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Everything posted by Acal

  1. Acal


    Chapter 2 posted
  2. Acal

    Bible Porn

    I doubt thought that any bible thumpers would be hanging around here, and if they did they'd probably be morraly offended over Bible Porn
  3. Acal


    Title: Burning Author: Acal Rating: Adult+ Summary: A woman is caught speeding, when her licence is suspended she seduces the sexy cop that is escorting her home Bond,HJ,M/F,Oral,PWP,SoloF,WIP Feedback: Random Smut Bunny! Fandom: Original - Erotica/Sex URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095638
  4. Chapter 10 Posted at last
  5. Acal

    Bible Porn

    The bible has smut?? I went to a catholic school, and i never knew that!
  6. Acal


    Title: Fire Author: Acal Rating: Adult+ Summary: A woman surprises her husband after a hard days work Oral Feedback: Something i wrote a few weeks ago Fandom: Original - Erotica/Sex URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095619
  7. Title: Desert Heat Author: Acal Rating: Adult+ Summary: Totally random, Just popped into my head. Three marines are taken hostage by desert women DP,Exhib,F/M/M,HJ,M/F,Oral,PWP,Voy Feedback: If enough people like this enough to review, i might write some more to it. Fandom: Original - Erotica/Sex URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095610
  8. I think the easiest way to go about this is to add the Email option that FF.net has, i find it frustrating when i want to contact and author or reviewer and theres no possible way to send a message because there is no function on profiles to send a message. FF.net has the ability to block PMs so if you don't want anybody to contact you, you can block any PMs. This function of course doesn't allow you to know what the person's email is. I have my email in my bio because theres no space for displaying your email address to the public in your profile.
  9. Possibly you could allow it in the Originals section?
  10. Acal

    Profile Editing

    I must say 20 posts to edit a profile is pretty strange, but it would work quite well against those annoying human controlled bots that spam you about well insurance
  11. Acal

    Stolen Soul

    Chapter 1 posted
  12. Title: Stolen Soul Author: Acal & Elaine Summary: Marcus does not want to know his Watcher but Maddison has other ideas. Can she convince him to let her get close enough to return his Stolen Soul? M/F, VS, COMPLETE Notes: Please review! Story has now concluded, i'd love to hear what you thought of it Rating: Adult+ Link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095508
  13. Chapter 9 - Ritual of Blood uploaded! This chapter is another long one, not as long as the last one however Character List Jensen Ackles - Carl Angelina Jolie - Joy Kavan Smith - Jake Jessica Gower - Kally Marcia Cross - Miranda Denzel Washington - Marcus Alyssa Milano - Laura Aaron Crumbaugh - Aaron (Amazing Race 6) Christopher Judge - Damien Adam - Michael Vartan Rachel - Jill Wagner Norse Goddess Hel (Queen of the Underworld) - The Queen (couldn't find anybody else right for the role and she is Queen of vampires)
  14. Omg, before i read this thread i thought it was one of those weird HP fics that are floating around. But JKR said it so it must be true. Grindelwald is of course a dark wizard so is there any chance he could have slipped him a weak love potion?
  15. Great idea, theres alot less people signed up here then there are on the archive, we need to get more people over here
  16. Chapter 8 finally up! Its a long one Chapter 0 (Not my work) edited to remove the formatting errors and changed unsatisfactory grammar and word choice.
  17. Story not posted here, this just has a link to an off-site address to where the story is http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094927
  18. Chapter editing occuring, some words may be cut or changed, spacing out dialogue
  19. Chapter 7: Surprises now added Ever Dream - By Nightwish Ever felt away with me Just once that all I need Entwined in finding you one day Ever felt away without me My love, it lies so deep Ever dream of me Would you do it with me Heal the scars and change the stars Would you do it for me Turn loose the heaven within I'd take you away Castaway on a lonely day Bosom for a teary cheek My song can but borrow your grace Come out, come out wherever you are So lost in your sea Give in, give in for my touch For my taste for my lust Your beauty cascaded on me In this white night fantasy "All I ever craved were the two dreams I shared with you. One I now have, will the other one ever dream remain. For yours I truly wish to be." Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb07W_lfsRM
  20. Acal


    Chapter 4 added
  21. I have both my stories posted and i would love to have somebody to help me with the grammar side of things. Fandom: Original - Erotica/Sex Warnings/Questionable content - Vampirism (not real vampirism thats just weird) Bondage Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Characters: Teyla, Lorne and Sheppard. 4 OCs Warnings/Questionable content - Bondage, Non-con (smallish not exactly rape but not exactly consential either) What you want your beta to do: Grammar Nazi perferable, i really suck at sentences and grammar, already have several stories posted. Australian timezone perferable but can work with any timezone
  22. Yeah if you read fanfiction that you really like and your a professional author you may sub-conciously violate copyright and get it trouble for it. I see no problem with fanfiction but there is always the people who write really bad ones and also ones where the cannon characters are made very very un-cannon those ones are quite unreadable.
  23. Acal


    Chapter 3 up
  24. Acal


    Chapter 2 up
  25. Acal


    Title: Spectre Author: Acal Rating: Adult++ Summary: Major Lorne and Colonel Sheppard's team visit a half buried Anicent tech lab, during a wraith attack they lose contact with two of their team and find them after returning to the gate, not knowing that they are bringing back an entity M/F,OC,Oral,Preg Feedback: Fandom: Stargate Atlantis URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092456
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