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Everything posted by PariahSolo
Title: It is Good to be the King Author: PariahSolo Rating: Adult++ Summary: Jimmy the slacker is forced to work in an office and he was thinking entirely too much about one of his co-workers. Jimmy, like the office he works in is not would you would call the 'norm'. Feedback: Always, good or bad. This is my first stand alone story though there is potential for more I have none planned at this time. Fandom: Original URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096074 Note: the original title was going to be Jimmy in the Accounting Firm but I thought that was rather bland and after I came up with the line I wanted to end the story with from Mel Brook's History of the World, Part I, I decided to run with that. Since ...Good to be King... is such an obvious title, if someone can point out where this title has been used before, I will gladly change it to it's original title or substitute a new one. Note #2: The Originals section does not have a Mind Control subsection and I was not sure where to place this one. I saw that it could of fit in the Fantasy, General, Paranormal/Supernatural sections and I decided to go with the latter, is this acceptable or should it be moved? Note #3: Sad but true, though the names have been changed, there is more truth to this story than fiction.
For me, the poll was inconsistant because it was either one or the other. I have only been writing adult literature (you know: smut) for a tad over 6 months but I have yet to come up with a quickie. Everything I have written is long winded (yes, I am full of it). I am working on a one shot wack material with substance and I am already at 20K and 30K is easily just around the corner. What I read depends on what I find. I will be honest and say that I do not click with most of teh fan fiction I have read because I don't know the subject matter so I tend to read orignal stuff. Length doesn't bother me so long as it is reasonable good. The better whack material seems to be found with the shorter material (imnsho, shit did I just type that? Must be getting lazy at the keyboard now).
Greetings: Catagory name: Jagged Alliance 2 ver. 1.13 Section catagory to be in: Games Do you have any stories for it?: First installment ready for posting with more to follow shortly since most installments will be less than 5K. Note: It belongs into the Sub-Category: VideoGames/RPG. Note2: I am sure this is already known, but I will reinforce it: In the posting section there is a help link called "Sub-Category Help". A window opens but nothing in the window appears. Thank you, Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen [Edit: Just to let you know, I have completed Chapter 4, thanks, AEN]
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Synopsis: XSFGC 2: The Exam Emma tries to waylay Phillip’s concern about his ‘package’ while continuing to finish his physical exam. Phillip agrees to let the topless Assistant Headmistress to take certain advantages of him while she completes the final portion of the exam. Never was a prostrate and hernia exam so pleasing to experience. She insisted that Phillip provide her with lotion for her skin before the exam was over. White Queen gives Phillip a hand job. White Queen gives Phillip oral sex, he shoots over her chest. -
After writing 23 chapters of my first writing pron story, I have been putting energies into some other fics, all of which I thought of before XSFGC, XSFGC was just the one that actual prompted me to start typing at the computer. I have three different novel length stories that I continually add to the background info (characters, events, etc, etc) but I really don't have confidence in my scribe skills at this time to pull them off, so i continue to just add to the background information. Currently I am working on a Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 fan fiction (JA2 is a computer game) that will be rated X and an original one shot mind control pron story that I see hitting around 30K. Supposedly I am editing/writing synopsis/note taking on XSFGC but that is kind of boring and the urge to skip over the chapter that I lost and write a different chapter is strong right now. Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Okay, I finally got to the first chapter and mostly made some cosmetic changes, but one thing I just noticed is that I will be able to rectify that chapter count error (that I caused) when I added chapter 4.5 after chapter 9. I am not sure how much I should add into the synopsis, currently thinking a paragraph should be fine but you never know. Enjoy, Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen Synopsis: XSFGC 1: A New Student Arrives Phillip David, a new mutant arrives at Xavier’s School for Gifted Children to join the rest of the Year Three’s, Siryn, Marvel Girl, Magick, XStacy and Skids. After meeting with Charles Xavier, the Headmaster and Emma Frost, the White Queen and Assistant Headmistress, Phillip learns just how different Xaviers is, because it is a school for mutants and because of how sex is looked at in the school. The medical exam given by the Assistant Headmistress is enough to want Phillip to quit the school before his first day is over. Word Count: 5,685 No sex just slutty acts by the White Queen and Xstacy. -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Bad News And Good News. Yes, a snag has occured. As I mentioned in this thread in the writers section (http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=3388) I lost about 3K worth of story including an Ororo cheering up Kurt and Phillip being a bit intimate with Sally as they do a bit of communicating. That put me in a foul mood and work/home life decided to add to it. Now I am ready to rewrite (or at least try to remember what I wrote a week ago) but I found myself not remembering the last chapter or two I had previously written (I knew those gray hairs on my head signified something). So, here is the Bad News, it will be a bit before the next chapter is written for your perusal. But there is a silver lining. Here is the Good News, since I no longer have a copy of ANY of my XSFGC chapters on my computer, I am going to copy them from AFF.net and re-read what I had previously written. But it doesn't stop there, I will be also write a synopsis of each chapter (posting them here) because too many times I remembered writing about subject but I couldn't remember the exact detail and had to skim three and four chapters just to find what I had previously written. I am not going to stop there, I will be adding to my notes as well specific details about each character and event. So, while this may take a bit, please understand the delay. Thank you, Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen -
Question for the men: Ant meets Elephant!
PariahSolo replied to Velvet D Coolette's topic in Writers' Corner
Ok not big per se, but will acknowledge that when you include my foreskin, my head is bigger (wider) than normal. Having said that, my wife is all of 4'11 and is (was) small down there. Even with lube caused lots of issues so she just went through an episiotomy to make her canal larger (she never had kids). So with that background, unless the female is into pain down there it will be quite painful (wifey had to recuperate for at least 3 days before she would even think to allow me to look at her cross eyed down there). And because I can; here is some more TMI; she swears she is not into pain, but she has a hair trigger (ie gets off quick, 15 minutes is a marathon for her) and she has no problem getting off, even when she was in pain. So that tells me she is a closet mashochist, but what do I know... To add my two cents with your walrus and cat, unless that cat has been stretched, a lot, that walrus, if he got it in, would tear that cat's pussy up, the minimum damage would equate to a tear that females get when giving birth (and hence the use of the episiotomy procedure). Hope this helps. Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen -
Yes, I lost 3K worth of words for my next chapter and it is all my fault to boot. Was removing all of the questionable files from my computer prior to sending my machine in for servicing and stored them onto a flash drive. Except that when everything was on the flash drive and I went to delete the file on the computer, I actually deleted the file on the flash drive instead. Yes, I screamed. Growled really. Growled really loud. Then I wanted to cry. Normally something like this happens with me when I am typing a long response on a forum and something will happen and poof, next thing I know the last two hours are history.
DSB, that is an excellent response. which I think shows my own short comings as a writer and a porn connoissuer. I read porn for the sex but all too often I will get entrenched in the story someone is telling but when I think of porn stories, I think of it in the mode of wank material and not actual 'stories'. Like I said, am a hypocrite.
Day dreaming, in the shower is good for that (I take lots of long hot showers). With my XSFGC fic in many ways I am revisiting my early teenage day dreams of being a mutant and going to Xavier's. (What? I was the only one who day dreamed they were a mutant?) Two other factors come into play with my ideas: First because of my own trait of munchinism but especially because of the more blatant munchinism displayed by others, I like to think any possiblef situation and make them more realistic, taking the munchinism out. Second, I have fallen prey to the whole WTF/TINR (hope you know what WTF is, TINR is That is not right!) shocker style of expressism. (Again, seen hopefully painfully obviously in XSFGC) Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen
Though I don't normally, I shall here: Hocus Pocus by Focus.
Uhmm, silly question time. I am a mod over at a game forum and one of the tools available to me as a mod is an IP checker. Do you not have that tool option with this forum incarnation? Thanks, Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Chapter 23 is up and maybe for some it is a big one because Phillip got his monkey of his back. Yay Phillip. Next up will be a short one for Kurt being consoled (heh, I say short one, the last two times I predicted short chapters I pumped out an 11K and 15K ones). Let me know if you have anything to add. I am assuming that other people can post in the Promotion threads. Thanks, Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
With the new change to the forums I will seek to comply: Title: XSFGC (Xavier's School for Gifted Children) Author: Albert or PariahSolo (at AFF) or eastwoodaen IM Rating: Adult ++ Summary: Alternate Universe, a new student (not a MarySue) at Xavier's; X-Men with 2 teams, 3 Class Years (New Mutants Year One, X-Force Year Two and Three). No Shi'ar, No Phoenix Saga, No Apocalypse, Sinister is the root of all evil. So far nothing is sacred. Feedback: Desired Fandom: X-Men (but I posted it in the Comics/New Mutants section by error) URL: http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060161 -
Wow, totally didn't think of Forums. I posted my first fan fictions on game forums. Yeah, they count but would agree with Eve, better suited for one off's.
Greetings, I have had a few PM talks with Eveknight about authors and ego (for a long time I couldn't decide if I should delete my XSFGC series because I foo-pahed and put it under Comics/New Mutants vice under the probably more appropriate XMen/Comics/AU). I can say that my answer would be the 2nd one because AFF was not the first site that I thought about posting it on. I had close to nine chapters written before I went decided to post it online but much to my chagrin, a lot of sites have some stipulations about what you can post. AFF was actually the fourth or fifth option for me to post it at, mainly because I had never heard of this site, I knew of the kid friendly FanFiction site and I got all of my reading smut from other sites. Literoctica.com was my main hang out but they have that silly 'everyone must be 18 or older stipulation' (note: I am not a fan of kiddy porn but to say that kids and young adults under 18 aren't learning about the birds and the bees is a disservice. Yes, I understand that Lit.com is probably trying to protect themselves legally but that doesn't stop it from being sad.) Thanks and have fun, Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen
Greeting, After 22 chapters of XSFGC, I will be the first to admit that another eye would be beneficial. A Beta would be grand, but someone whom i can bounce ideas, specifically on a better way to say what I want to say, ie a grammar nazi would be grand. Communication could be handled by PM or IM (I use Trillian). If a Grammar Nazi, knowledge of teh XMen universe is not required because this is an AU (and of late I have really been screwing it up). Thanks and let me know, Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Chapter 22 is now up: Warning: those who are sensitive about Religion really shouldn't read it. Having said that, I was not really happy with this issues I was trying to convey. In a nutshell, Rahne is a religious zealot who has serious issues with her sexual side (apparently being a masochist does not help). Three times in this serious I have been stumped with a scene I was trying to write, I just couldn't write what I had in my head. Each time I had to take a break from writing the story before eventually coming back and changing changing the scene enough to where I could finish (the one scene that I remember having the most issue with was the open Counseling session in the East Room after Wolverine was turned into a crispy critter). I did not have that issue here, I just wasn't as happy with it as I could of been. As always please let me know what you like or didn't like. Thanks, Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen -
Pimping The Work: X-men Alternate Universe
PariahSolo replied to PariahSolo's topic in Promote a Story!
Greetings All, Chapter 21 has been posted and I am 3K into Ch 22. For those who are interested, after I started writing this story (yes, I started writing before plotting, shame on me) here is some stats I came up with as a guidelines (the weight of the girls I took from Wiki) Teachers Prof. X 6 average Emma -White Queen D Scott -Cyclops 7 thin Jean -Phoenix D Ororo - Storm D Carol Danvers, D Logan - Wolverine 5 fat Warren - Angel 8 average Ann Marie - Rogue C Remy - Gambit 8.5 thin Peter - Colossus 12 fat Lucas - Bishop 11.5 average Kurt - Nightcrawler 7.5 + 5.5 thin Alex - Havok 6.5 average Lorna - Polaris C Betsy - Pyslocke B Kitty- Shadowcat B Ms. Prachett - Hello Nurse F Mrs. Veneer - Housestaff - E Mr. Veneer - Gardener - 6 average Students: James- Thunderbird 10 average Doug - Cypher 6 average Roberto - Sunspot 7.5 average Sam - Cannonball 7 thin Danielle - Moonstar B 5’8 125 Rahne - Wolfsbane A 5’2 110 Jubilee - Jubilee A 5’3 105 Shan - Karma C 5’4 119 Teresa - Siryn B, 5’6, 115 Tabitha - Boom-Boom E 5’5 120 Illyana - Magik B 5’5 102 Rusty - Firefist 6 average Amara - Magma D 5’6 131 Artie - 4 average Leech - 3 average Sally - Skids D 5’5 115 Rachael - Marvel Girl B 5’7 125 Stacy - X-Stacy (Stacy-X) B 5’7 128 Ric - Rictor 6 thin Phillip - Field 3 average -
Hey Ginerva, I get most of the antro stuff (most of it) but TMNT? Or some of the really kiddie anime? (Again, hypocritical, in my XSFGC, the students are very promiscuous but I have tried to imply that they are at least 15 and Artie and Leech are not in their teens and not fair game.) Or Squee! or Power Puff Girls? As for the Tentacle Rape, to me, that is all about control, and since it is unwanted, rape. Thanks, Albert - Pariahsolo - eastwoodaen P.S. Excellent Sig. Growing up RAH was my mentor.
Greetings, Whimiscal and silly question time, if you don't mind. Granted I may be coming across aa a hypocrite considering I am writing an X-Men Adult FanFic, but what boggles my mind (in other words I just don't get it) is why do people write (and read) Adult FanFic for titles where the characters are not remotely human? Are they being written sexual gratification or just to be weird? I don't get it, me who grew up drooling over big boobies in comic books (I blame John Byrne for that), just don't get it? Someone care to enlighten me? Thanks, Albert - Pariahsolo - eastwoodaen
Greetings to all, My AFF story XSFGC (Xavier School for Gifted Children) has reached Chapter 20 totallying over 122, 000 words and still going strong (Chapter 21 is 3K done). Since this is my first story I am rather pleased that I have been able to take it this far and thought I would give it a shout out here. Below is a link to the actual story: http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060161 I also wanted to point out that when I first posted the start of the story, I errored and posted it under COMICS/NEW MUTANTS vice X-MEN/X-MEN COMICS, so some of you might not of been aware of the story. I debated with myself whether I should delete it and repost it under the proper location but I couldn't come up with a strong enough reason to do so, so it has remained at the COMICS/NEW MUTANTS section. Since this is an alternate universe, here are some things that don't follow the canon storyline. No Phoenix Saga; I am not a fan of the 'all powerful' genres, which is one reason I think growing up I preferred the Wall Crawler to the Big Red S. Jean Grey changed her name to Phoenix when she graduated from Xaviers. No Kree/Skrulls/Shi'ar: there is hints of alien races, nothing decisive yet. This of course means, no Warlock (not a loss for me, wasn't a fan of him). This also means the Danger Room is not as dangerous as it could be. Sinister is the Bad Ass: I can't stand time travel storylines so Apocalypse and Cable just don't exist. Sinister is the bad ass in this Universe. Doom and Mags are there too. Sex, Sex and lots of sex. This is an Adult Fan Fiction: Doh! (Note: I didn't want to use the Children part in XSFGC, but for a long time that is how the comics read. I do not encourage sex with children and though it happens in the story, I try to convey that they are not being abuse or use (normally). This is an Actual School: Like the modern storylines have shown, Xavier's is a school, the original New Mutants are the Year One Class, members of Xforce is Year Two Class and Year Three Class. Paige Guthrie is now Stacy Paige Guthrie (called XStacy); after I read about Stacy X on Wiki doing a bit of research for the story, I just had to have her, but there was already too many character, so I morphed StacyX with Paige (wasn't impressed with what I read about Paige anyway) and I am quite happy with her so far. Rachael Summers is not from the future (told you, don't like those story lines) instead she is a test tube creation of Sinister and a plant at Xaviers (that is okay, Chuck and crew know this). No Bobby/Iceman and Hank/Beast: When I started adding characters I wanted to include, I didn't realize that these two didn't make the cut until after I had started writing the story. Doesn't matter, I prefer the Beast with the Avengers and just today I decided that someone needed to die and killed Iceman on a whim (don't worry, he has been dead for a long time). Black Thom is stronger, Juggernaut is weaker: Though they have only shown up in the past, expect Black Thom to be a tougher foe and Juggernaut a weaker one (hint, he never found that ruby crystal thang). For simplicity sake, think of Juggernaut looking like Vinnie Jones in X3, but a LOT bigger. The mansion is laid out fairly simple (at least the floors above ground) but interior wise, if you picture the shots from the movies, you won't be far off from what I poorly try to describe. New Support Cast: Always thought it was stupid that a crippled man didn't have staff members helping him run his school. Now he does: Mr. Veneer, groundskeeper, Mrs. Veneer, cook/in charge of cleaning and Nurse Prachett, chrome dome's personal assistant. Lucas/Bishop: An ex cop not some wanker from the future. Anyway, thanks for reading and if you enjoy it, let me know. Thanks, Albert - Pariahsolo - eastwoodaen
What does it feel like to receive a "blow job?"
PariahSolo replied to Ginevra's topic in Writers' Corner
For me, light sucking/licking is just a soothing, relaxing sensation, much like lightly dragging your nails down my back slowly. You can do it all night and I won't come, hell there is a good chance I won't even be hard, but I would be perfectly willing to sit there and just enjoy the sensation. A more agressive approach can be more intense, think flashes of fire going off on my dick and that sensation traveling to my head. You do it hard enough and those flashes can become more pronounced and almost painful. The next part I don't think will be very helpful to you because I am not sure how many men are like me; I don't have a hair trigger (probably because of masturbating too much), so just the act of you bobbing up and down on my dick won't get it to ejaculate. Sex for me is more mental (I used to say sex was 80% in your head, 10% visual stimulation and 10% physical action) and oral sex is especially, hence I need more then what I feel as your mouth is bobbing up and down. Last thing I can share with you revolved around a cutie I spent time with in college. The way she practiced 'safe sex" would be for me to ejaculate in her mouth. She would put a hoover lock on my spewing dick that was just out of this world. The fact that I was past the point of no return made her sucking action feel very localized and intense. As to how I would describe that, I guess I would go with someone zapping the tip of my dick with an electric cattle prod but only instead of pain, it was pure pleasure. Yes, I miss that girl. Well, at least her mouth. (Note: Above is not meant to be a bragging, just the opposite, I haven't had a decent hummer in almost 20 years. Girlfriends and wives would get frustrated with me because they couldn't make me spuge the way they could their previous boyfriends.) -
I selected the "whatever I want" because even though I am a straight guy and 99% of what I read is hetero or M/F/F and M/F/M, where the guys are there for the girl, I didn't select the Hetero option because the one story I have written/posted, I threw in some gay/bisexual characters as a jab at some of the shippers I have seen around (like Remy the oh, so romantic man? Nah, he is a man-whore, pitching, catching, it is all good for him). However, I am hesitant to write much explicit detail because like other heteros above have said, write what you know and the extent of my gay side is being woken up by a guy giving me a hummmer (which in my eyes proved that age-old adage, guys give better hummers than girls and girls carpet munch better then guys).