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Hermione Malfoy

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Everything posted by Hermione Malfoy

  1. My Big Fat Greek Wedding (movie).
  2. That look must have developed through time. Lucius must have had that expression at Draco's age.
  3. Enchanted April (Movie)
  4. Baritone is really deep and a tenor is just deep. I would say Rupert Grint is a Tenor, Alan Rickman is a Baritone.
  5. Don't know what coitus is... so I guess I haven't either. I have never held a Tarantula (though I want to!)
  6. I am sure that he sounds like a younger Snape... just remember the voice gets deeper as the man gets older... I doubt teen Snape would sound as deep and clipped as Adult Snape.
  7. Ah yummy... EXACTLY how I imagined him! Totally gorgeous... As for young Lucius just look at Draco darling!
  8. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am not feeling too well. I am still wondering what people think of my new sig. I am finished with one of my fanfic stories.
  9. I can't see Daniel Day Lewis as Greyback at all, and come to think of it I can't see Christopher Eccleston either... I saw him as Dr Who; he looks too much like a dorkier version of Jason Isaacs to be Greyback. I stand by John Noble. A picture of him as Denethor. Also, I don't think of him as a Peodophile. I have a theory as to why he picks on children, which is probably slightly more family friendly than the notion of Peodophilia. If we were going to be that picky about the books then whenever Tonks and Remus have sex then that might as well be considered bestiality - and Harry would be the result of the same thing, which in some way would give credence to all those idiots that hate Harry Potter because of its so called devastating influence on children! I think there comes a point where you just have to sit back and think of it as fantasy, which it is. And the idea of children or anyone being turned into Werewolves is fantasy. Peodophilia is real, and I'd like to keep the two separate.
  10. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am in the process of finishing a story. It's the penultimate chapter. I am still thinking about the Orgy. I am watching Robots!
  11. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am still pondering over whether to join this orgy thing or not... I am also wondering what people think of my new sig and avvie?
  12. I have everything on and I like it when Word switches words of sentences around for me, but I hate it when it comes up with jargon like "Negate...blah-blah!' That gets on my nerves because I don't know what the hell it's on about. I used to write Blonde, and then I all of a sudden remembered that those words come from the French language, and I was told in French at school that its Blonde for a female or Blond for a male. Like its Fiancee if a guy is talking about the girl he's engaged to and its Fiance if the girl is talking about the guy.
  13. Shoes
  14. Snape
  15. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am informing Red that I have read message... I am thinking about PM sent to me by Red I am probably going to have an answer either tomorrow or Monday.
  16. I have never heard of land mass being able to use a computer!
  17. 10 Not a huge fan of Keifer but that is one hot pic.
  18. Me neither! I have never been to Italy.
  19. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am thanking Nan for letting me use her awesome avvie... I am wondering EXACTLY what signature limits still are. As I have two new pictures I'd like to use but wondering if they might be too big? They are both 500x238.
  20. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am blushing at the thought of entering a forum with the word ORGY in it. I am hoping that Nan gets a better computer soon. I am hoping that she'd let me have her in a box avvie for another forum.
  21. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am still envious of Nan's avvie and want one like it for myself. I am wondering also as to how long this In-A-Box thing has been going on. I am wanting Jason, Alan, and Ralph, and Gary (as the cop in Batman Begins) in a box.
  22. I like it! Yeah. Off Topic: Nanaea I love your avator. On Topic: In Chamber of Secrets the book I just love how Snape is described during Valentine day; "He gave a look as if to say that the first student who goes up to him and asks him for a love potion would be forcefed poison!" Wonderful!
  23. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am envious of Nanea's new avator. I am watching Die Hard 3 I am thinking about Alan Rickman... semi naked.
  24. Snape? Valentine? He'd probably look at the calender go 'Hmph! Another moronic celebration in which I am forced to take part in because of that twinkle eyed dolt of a man would insist upon it!' turn around and then smile evilly at the thought of catching all those randy students... I doubt he'd send ANYONE a Valentine.
  25. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am daydreaming about a certain blond, rich, arrogant Death Eater! I am stating that its the OLDER one.
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