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Everything posted by teeta

  1. 8860
  2. That's too easy, it's always me! Darma?
  3. teeta

    I Am...

    I am guessing I would fall asleep pretty fast. I am cursing in my head at the fact that I have to go to work tomorrow. I am thinking this was a very hard Sunday.
  4. teeta

    The Anything Game

  5. 8858
  6. teeta

    The Anything Game

  7. 8856
  8. teeta

    I Am...

    I am thinking it's a hard subject. I am sympatising with Darma. I am suposed to be going to sleep now but probbably will stay up until late again.
  9. teeta

    The Anything Game

  10. Good idea. With what?
  11. teeta

    I Have Never....

    I haven't either. I have never played strip poker.
  12. teeta

    The Anything Game

  13. teeta

    I Am...

    I am thinking Orgylord went deaf.
  14. 8853
  15. Yes. Leon?
  16. Yes. Darma?
  17. teeta

    I Am...

    I am wondering which game you're talking about.
  18. teeta

    The Anything Game

  19. 8850
  20. Yes, who else? Darma?
  21. 8848
  22. teeta

    The Anything Game

  23. teeta

    I Am...

    I am feeling much better than earlier. Ah ... Forum Games *hugs*
  24. teeta

    The Anything Game

  25. teeta

    Not supposed to

    Thank you very much, and yes, you did see Kolgrim, though she joined a long time ago.
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