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Hermione Malfoy

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Everything posted by Hermione Malfoy

  1. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am agreeing with Daz's statement on the Weasleys. I am pleased as punch with the new title. I am one that wants to be corrupted by the Slytherin Men. I am thinking that maybe I should join this club.
  2. Well, first off, not everybody KNOWS how to use a computer but that wouldn't make them bad teachers. Yes, we are of the technological age and I for one embrace it as much as possible; as an agoraphobic the internet is the only way I get to meet and talk to people... BUT - There are dangers to the internet and at the end of the day it's the Principals (we call them Headmasters or Mistresses!) responsibility to make sure that all computers are checked for these things - not a Supply Teachers. As far as I'm concerned the Principal should be put in jail not the poor woman who is. As for that Italian family... Get a grip would you? Your relative's probably an incompetent dolt!
  3. No, I hate plagues they're a killer to get rid of. Did anyone groan?
  4. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am jealous of everybodies new titles. I am thinking that if someone changes it, it should be something like: "Gryffindor boys? Moi? No way!" I am a goodie two shoes attracted to evil (fictional) men.
  5. Nope, but I'm wearing a lot of it! Trae!
  6. I have never seen a Brad Pitt film... (If I've mentioned this already in the game then sorry, but it something that I am proud of!)
  7. I was The Bubble. I couldn't get the picture, but apparently I am innocent, happy, and in my own little world; and people will love me forever to my cute little toesies.
  8. Ya know I was just going to suggest something like this! Fantastic.
  9. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am sending Daz my sympathy. I am writing smutty SS/HG at the moment. I am thinking I should stop forum hopping and get on with it!
  10. Californian Dreamin' (Song)
  11. I am beginning to see a pattern here; and no one seems to guess me??? Red, next!
  12. LOL! That was so hilarious! The Snape part specially... I loved the sexy eyebrow raise!
  13. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am about to confess at doing something I never thought I'd do and posted a story of me having sex with Alan Rickman... I am soon to have a bath and then bed where hopefully I dream of him again! I am thinking maybe I am too obsessed with the guy.
  14. End of the Affair, (book and movie!)
  15. Nope me again. Red?
  16. I disagree about Angelina Jolie being hot... she's overly primped up Barbie Doll as far as I'm concerned. Alan Rickman on the other hand... hmm. He has actually admitted to knowing zip about computers and even less about the internet, so I doubt he does... thank goodness! Blond Pratt.. er I mean, Brad Pitt probably does. He's egotistical enough. That's all I can think of. Jk Rowling has actually admitted to reading Harry Potter fanfiction and she loves it. She likes to encourage authors. She has actually said that most of the things that ends up in Fanfiction are right.... which begs the question about what will happen. Most fics I've read Ron dies. I hope he does.
  17. Well I ship mainly Hermione/Snape, and Hermione/Lucius from the Harry Potter books, so I have a lot of those sorts of graphics in my collection; the two in my sig I made; but I might change it soon.
  18. Nope it's me; Hermione.
  19. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am wishing Melrick sweet dreams. I am wondering if anyone can give me any help on the Orgy; as I don't know how to role play I am slightly sad as one of my friends died last week. She was an elderly woman whom I have many fond memories of.
  20. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am pleased that I have reached over 100 posts.
  21. Pride And Prejudice (book and movie several times over!)
  22. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am watching a Gardening programme. I am deciding how to go about the next chapter of one of my stories. I am trying to stay awake.
  23. Baby It's Cold Outside (song)
  24. I personally LOVE the book Dracula and read and watched that monstrosity of a film afterwards! I hadn't read the book when someone told me that Dracula was in love with Mina and she with him. So, you can imagine the confusion when I read the book and there was NOTHING of the damn sort in the book. I am still hoping for a faithful; loving adaptation of the book. I think the closest ANYONE has got to in the Movie industry is Van Helsing... at least they stuck faithful to the Bram Stoker image of Dracula. There was a ballet on television ages ago called Pages of a Virgins Diary. It was absolutely faithful to the novel. I suppose that scene could be read as rape, as it was him making Mina do something that she didn't want to do.
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