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BronxWench reacted to a post in a topic: Password Reset?
Yes it did! It was just odd to do it that way.
BronxWench reacted to a post in a topic: Password Reset?
Edit: I figured it out ^^; You have to be logged out before you can request a password reset which is a little odd. So used to being able to change a password whilst signed in. I don’t know if that’s what BronxWench was referring to but I’m going to check my e-mail now and see if it worked.
So this is what I see when I look at my profile. Pen Name only gives me the option to change it, e-mail gives me the option to change the e-mail but I don’t see “password reset” or “Change password” or anything like that on the menu….
I didn’t see an option for this on my profile but I recently got a piece of spam that had one of my many passwords in the subject line. I still use it here and I was wondering what to do so I can update my password here? Thanks so much!
CloverReef reacted to a post in a topic: How much do you listen to reviews?
BronxWench reacted to a post in a topic: How much do you listen to reviews?
Arian-Sinclair reacted to a post in a topic: How much do you listen to reviews?
Thanks all. I have never had a review like that. I generally don’t get many reviews but I know that it’s really hard to get people to review original fiction so I’ve come to accept the stagnation of reviews. That being said, the review I experienced was extreme pomposity and arrogance. Like I said, I looked at the reviewer’s profile (hardly anything there. Only five stories, no background information or anything) and I read a part of one of the stories. Two paragraphs was all I could do. There were grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, etc. and while I am not the best at spelling (I am, but some errors slip by me and it drives me crazy when I find one in a chapter I’ve posted. Yes, I go back and reread mine and from time to time make slight changes) I do not make as many mistakes as that person did. I’m also not trying to garner half a million hits and a huge following. A few more readers would be nice but I don’t put things up with the expectation that I’m going to get a huge flock coming to my name. I mean, there’s so many other people here with varying degrees of skill and if a few people like what I do, that’s fine. I’m not doing it for notoriety.
BronxWench reacted to a post in a topic: How much do you listen to reviews?
Arian-Sinclair reacted to a post in a topic: How much do you listen to reviews?
Arian-Sinclair reacted to a post in a topic: How much do you listen to reviews?
You make sense, Tcr and like I said, I don't mind criticism. I had one offer me suggestions on another story and I listened to the suggestions and I was able to see where they were coming from but this most recent review and then have the audacity to add, right below the rewrite in their style: "I hope this helps."
Thanks George. I don't mind criticism but to say the entire way a person writes is wrong, well that isn't constructive. Here's the opening paragraph for argument's sake (Personally I like when a scene is set in the beginning which is what I try to do): It was a foggy morning when a demon with long hair woven into thick braids unfolded his flame-torn wings. His ears twitched when he heard footsteps. He had already caught the scent of the man and he wasn’t worried because it was a familiar scent. He wouldn’t mind an early morning visit from him. Besides, he had made the request in the form of a discreet order. ---This is the seventh installment in this line, this world I created. I have had a few (not many) comment that they love this entire series. The review yesterday was the first that said my entire way of writing is a turn-off and I should practice a style similar to theirs. Just so you know, I looked at one of their pieces and I'm not a fan of their style but I didn't leave a review suggesting they adopt a different writing approach. So I don't have many hits or reviews. At least there are people reading them and I'd like to think there are those who appreciate the time and effort gone into making this land.
Desiderius Price reacted to a post in a topic: How much do you listen to reviews?
Haven't been here in ages but I had a review today that sort of got to me. Basically it went like this: "You have a good idea but your style is horrible. Here's how I would write it." Now I write originals and I write mine pretty much the same way each time. I built up this world over the years (10+ to be exact) and all of a sudden I have someone telling me it's all wrong and I should adopt a style like theirs. Have any of you had this happen? How do you deal with it? I just feel like a small child who has been contentedly drawing with crayons only to have an adult snatch it away and "fix" it. The moment the adult fixes the drawing, it ceases to be the work of the original artist (the child).
So I went to check some of my old stories and I noticed that there are huge gaps between lines. To show an example, here is a link to the story in question: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102985. I have uploaded Chapter 1 again but it looks like I'm going to have to re-upload/edit all chapters. This is slightly annoying because I had to re-upload and reformat all my stories the last time there was a big server move. The tech worker who helped me the last time assured me that it wouldn't happen again but it looks like I'll have to do it again. Here is another chapter example: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102985&chapter=63 In this one, there are line breaks where they shouldn't be however after perusing my chapters, the formatting appears to straighten itself out by chapter 64. I haven't checked the other stories but I just wanted to bring this to your attention as I'm sure I am not the only one experiencing this.
Guess I caught this too late...Please diregard my message as you seem to have ample amount of writers and I apologize for sending you a useless message. I guess I should check the news more regularly...
Okay this isn't a new story, but I just added a chapter yesterday. It is lengthy and a little slow in the beginning but it picks up fast. Basically, I want opinions. I've gotten quite a few hits, but not many reviews. I guess I'm a little worried about my own writing skills. Title: Bloodwraith Author: Ryoshan Rating: Adult ++ Summary: Jett is a lyricist whose luck is all bad recently. Aidan is a performer in a nightclub but bears a striking resemblance to the lead of a well-known band called Bloodwraith. A chance meeting between the two or fate? Feedback: I would appreciate it. URL: Bloodwraith Thank you for taking the time to read this post ^^
So drop them? Doesn't <pre> signify preformatted? If that is the case then the problem never should have arisen. My formatting on all my stories were never what I saw a few days ago. I always write with the knowledge that I'm putting the stories in a specific text area. I'm sorry for sounding stupid but it just doesn't make sense that I've been using the <pre> tags for over two years and then a week ago things go all screwy. If that was the problem all along, why haven't I seen the problem before? When I didn't use the <pre> tags, words would and letters would get dropped in my stories. Also, if it was something that could have been fixed on my end, why couldn't I? That was the only reason that I joined the forum and started this topic. If I could have fixed the thing on my end, I wouldn't have bothered with it. I prefer fixing things myself when I can but this time I was unable to. Oh, the <pre> tags are still there when I go to edit my story and the format has been fixed.
Just saw that. Thanks. It makes it a lot easier to read now. Out of curiosity, what was the problem? Now as for what NightScribe was saying, I do the same thing. I put the formatting tags in and save it as a regular file and copy and paste it into the text area. It's the most reliable method since uploading it as a file sometimes dropped letters and words on me. I do the <pre> tags because someone in the yahoo groups said that might be why the words were going all screwy. I wasn't using them before. In any case, I'm glad the problem was fixed and I'm surprised the other people who use the text area weren't affected.
I tried putting the <p> tag in as EveKnight suggested then I viewed the chapter again. It didn't change anything. The other suggestions I'll try and fiddle around with tomorrow. I work grave so I can't stay up too late. I just don't understand why, after two years or so, I'm suddenly having formatting problems with .txt files out of all things.
Thanks for the responses. As for how I upload it, I use a .txt file and put the html tags in when I upload it. I use the text area to upload. I used to do it through the upload file option a long time ago, but the format got screwed up that way too. When I upload, I use the <pre> for preformatted text and it generally worked for me but I don't know if it's because of all the craziness that has been happening on the site because I noticed the change a couple of days ago. Heck, I wouldn't have known about all the trauma the site has been through if it wasn't for the formatting getting messed up on my stories. ^^ I do know, that it's happened on two of my stories. I'm not sure about the others. I haven't gone back and checked them out. Perhaps I should.