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    Melrick got a reaction from WillowDarkling in Well I’m off on my holiday, leaving very early tomorrow and getting back on the 15 th   
    It was good, but I’m also happy to be back home and back to normal.
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    Melrick got a reaction from BronxWench in Well I’m off on my holiday, leaving very early tomorrow and getting back on the 15 th   
    It was good, but I’m also happy to be back home and back to normal.
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    Melrick reacted to WillowDarkling in Well I’m off on my holiday, leaving very early tomorrow and getting back on the 15 th   
    Welcome back, Melrick and good on you for getting the rest that you need  
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    Melrick reacted to BronxWench in Well I’m off on my holiday, leaving very early tomorrow and getting back on the 15 th   
    Welcome back! I hope you had an amazing time!  
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    Melrick got a reaction from WillowDarkling in Well I’m off on my holiday, leaving very early tomorrow and getting back on the 15 th   
    I’m back!  I actually got back home yesterday but I was exhausted and slept for 11 hours.
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    Melrick got a reaction from BronxWench in Well I’m off on my holiday, leaving very early tomorrow and getting back on the 15 th   
    I’m back!  I actually got back home yesterday but I was exhausted and slept for 11 hours.
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    Melrick got a reaction from pittwitch in To start a new story, finish one of the many WIP, or clean. Hmmmmmm.   
    That’s a tough one.
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    Melrick got a reaction from Desiderius Price in To start a new story, finish one of the many WIP, or clean. Hmmmmmm.   
    That’s a tough one.
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    Melrick got a reaction from BronxWench in To start a new story, finish one of the many WIP, or clean. Hmmmmmm.   
    That’s a tough one.
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    Melrick reacted to WillowDarkling in Wishing the very happiest of birthdays to @WillowDarkling All the best to my Neko-bab   
    Thank you so much, Bronxie, and all of you guys  
    I got to spend most of the birthday itself in the car with the parental units, driving for nearly six hours to the north side of the country, and meeting up with the sisters and the youngest niece at the apartment we rented. Friday was spent mucking about (mostly entertaining the two year old, even though she absolutely does NOT want me to get too close to her, ever), and going to dinner at my uncle’s house to celebrate his wedding, on his 60th birthday, and then going to the hall where they were going to have his birthday party at to get the tables and decorations and all ready. Saturday was then spent at my uncle’s birthday party, and then Saturday evening was spent watching the first numbers of the presidential elections   It was pretty obvious by midnight who would be winning, so we got our tired asses to bed, and then got up before noon today to drive for six hours back home, in shitty ass weather this time, since we’ve got a random surprise bout of winter-y weather heading over the country. So, yay to a birthday weekend   
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    Melrick got a reaction from Ghost-of-a-Chance in It’s never an easy decision to make, but I’ve had to make it: all my active stories a   
    It’s hard to feel in the writing mood when so much is going on, and most of it is less than great.  I certainly know what that’s like.  I’m sure your creativity will return when things settle down again.
  15. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from BronxWench in It’s never an easy decision to make, but I’ve had to make it: all my active stories a   
    It’s hard to feel in the writing mood when so much is going on, and most of it is less than great.  I certainly know what that’s like.  I’m sure your creativity will return when things settle down again.
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    Melrick reacted to Ghost-of-a-Chance in It’s never an easy decision to make, but I’ve had to make it: all my active stories a   
    Thanks, folks. I really needed that. 💜 Over the past few years, I haven’t accomplished anywhere near as much as I did before 2018. That said, from 2018 until now, we had six deaths in the family—three people, three pets—and stress, bad neighbors, family struggles, and my health problems have kicked into high gear. (Our furbabies, Heiferlump and Woozle, are fine. They’re getting old and they’ve developed some troubling health complications, but they’re still happy and alive.) Then there’s tornado season starting up again. …yay. 
    J.R.R. Tolkien and Douglas Adams would have wonderful descriptions, I’m sure, but the best I can come up with is, “gawd, this sucks, and not in a good way.” And guilting myself over lack of progress—especially when I’m too busy for it—doesn’t help anyone at all.
    It’ll get better. I just need to keep remembering that.
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    Melrick reacted to BronxWench in And today’s birthday shout-out goes to the amazing Melrick. Happy Birthday, and many   
    That sounds like my typical birthday schedule as well!  
    But now, treat yourself to something triple chocolate! 
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    Melrick got a reaction from BronxWench in And today’s birthday shout-out goes to the amazing Melrick. Happy Birthday, and many   
    Aww thank you. 🙂  I celebrated by doing the washing and a bit of shopping. lol
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    Melrick got a reaction from BronxWench in Well, that was fun… Anyone else feel the earthquake that just rocked the Northeast ar   
    I’m happy to stick with one earthquake!  And hopefully that’ll be the last one for you.
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