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Everything posted by Acal

  1. Isn't a life sentence in the US 40 years?
  2. Latter, every country has laws that have been totally forgotten about and now no longer serve any purpose
  3. Dumb Laws Australia National Laws A life sentence is 25 years! Children may not purchase cigarettes, but can smoke them! You may never leave your car keys in an unattended vehicle! It is illegal to roam the streets wearing black clothes and felt shoes etc It is illegal to read someone’s tarot, or give them psychic readings as these are forms of witchcraft! Taxi cabs are required to carry a bail of hay in the trunk/boot! Bars are required to stable, water and feed the horses of their patrons! (obviously a forgotten law from the colonial era before cars were invented) The legal age for straight sex is 16, unless the person is in the care/custody of an older person, in which case it is 18! Victoria Only licensed electricians may change a light bulb. Fine for not abiding is 10 pounds! It is illegal to wear hot pink pants after midday Sunday! You must have a neck to knee swimsuit in order to swim at Brighton Beach! Queensland In Queensland, the Lolly Pop Ladies are supplied by the Transport Dept to man the school crossings. They are funded only if 45 children, or more, per day use the crossing. The catch is they must walk across the crossing unaided by a parent or guardian! If they are aided, they don't count and the funding can be withdrawn! (the QLD goverment is quite stupid so something like that isn't particulary suprising)
  4. Mind that those programs are illegal and break the Privacy Act, only the Government has the authority to overide Privacy laws and also only in certain circumstances
  5. Well i got DA's story because i emailed her and asked about it so she sent me her story, i'll post it up if enough people want it otherwise i'll just PM it becaue i don't want to start or stir up any dramas
  6. Certain types of plastics have acids as bonding agents, the manufacturers have used a dodgy chemical that instead of being netralised completly by the plastic it still retains its acidity and burns the skin it comes in contact with. I would say that its either an acid or alkaly burn weak acids and weak caustic chemicals need about 15 minutes to burn through dead skin to start reacting with the living tissue thats probably whats happened her. It looks the same way my sister had her reaction with hair bleach.
  7. Wraithbait despite its name doesn't really have any Wraith stories its just an Atlantis archive really
  8. I think they were just bullshiting and they weren't even JKR's real lawyers shes's Britains 2nd richest femal if she wanted them gone they would be gone
  9. Acal

    Hey HP fans!

  10. Not really.. british have some bad comedy ingrained in them Why are goverments stupid? (i.e Blair, Bush, Howard?)
  11. Yes it confuses the heck out of anybody not from the commonwealth states Why do the yanks insist on being different?
  12. Weaker
  13. I'm Acal i just singed up here, and made an account on the site but i've been around for 2 years, i read HP and Originals [Erotica and Vampires] I get great ideas but i can never actually write a plotline for them none of my stories ever get off the ground 1 or 2 small chapters until the idea won't go any further and it sits in the dark corner gathering dust
  14. Acal

    This Is A Shame

    Society has become highly predjudiced between what is right and wrong so many taboos have popped up but hundreds of years ago the average lifespan was around 42 years, women generally stopped giving birth about 35 and also there was a much higher chance of pregnacy when they just get their first periods, hundreds of years ago it was common practice so the males that the girls are married to have the highest chance possible to get an heir and carry on the family line. there was also less then 1 bilion people in the world at the time. Population only passed 1 billion after the Industrial Age and the invention of medicines. Things change cultures evolve and adapt to new things. Asian tribes and countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia still have these old ways its acceptable to them
  15. Acal

    This Is A Shame

    I heard that every single street in London every square inch of outdoors public space is monitored by the English police force same here in Brisbane every single inch of public space indoors and outdoors inside the shopping centers and commercial districts are monitored by the police and security services. And about what this thread was initially about i think that stories about child abuse, pedophilia and other sex crime related stories are just disgusting and shouldn't be allowed BUT all of these stories have the releated warnings some of them even have LARGE LETTERS IN BOLD proclaming their warnings so its your own fault if you proceed you will have no leg to stand on with your complaints oh and FFN still has NC-17 rated stories they are just masked to look like M rated on the outside
  16. Trolls thrive off such attention if hes just ignored and deleted he'll go find somewhere else to troll
  17. Beast's Mate by WhiteFlameKitsune is the best story i have read on this site in a very long time
  18. There used to be a whole bunch of fics in this section which now have 0 fics and the section is not even in the right place If anybody knows about any Survivor or Amazing Race fics could you please post the links here?
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