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Everything posted by Acal

  1. Chapter 14 up!
  2. Still surprising that my chilli can do so much damage to you
  3. I like how you missed! How did I manage to get even 30 health off you? Your soo damned far above me! I got payback on you too Beth, You attack me with only 5 health left so I revive you and kill you with 5 health
  4. Acal attacked Calanthee with a Amazing Exploding Chili (67 str) and took off 83! Calanthee has 0 HP left! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calanthee is now dead, therefore cannot counterattack!!!! You gain 9 frag(s) (8 stolen).
  5. Acal

    Lost Exp

    Well NPCs don't gain level, since they aren't active players xp is disabled. I know we need more players
  6. Oh god! I have 3! 2 from Keith because I thought I could kill him when he had 20 health left afraid not 5 and 7 health left and each time he smote me with a grenade! And a suicide on DemonGoddess It almost worked! 1 damn health point I tell you!!!
  7. Acal

    Lost Exp

    Sorry for the repeated attacks on you! Theres like nobody else I can attack!
  8. Acal

    Lost Exp

    Hey what about me? I only have two people I know who I can target! I think for this mod to work better as they aren't many people using it to rig up some NPCs but i don't have a clue how that could be made.. maybe make some guest posts and hide them through the forum, and giving them strength and health so we can attack them
  9. Chapter 13 is finally up! Enjoy! If nothing goes wrong Chapter 14 will be up in a few days
  10. Hmmm do Over 18 cards have a resigstration number on them? That or a drivers license, seeing as some people may not have a over 18 card. Problem though with that is that it can be viewed as a privacy violation and is aganist the US' internet privacy laws. Unless theres like some sort of disclaimer or legal thing when you sign the thing with your number it could open to lawsuits if that number was used some how.
  11. The birthday notifer at the bottom of the main forum page has 6 members are celebrating their birthday today madlodger(96), Arc6(38), dovegrey(26), HornyDevil(20), Dakta(20), kokiden(50)
  12. Acal

    A Bat!

    I hit you with a spam can when you had 24 health left and i was like NOO when it hit you for freaking 21! Them you turn around and toss a grenade at me.. EDIT: I just got to Level 5 and you had 32 health.. WHen I went to attack you with my Exploding Chilli you had got max health again!
  13. Acal


    It doesn't always work, a lot of the time I still see 00:00:00 as the date meaning its not registering, and sometimes stories when a new chapter is added DONT go all the way to the top of the first page
  14. Yeah, this verifier is to stop all the prudes to try and get rid of it.. and the people that shouldn't be here. I did for the first few times put in my bday but after that it got really annoying and just randomly did it
  15. Some games are loading to 90% then not proceeding further and others are not loading at all
  16. For my novel I try to get all my chapters over 3,000 words but lately they've all seemed to stretch beyond 4,000. Heres the question I'd like to ask, is it too much of a problem having my previous chapter at 5,750 words but the next only 3,300? It was initially going to be a single chapter, but I think anything over 6,000 words is just too long to read in one sitting. I have over 64,000 words and my novel isn't even half done yet. However for my other two long stories the chapters only tend to be 1,500 - 2,500 words. I think it depends on what your writing about that determines the chapter length, if theres no sub-plots or other characters to follow, I find that the chapters average around 2,000 words.
  17. Acal

    Stolen Soul

    Chapter 9 posted - Chapter 10 on the chapter list
  18. Acal

    Stolen Soul

    The story has been re-aranged. There are now eight chapters, parts of the previous fifth chapter were missing, somehow they weren't in the copy I had. Check Chapter 8 for the new section of text - Chapter 9 on the chapter list
  19. Chapter 13 will be posted soon, just waiting on my beta. Sorry its taken so long guys, I've got Chapter 14 and 15 written and they'll be up soon after 13. Also to come a new intro chapter, a new summary and a new story title
  20. Acal

    Stolen Soul

    Chapter 5 posted
  21. Acal

    Stolen Soul

    Chapter 4 posted, Chapter 5 will be up soon
  22. Title: Dominance and Desire Author: Acal Rating: Adult+ Summary: After the fight with Haven, Joseph goes to speak with Anita, but in a fit of rage his beast is released and the ardeur raises its head, add Micah to the equation and you'll find it adds up to a mind blowing story of dominance and desire. Anal, COMPLETE, DP, F/M/M, HJ, PWP Feedback: Yes!! Fandom: Anita Blake URL: http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093479
  23. Chapter 2 posted
  24. Awesome suggestion, but do already have this site which can do PMs
  25. I had a whole message typed out but I don't think I can message you until you've been validated

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