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Posts posted by Entrisic

  1. I became involved with reading back in late 1999. Stumbled into it by accident when I first got access to internet. I wanted to look up anime (since very little was mainstream back then) and eventually stumbled over yaoi sites. It was something new to read so... I read it. biggrin.gif (I'm not a complicated soul.)

    As for writing.... the writing mutated from roleplaying. I used to play a lot in Yahoo Clubs and EGroups before they merged. Then moved on to IM and since I only played original characters... the next step to writing stories was fairly simple. Started with little 'character portraits' and then simply went on. Occasionally I dabbled in fanfiction but generally I stick to original stuff.

    Lately as I've been more interested in writing I've stopped reading, but I used to have really strong urges to read certain couples. It was almost seasonal. I'd suddenly want to read about one ship and so I'd read only that for a month or two.

    Seasonal 'ships: Snape/Harry (HP), Seifer/Squall(FF8), Riku/Sora(KH), Draco/Harry (HP), Aya/Ken (WK), Roy/Ed (FMA), 13X5 (GW).

  2. I think it was announced that Katra was Sin's intended? I think it was on the LJ community. I'd go back and check but I have a strict 'bite me' mentality with LJ at the moment.

    I don't think so though. I seem to be the only one that considers this but





    I'm pretty much thinking that Katra is Acheron's little sister. The one his brother mentioned in Talon's book as having died, and it having been Ash's fault somehow.





    I'm pretty iffy on her turning everyone immortal too. It doesn't bug me that much tho', not yet. I stopped reading at Wren's book because life got in the way but sooner or later I'll pick them up again.

    Dear goodness, that woman does work too much. The only one of her series I like is her Dark Hunter universe but I've read some of the Brotherhood, BAD and Avalon. They're decent... I just prefer DH.

    Before I was looking forward to Ash's and Nick's (Savitar, if she decides to do his) books, but to be honest I gotta say I'm rooting for one of the Peltier boys to do something like Wren did. Fall in love with a human who is in some way a danger (or at least, be perceived as a danger by Mama Lo) and see if they finally grow a pair where their mother is concerned. I was all on the Mama Lo love until she started letting bitchiness control her protective urges.*

    * I understand that she's a bear and she is v.v protective of her brood as both a mother and an animal but she crossed the line for me in Wren's book. If I recall right she basically down deep hates everyone and just has Sanctuary up so that her family can be protected there. It's been over a year since I read this book and I've tried to since block it, but if she didn't outright say it then she at least hinted at it.

  3. The cartoons I watched as a kid were... numerous. If slightly odd. (I include anime since that was what was on TV and was what I watched along with everything else.) Also some titles may be slightly odd since I didn't watch these in the US.

    - Saint Seiya

    - Sailor Moon

    - Rainbow Brite

    - Kimba, the White Lion

    - Macross

    - Candy Candy

    - Bugs Bunny + Warner Brothers oldies

    - Disney oldies

    - Lots of Hanna-Barbera

    - Biker Mice from Mars

    - X-Men

    - Little Mermaid

    My Little Pony, Gummi Bears, The Smurfs, DuckTales, CareBears and Winnie the Pooh were on, but I always had a disdain for those series. (Probably because my Mom was obsessed with them.)

    When I got a little older (about 10) I used to watch Aladdin, Quack Pack, Goof Troop, Gargoyles, Darkwing Duck and Dexter's Lab.

  4. I have a few "eccentricities" when it comes to food - like when I eat a hamburger I have to take it apart and eat it piece by piece (vegies then meat and then bun). - Leonhart

    Oh, goodness. A friend I once had did that without fail. The first time we had hamburgers together she saw that I also took apart my hamburger and nearly cried with joy at not being the only one. Except I don't take them apart to eat them, I take them apart to reconstruct them with French fries and some other sauces.

    Hmm... some weird tastes that I have.... let's see...

    - Garlic Cheetos. Take one (puffy) Cheeto and a tiny, tiny slice of garlic and eat together. Increase garlic amounts if you really like garlic / like spiciness. Pepsi is good with this. (Total comfort food for me, seriously.)

    - Wasabi and peperoni. Pepsi also goes good with this. (...I love Pepsi with everything in fact, so you may prefer something else.)

    - Taco ice creams (I don't remember what company/brand they are) with orange juice. SunnyD is best. Sweet, melting, vanilla, chocolate and the bitterness of orange juice. That was the only thing I ate for lunch during 8th grade.

    - Pancakes with butter and honey. Not so unusual but still somewhat unusual.

    - Chick peas and Greek white cheese. Mmmn. Excellent with pita bread and hummus. And olive oil. As well as rice wrapped up in grape leaves.

    - Tomatos with mayonnaise. Just that.

    - Fresh sweet mango with salt / spices.

    I could think up more, but I'm making myself hungry.

  5. FF8:

    Seifer / Squall: So there it may as well kick you in the face. It's fun and has some really good 'fic. (I think a lot of the old stories have vanished over the years however. Which is quite sad.)

    Quistis / Irvine: Somewhat of a crack pairing, more like I'm curious about it. I love Quistis but can't see her with Seifer or Zell (or really Squall, although I would have preferred her to be his love interest) and so that leaves... Irvine. Well, out of the main cast. I'd never ship this too hard because...

    Irvine / Selphie: Glee. Beautiful, bouncy glee. I adore these two together, and that takes talent considering they got so little screen time. (My party was always Squall / Irvine / Selphie. No one else.)

    Ellone / ....Laguna?: Crack? Probably. I just replayed FF8 a few weeks ago and it suddenly occurred to me during the final scenes. If I found a fic that looked decent about these two then I'd read it, but for the moment it's more of an idle curiosity.

    Irvine / Squall / Seifer: Make really hot PWPs.

    FFX / X-2:

    Tidus / Yuna: As far as female game heroines go, Yuna is decent. I can tolerate her and Tidus. It doesn't induce cringing but I did occasionally pray that Lulu would knock her out and take her spot permanently.

    Rikku / Gippal: I think there's just something there. The game sort of hints at it subtly and I think it would be a fun pairing.

    Baralai / Yuna: Honestly? I don't get it either. Two former/current religious zealots together. That seriously can't end up well and yet they charm me.

    Auron / Tidus: Ah, the one FFX pairing I'll read any fic for, even badfic. That says it all.

    Shuyin / Lenne: I haven't exactly gone looking for fic on these two, but I guess I don't really need. I'm pretty happy just knowing they love each other so much.

    I played FF I and FF II but don't ship anything. I have FF IV, FF VII and Tactics Advance waiting for me however, so perhaps new 'ships will join my armada.

  6. Looking forward to without fail: Heroes, Supernatural and Numb3rs.

    Like to see coming back: NCIS, Friday Night Lights, CSI, Criminal Minds and Bones.

    Sad to see go: Crossing Jordan

    Curious About: Moonlight (has possibilities. Vampires always have promise, but they also have the possibility of being 'The Suckage'), New Amtersdam (FOX is not kind to shows I like, so I'm wary. You hear that, FOX? At least have the decency to let Drive finish the first season. Rar. Let's not even mention Firefly.)

  7. Let's see if I can explain this in a way that makes sense.

    I post only in the original section of Adultfanfiction.net. I've been doing so on-and-off since December and had no problem until a couple weeks ago. I tried posting a new story and the first step worked fine-putting in the title, rating, warnings, summary, etc.

    Generally I choose to use the text option instead of uploading. So I clicked on that, got the normal open field to place the story text in. I did so, and went on to preview the story. That's where things got weird-large chunks of text suddenly vanished like someone had randomly highlighted parts and then hit the delete button.


    "Mary kicked the ball (two paragraphs deleted) sadly died from car accident."

    The problem remains when the story is also published-it's not just a fluke on the preview page.

    I figured something was off about my coding as I use italics quite a bit. I went back and reviewed all of them-nope, not the italics code. Tried it again. Same problem. Tried it without any coding at all. Same problem.

    Went back and decided to upload the chapter and still the same problem. That night I gave up in frustration (it was fairly late, probably was 12 AM) and tried again the next day. Suddenly it worked like magic.

    Since then I've updated about three-four times, and this problem seems to happen late at night (even later editing of a chapter that was posted successfully ends up in large pieces of text being deleted again). So I simply tried to avoid updating and editing after a certain time-but five minutes ago I tried to upload in broad daylight and encountered the same problem.

    Just in case-like mentioned, I post in the Original section, mostly in either Romance or Slash. (My web browser is the newest version of Mozilla Firefox.) The average size of the text is usually anywhere from 3,000 words to 4,000 words and contain no strange/unusual characters or coding apart from the occasional italic code.

    I'm not even sure if its the site or my browser, but if anyone's got any suggestions or information, I'd really appreciate any help.

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