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Posts posted by Entrisic

  1. Anyway, I've found it so hard to find enough of what I'm looking for to keep me occupied that I'm writing it now. I often follow links from my reader reviews to what they've written. I'm hoping that if they like what I wrote, I'll like what they wrote.
    - Ginevra

    I'd like to start doing that too, but I know myself. If I start clicking and searching I'll start getting hooked on stories and ignoring my own. (I admit it; I easily fall prey to distractions, and reading is a massive addiction for me.)

    I think that having unusual pairings gives so much more for the plot to develop, because the main characters have extra special quirks.
    - Madlodger

    Exactly. It brings a different point of view to things easily and opens up an insane amount of posibilities. Simply because of race. I started writing on AFF last December but I can see myself in three years with a profile full of odd/unusual pairings.

    You know something else that is almost a secure pull for me? Mermaids. Sirens. Particularly mermen. Or heck, selkies. Selkies hold my undivided interest. (although I suppose they somewhat count as a fae....)

  2. Ah, I love the cartoon movies - mainly anything pre-95'. I've watched Ferngully religiously whenever I've had the chance to rent it. (I haven't seen NIMH in forever though.... sadness.)

    I live forever in hope that they'll re-release them onto DVD like they just did Labyrinth.

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