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Everything posted by teeta

  1. teeta

    I Am...

    I am bashing my head against my desk - what for do I need a bigger avatar???
  2. "Der Herr der Schatten" by ... E Nomine (this is E Nomine week)
  3. Fairy
  4. Guilty - partly. That tarantula isn't mine but I have to tak care of her =_= G/NG - has screamed because a spider fell on their face - at least once.
  5. 8705
  6. ^ is right about that < is still not sleeping, though but that's because of being a night owl during summer holiday v has suffered from insomnia at least once
  7. 8703
  8. Ninjas for me, please and for a few reasons ... Namely ... Pirates are smelly, they have caries, and ugly, tangled hair and beards, urgh ... *pukes on the side*
  9. Not guilty *sticks the tongue* G/NG - has a fear of spiders.
  10. Sweet
  11. 8701
  12. teeta

    I Have Never....

    Neither have I. I have never had an inexplicable urge to get drunk.
  13. teeta

    I Am...

    I am guessing another moderator changed ladydeathfaerie's member title ... I am of the opinion that this new title is not that bad.
  14. Mourningstar, August 20, 2007 03:11 pm Hehehe, welcome to the not-so-little club of Mpreg-can't-standers! The only situation I can stand it is in parodies, to make fun of it. Other than that ... ugh ... :-
  15. teeta

    I Am...

    I am missing my best friend terribly, got to talk to her for 10 minutes ... I am kind of bored now. I am thinking what I can do now. I am pointlessly skipping through my bookmarked pages ...
  16. teeta

    I Am...

    I am snickering at Big Samurai - wouldn't you like to know ... I am trying to get this embarrassing scene in my next chapter done - it's not working as it should be! I am mad it's not working! I am reading "Deathly Hallows" - and not doing well on that ...
  17. Thank you, ladydeathfaerie, I hope I will. Learning kinda slowly but step by step. That's actually no problem to me, I have been able to beat the whines with a stick, hihihi. Well, and talking seriously ... My characters have taken over my story a long time ago and I can only follow them. So ... no smut for another 10 chapters, I guess ... Thanks, madlodger but my summer holiday's ending and I haven't read nearly as much as I would like to, even "Deathly Hallows" are still waiting, gathering dust ... *shakes head and tsks*
  18. Discount on my hankerchief lubricant - I catch it, buy ALL lubricant in stock, making madlodger go bankrupt. I chuck a tube of the world's best lubricant.
  19. A cute little yellow puppy - I catch it, feed it, let it grow and train it so that one day it can snatch that Playgirl mag from madlodger. I chuck an old hankerchief.
  20. A subscription to Playboy - I catch it and groan. Why not a Playgirl?! I chuck a toothbrush.
  21. "Padre Nuestro" by E Nomine (they hav a German version, too, which I'll be listening in a moment).
  22. Well, the game is really simple ... you say what you chuck at the next person; the next person tells they catch it and they explain what they're going to do with this item. For example: someone says: "I chuck a tambourine." Another person say "I catch it and ..." and here they give the description of what they'redoing with it (the crazier the explanation, the better), then of course they have to chuck something else at the next person and so on. Ok, so let me start ... I chuck a roll of scented toilet paper. (Ok, who will catch it and what are they going to do with it ...?)
  23. I like this game! So ... Something very simple but ... with a new meaning! O_O - someone suffering from constipation.
  24. Oh, soooo guilty ... G/NG - Prefers furry animals as pets.
  25. teeta

    I Have Never....

    Neither have I, blergh ... I have never been drunk.
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