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Everything posted by Acal

  1. Acal


    Chapter 4 posted
  2. Just that my main two forums are 'conservative' and don't like that, they have bitch censored So i'll go ahead and email the image as an avatar then
  3. I know that this probably wont be appropriate as an avatar but I found this avatar sized pic on another forum Its the abusive plot bunny!
  4. I've noticed that when you type in a sumary and its at the limit, the codes are still added but they can't be edited because the limit blocks them. There needs to be a way to edit them without the character limit restriction because I know when they get auto-added by the archive it by-passes the character limit
  5. Thanks, I'll try again. I've only tried mailing on this board twice before. edit: Still can't get the email functions up
  6. Board Message Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: Sorry, you are not permitted to send an email via this board
  7. The email option on people's profiles never seems to work it always says you don't have permission for this action. Does that mean that only admin can use the email button?
  8. Need a beta for Long Term original Novel work Covers grammar and sentence structure. Supernatural themes
  9. The church should not have authority of any country, except for Vatican City, other then that. The church should have no bearing over a countries decisions otherwise they are more likened to a Theocracy then the government system in place Theocracy - Government ruled/dictated by a religious figure head such as archbishop/pope or prophet (sorry but don't know the religious titles of other religions)
  10. Such technical specs sort of detract from the story for some reason female writers can put more 'steam' into their writing
  11. If you copy somebody else's idea and do nothing or almost nothing to change it then its merely fanfiction. But if the text you have gotten the ideas from has had nothing or almost nothing changed then it is plagarism. But if you take somebodies words and ideas and make them your own, it is neither fanfiction or plagarism. It is only fanfiction if the base idea is from the cannon plot of a book/cartoon/manga/television/movie or other. As Ginevra said Anne Rice surely didn't think up vampires herself, other people have written of vampires before. Its not plagarism or fanfiction because what she has written has got nothing to do with anything else anybody has written. Her vampires might be similar to somebody else's vampires but shes certainly not using anybody else's characters or anybody else plotlines.
  12. Acal


    Well i think by that time i'll be 'less retarded' with my writing skills. I have 3 novels planned around over halfway through my planned target for my first one. So maybe i'll enter one of my novels into the comp. So if you have 50,000 words on Nov 30 when its due to be submitted you have a chance of winning right? Right now i can't write 50,000 solid words in one story for a month, i've written 45,000 words in about 3 months for one story but probably closer to 70,000 or 80,000 in the 3 months since i've been writing.
  13. I know know any other site thats anywhere near as active ass AFF, FF is a pretty poor archive. And it shows when they have no section for original writing, they have so many damned categories but they don't cater to original fanfiction? Oh and that lame no NC-17 sex, they are such a large and expansive archive that they couldn't be bothered just adding a bit of alert coding for the NC-17 stories, thats enough for the laws if its included on a website that have more then just that stuff. I'd find that many people would agree with that fact, that FF went downhill after excluding adult fiction. The only thing that i can find wrong with AFF is that theres hardly any TV fandom writers here.
  14. Acal


    Well my long term writing project my first novel is only up to 46K after 2 1/2 months, so I doubt i'd be able to get there. If my writing skills improve i might be able to enter it next year. Also who says you have to do it all in that month? Just pre-write the novel in an earlier month and then sign up at the start and submit at the end?
  15. Acal

    Serious Business

    Religion is serious buiness, wars are started over it
  16. Lol how can they not be your property if your writing an original story and the characters have got nothing to do with anybody else's work. But i did hear that JK Rowling likes people writing fan-fiction about her characters but she doesn't like them being abused like minor/minor pairings or the minor/teacher pairings. The kid that wrote the fanfiction book and got sued probably abused the characters in a not very nice way.
  17. The title in itself is scary..
  18. Hehe.. Was it you Knorg? you suddenly have 0 points..
  19. Lol somebody has gone and changed my title to Legend..
  20. Yeah i think thats the same system the Gateworld forum uses, they have a 1-5 star rating system for their threads and a reputation system for individual posts that acculmulate in Reputation ranks for the poster.
  21. Apart from this story being incredibly sickeningly vile I just have to laugh at "The evil Wikipedia"
  22. Hehe, ok i've just never known their use before. I've been on other forms that have Karma and i never knew what its purpose was
  23. Thanks, it certainly sums it up really well
  24. Even if it isn't illegal as written word its certainly immoral and frankly sickening
  25. What do you even do with them??
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