that for the fiction part of the site, since I'm homogenizing how the categories and look and all that for future...that I should probably just leave those pair type categories at slash, etc, yes? Or do you guys think otherwise, or a combination? Lemme know...

  2. Okay, apparently it belongs in cartoons as that is what it is, an American cartoon. So, in future, the stories in the anime section have to go to the cartoon section, and when I get to that point (working on my project that is) I'll add a subforum for it here as well if it's over 200 stories.

  3. There's an Avatar section in Cartoons?? Crap. Obviously, I haven't gotten that far as far as my archive project. Anyway, I'll have a look after work today, and take care of it depending on what I find.

  4. The email address is hidden BECAUSE the software currently does not have the ability to filter out spam bots properly. That is something that is being addressed in the future, is some months away, but will be handled. In the meantime, if you know the author has a forum membership, for example, you can always use the board to email/pm them from here.

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