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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Only other thing I can think of at this point is to try it as a gif and see if that works. Now that I have a couple days off, I'll experiment a bit with the uploading as well, and see what happens.
  2. Obviously, the mod makers intended for the weapons to be used. So, at a guess (I will ask tho) this limit on strength and such is something that actually doesn't apply to this version. I'll check, but I'm thinking the help/tutorial files may not have been updated entirely.
  3. Kanashii's madlibs thread it's ALREADY very funny
  4. Generally speaking, when adding a subcategory to the fiction portal (archive), we prefer not to create the subcategory without someone having something to put IN to it once it's been done. The ten stories thing as a breakpoint was something I'd suggested for pair specific subcategories, which is something a bit different. Structure there would be as follows (this is eventually how it will go) archive >category>pairing type sub category>specific pair category For example, using the HP archive as the example; you'd have http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org>main category listing>het>Harry x Ginny We can't do this yet (the software itself does not support unlimited sublevels, which is necessary), and it certainly will clean things up as well as simplify them. If you're asking how things are added in the forum, that's a bit different. For the fanfiction section, there are forum categories for each archive subdomain, with discussion forums as subforums. In some where they have 200+ stories (i.e. the subdomains with many, many title categories such as comics, books, and anime), then those title categories get their own subset of forums for discussion as well. I'm still doing all that, by the way, so there will be some additions yet.
  5. Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin Although, after seeing this flash animation a few years back, now I can't hear it without giggling.
  6. try doing something for me, see if you can upload it as a post attachment here. If it works here, it should work there, and if it's not, then obviously we need to correct a permissions setting somewhere.
  7. That's actually the plan for in the future. Although the breakpoint I'd suggested was 10 stories minimum for a pairing subcategory.
  8. Provided the cloud cover lifts, I'll be watching it
  9. Snopes link There is an email making the rounds that the above link references. The thing is a hoax.
  10. Happy birthday to Raeshi kogaluver YaoiSlut7 saucywench20 Lost_Soul
  11. Could go with all kinds of stuff for this. non traditional more traditional In any case, I'm looking to make something for those who've reached levels 50 and 100. Ideas?
  12. what's the file format you saved the image in? that may be the problem.
  13. that's the way I like to RPG as well. Problem is, no interest in it where I live. p&p RPG's are the best!
  14. hehe at least I'm not a writer so I don't have it interfering with THAT. It's FUN slaughtering ain't it?
  15. I love the style of your artwork. It reminds me of Joe Quesada's a bit.

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  16. this is one of the Breyer forums isn't it? hehe told ya horse related forums get weird. Sure, it gets aggravating to have to move topics to their proper places, but at least that's an option. And an easy one to implement at least
  17. This post should answer your question. There isn't a character limit.
  18. you're very welcome! Was manta2g who fixed it.
  19. story link It's a darkfic, so you all know that for starters. Great plotline!
  20. story link I normally don't read stuff like this, but I must say, I certainly liked your story. It was a VERY different way of portraying the temptation sequence. What sparked this idea?
  21. Yep! You helped me solve something that just looked OFF with the colors. Got a few more ideas kicking around in my head for more skins..... and..was wondering if you guys would like fandom based skins possibly as well?
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