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Everything posted by teeta

  1. playing forum games
  2. teeta

    I Am...

    I am already over those ...
  3. Yes. Darma?
  4. teeta

    The Anything Game

  5. 8846
  6. teeta

    I Have Never....

    I haven't, either. I have never been in a threesome.
  7. teeta

    I Have Never....

    Neither have I. I have never gotten my driver's license.
  8. Don't know, does Red have glasses?
  9. Maybe you have this magical mirror? Leon?
  10. teeta

    The Anything Game

  11. 8844
  12. teeta

    The Anything Game

  13. 8842
  14. You're a clairvoyant. Leon?
  15. Yes, hihihi! How can I exchange Red's rocket for a racket?
  16. teeta

    I Have Never....

    I haven't, but my grandfather was. I have never worked for fire department.
  17. Yes Venturing a guess ... Leon?
  18. We're having a race! Do you think my supermutant-faster-than-sound snail has any chances against Red's racket-equipped one?
  19. teeta

    I Have Never....

    I haven't, either. I have never walked on a catwalk.
  20. 8840
  21. Me. Leon?
  22. No. Do you think Red will remember to bring the snails?
  23. teeta

    The Anything Game

  24. teeta

    I Have Never....

    I haven't either. I have never been sugar high.
  25. 8838
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